Use "simeon" in a sentence

1. Simeon saw the baby Jesus at the temple.

2. Simeon was blessed to see the foretold Savior

3. Simeon and Levi returned —but after giving in to anger

4. He sent them home and kept Simeon as a prisoner.

5. Simeon said that the child would bring salvation to all people.

6. What resulted when Simeon and Levi did not control their anger?

7. In English, however, the name was Anglicized into Simeon, or Simon

8. Jacob’s prophecy concerning Simeon is found in Genesis 49:5–7.

9. (b) What have you learned from the examples of Simeon and Anna?

10. We're not the lions at San Simeon, we're the... We're the Christians.

11. Inform your commanding officer that Simeon Weisz is here to meet him.

12. It's an outrage, dragging a 9-year-old child into San Simeon under armed guard!

13. Leaders eulogise the late Simeon Nyachae, Condole with family By Sara Okuoro February 1st 2021 at 15:51:29 GMT +0300 Former Cabinet Minister Simeon Nyachae ( pictured ) is dead, his son, Charles

14. What does the account of Simeon and Levi show about the taking of vengeance?

15. Simeon and Levi, who had acted with cruelty, were to be scattered in Israel.

16. John had 11 siblings: Eber Simeon Baty , Edith Lile Baty , Eliza Baty , Elva C

17. Recall the Bible’s account of two brothers named Simeon and Levi whose sister was sexually violated.

18. In 1351–1352 Simeon raised arms against Algirdas over control of small towns in Smolensk area.

19. There was Consternation among the monks, all but Carlus and Simeon, who both looked stone-faced

20. The site at which Judah and Simeon defeated 10,000 Canaanite and Perizzite troops under Adoni-bezek.

21. Consider his feelings for aged Simeon and Anna, both of whom received special mention in the Bible.

22. New documentation indicates that the works once attributed to Gwaitilth are actually by Simeon Stiltla (1833-1883).

23. Simeon renewed the alliance with Rome, and the Jewish leadership accepted him as ruler and high priest.

24. "A Song for Simeon" is seen by many critics and scholars as a discussion of the conversion experience.

25. 55c Benedictus (The Song of Zechariah) 56 Nunc Dimittis (The Song of Simeon) 57 A Song of the Justified

26. By divine revelation Simeon knew that “he would not see death before he had seen the Christ of Jehovah.”

27. The Perseverence, the Perception and Prophetic Message of Simeon Bale 03-02-02 Candlemas Lk: 2:22-40 The perseverance of Simeon Story: On 12th February 1809 a baby boy was born in a one-room log cabin with a dirt floor on a farm in Kentucky.

28. Rachel, and was handed into the carriage by Simeon, and, creeping into the back part with her boy, sat down among the buffalo - skins.

29. The Institute currently awards a Charles Simeon Curacy to one recent seminary graduate, for the purpose of undertaking a yearlong Curacy at St

30. Jay Simeon has distilled the mythical imagery of a grand Haida totem pole and miniaturized it to the confines of a delicate, intricately carved Argillite bracelet

31. In the New Testament, Peter was originally known as Simeon or Simon (2 Pet. 1:1), a fisherman of Bethsaida living at Capernaum with his wife.

32. When she went to Jerusalem for her purification, a reverent older man named Simeon told her: “A long sword will be run through the soul of you yourself.”

33. 10 What occurred with Simeon and Levi and between David and Abigail shows unmistakably that Jehovah opposes unbridled anger and violence and that he blesses efforts to make peace.

34. The title tsar, the Bulgarian form of the Latin Caesar, was first adopted and used in Bulgaria by Simeon I, following a decisive victory over the Byzantine Empire in 913

35. During the Luzon campaign to retake the islands from the Japanese, Major Simeon Valdez led a raid on the airfield, burning the headquarters and setting fire to a fuel dump.

36. MINHOGIM (YIDDISH Custumal), SIMEON HA-LEVI GÜNZBURG, AMSTERDAM: SOLOMON BEN JOSEPH KATZ PROOPS, 170761 folios (7 1/4 x 5 1/2 in.; 184 x 140 mm) on paper

37. Simeon, who took for himself the title Tsar of All the Bulgarians, also promoted learning and managed to create a cultural center at his capital of Preslav (present-day Veliki Preslav)

38. Volumul de față cuprinde toate omiliile și scrierile Ascetice păstrate ale Sfântului Simeon Stâlpnicul din Muntele Minunat (521-592), fiind prima traducere într-o limbă modernă

39. MINHOGIM (YIDDISH Custumal), SIMEON HA-LEVI GÜNZBURG, AMSTERDAM: ELIJAH ABOAB [AND MENASSEH BEN ISRAEL], 164576 folios (7 1/4 x 5 5/8 in.; 183 x 142 mm) on paper

40. Such a view would require the assumption that Adoni-bezek came S to join other Canaanite forces but was met by Judah and Simeon, was chased N to Bezek, and was defeated there.

41. And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him

42. (Ge 29:31, 32; 30:22-24) Now with these adjustments the names of the 12 (non-Levite) tribes of Israel were Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin, Dan, Asher, Gad, and Naphtali. —Nu 1:4-15.

43. Equally exceptional is the one solitary case of the talmudist Simeon ben *Azzai who explained his Celibacy with the words: "My soul is fond of the Law; the world will be perpetuated by others" (Yev

44. Somehow the person determining the proper name in English combined the proper transliteration (including the Sh sound instead of S) but also included the Anglicized contribution of -eon from Simeon, even though that sound doesn’t exist in the original Hebrew.

45. (Ro 16:25; Eph 3:3; Re 1:1) Aged Simeon here referred to the child Jesus as a light, and he indicated that spiritual enlightenment was also to benefit the non-Jewish nations, not just the natural Jews and proselytes.

46. Examples of translating «Consolationem» in context: Sic ad eam convertimur: Sancta Maria, ad illas tu humiles magnasque Israel animas pertinebas, quae veluti Simeon « Consolationem Israel » (Lc 2, 25) exspectabant atque sicut Anna « redemptionem Ierusalem » (Lc 2, 38) opperiebantur

47. The Ambrosian rite Mass at San Simeon Piccolo and Generally The Ambrosian rite Mass began with a procession, accompanied by special antiphons repeated from the Office; the custom is to stop in the middle of the nave for the singing of twelve “Kyrie eleison”, then move into the sanctuary

48. Khan al-Assal (Arabic: خان العسل ‎, romanized: Ḵān al-ʿAsal) is a district of Aleppo city in northern Syria.It is administratively a sub-district of Aleppo, which is a part of the Mount Simeon District in the Aleppo Governorate.Khan al-Assal is located 12 kilometers (7.5 mi) west-southwest of the center of Aleppo.

49. Et ecce homo erat in Hierusalem cui nomen Symeon et homo iste iustus et timoratus expectans Consolationem Israhel et Spiritus Sanctus erat in e English And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the Holy Ghost was upon him.

50. Simon, the one called Peter: Peter is named in five different ways in the Scriptures: (1) the Greek form “Symeon,” which closely reflects the Hebrew form of the name (Simeon); (2) the Greek “Simon” (both Symeon and Simon come from a Hebrew verb meaning “hear; listen”); (3) “Peter” (a Greek name that means “A Piece of Rock” and that he alone bears in the Scriptures); (4) “Cephas,” which is the Semitic equivalent of Peter (perhaps related to the Hebrew ke·phimʹ [rocks] used at Job 30:6; Jer 4:29); and (5) the combination “Simon Peter.” —Ac 15:14; Joh 1:42; Mt 16:16.