Use "signifies" in a sentence

1. It signifies pledging your love.

2. The red coloration signifies bravery.

3. Jyotisha thus signifies the'science of heavenly bodies "

4. Their number being seven signifies divinely determined completeness.

5. This expression signifies security and conquest of one’s enemies.

6. The white belt signifies that he's an absolute beginner.

7. Nothing in these commercials signifies geographical or cultural realities.

8. From an Acquisitive standpoint the locality signifies no longer

9. Signifies either "to Affere an amercement," i

10. Its use here signifies to take away “guilt, iniquity, transgression.”

11. But the political posturing and trade - union bluster signifies little.

12. Each one signifies a different characteristic of the auxiliary route.

13. Concise frequently refers to style, and signifies the expression of

14. This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.

15. Anointing with Chrism oil signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit

16. The symbol displayed outside a restaurant signifies there's excellent cuisine inside.

17. Autumn signifies the lifestyle and the retirement stage of a person

18. Lichun traditionally signifies the beginning of spring in East Asian cultures.

19. The word “ransom” signifies paying the price for the redemption of captives.

20. The 'red' in the title signifies the Bloodiness of the river's history

21. 11 This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.

22. In law, it signifies all Animals except those of the him, in species

23. 3 (of 3) Isaac Disraeli Acajou in French, signifies mahogany, as it does …

24. It indicates a change from negative to positive, and usually signifies a new infection.

25. 18 According to the book, Lucy's purr signifies the feeling of happy and content.

26. PDS ranges from 0 to 1, and the higher PDS score signifies more “Abnormity”

27. In its English, psychiatric sense, “Angst” signifies a feeling of insecurity, anxiety, or apprehension

28. Behaviour; as, a recognizance to be of good Abearance, signifies to be of good behaviour

29. Determines by default the age of the vessel; the value 1850 signifies 1850 or earlier

30. Behaviour; as, a recognizance to be of good Abearance, signifies to be of good behaviour

31. The Greek term for “endurance” signifies courageous steadfastness, not sad-faced resignation to inescapable hardship.

32. Rather, it signifies that you are safeguarded from the scorching heat of God’s own displeasure.

33. What signifies the blare of your brass, or the Bilious bleating of your wood-wind!

34. Triploidy signifies the presence of three instead of two haploid chromosome sets in a cell.

35. Synonyms for Betokens include indicates, denotes, signifies, bespeaks, evidences, manifests, means, represents, declares and marks

36. Andropause, the so-called male menopause, signifies the retreat of the key male hormone testosterone

37. Pink Rows Signifies progenitor chiefs serving as Tutors (Ataliqs) & Viziers to the Khans of Bukhara.

38. The measurement according to celestial time, which celestial time signifies one day to a cubit.

39. It is common in old age but not all joint Crepitus signifies an underlying disease

40. Aflatoxins are densely fluorescent; the B refers to blue, while the G signifies green fluorescence.

41. Assignor signifies the person who or entity that, transfers property rights or powers to another

42. likely signifies that Jehovah’s pity is now mixed with determination to act upon his wrath.

43. It includes mint, which signifies suspicion, hydrangea which means heartlessness, and cornflowers, which stand for celibacy.

44. Atonality, 12-Tone Music and. the Third Reich Atonality in music signifies degeneracy and artistic bolsheuism

45. NAvigator signifies the way our new fare system helps you easily travel to your favorite destinations

46. Synonyms for Attests to include establishes, proves, demonstrates, shows, indicates, signifies, signals, displays, exhibits and manifests

47. 1 As the neatly ironed shirt billows out a special effect signifies the effects of Bold.

48. Synonyms for Connotes include implies, indicates, signifies, suggests, betokens, hints at, intimates, involves, denotes and designates

49. Crescendo is named after the musical term that signifies a gradual increase in intensity or loudness

50. Assis posits that this ending signifies that true love is infinite, and can never be fully realized

51. 9 The importer signifies his acceptance to future payment by signing his name across the bill's face.

52. In general, Clasping the hands signifies some kind of unsettling thought—fear, anxiety, insecurity and the like

53. The gold fringe outlining the flag signifies the martial law administered by a military court, they say.

54. Audibility signifies that a signal is presented at an intensity level above the patient's threshold of sensitivity

55. This red signifies that you are ready to spill your blood in defence of the Christian faith.

56. This signifies short residence times and local recharge from an elevation around 600 m above sea level.

57. So this red strip signifies the color of the wallpaper in the basement apartment where I was staying.

58. 5e Blindsight signifies a dragon can see despite the darkness, fog, Invisibility 5e, and comparable kinds of obscurement.

59. Assignee signifies the person to whom or entity to which property rights or powers are transferred by another

60. The Greek word here translated “taking in knowledge” signifies “to come to know, recognize” or “to understand completely.”

61. 19 A 0 signifies harmless fun; a 5 means gore, smut, rough language or adult themes lurk ahead.

62. The chaining of Satan during this same period signifies that the influence of Satan has been notably reduced.”

63. A person's ability to earn a higher income in the host country signifies higher productivity and global economic gain

64. Baptism ‘in the name of the Son’ signifies that they confess Jesus Christ as their Ransomer, Leader, and King.

65. As Baisakhi is celebrated in the month of chaitra, it signifies new beginnings and a New Year as well.

66. The word plot signifies a weaving together; and a weaving together presupposes the Coexistence of more than one strand

67. Legal definition for Abearance: Behavior; as a recognizance to be of good Abearance signifies to be of good behavior

68. By contrast, disinformation signifies the transmission of falsehoods in an attempt to alter the judgements or actions of others.

69. To hear an Anecdote in your dream, signifies that you will be surrounded by joyous and pleasure-seeking people

70. A person’s ability to earn a higher income in the host country signifies higher productivity and global economic gain.

71. A score of 100 signifies an economic environment or set of policies that is most conducive to economic freedom.

72. It signifies that we willingly let our thinking, inclinations, and aspirations come under the complete influence of God’s holy spirit.

73. According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, “a verbal form of the word signifies medicines which allay irritation.”

74. Best Rogan Josh Restaurant in pune Chinar mini kashmiri restaurant pune which signifies Kashmir and its beauty, hospitality and beautiful people.

75. The term ordinarily signifies the more important of the two, 1,3-Butadiene, which is the major constituent of many synthetic rubbers

76. This, by an Aphaeresis of tau and an epenthesis of omicron in two places, may be identified with echonoe, and signifies

77. It includes both slaves and Bondwomen, and it is only the context which determines what the expression signifies in a particular place.

78. In the Bible, “truth” translates the Hebrew word “ʼemethʹ,” which signifies that which is firm, solid, and, perhaps most of all, reliable.

79. The district over which a sheriff has jurisdiction; it signifies also the same as county, the sheriff's Bailiwick extending over the county

80. A Briefcase often signifies that you’re a professional, and it’s sometimes still the go-to gift for law school or MBA graduates