Use "siberia" in a sentence

1. Thousands were banished to Siberia.

2. He was exiled to Siberia.

3. The czar banished him to Siberia.

4. Colossal Crater found in Siberia

5. The Czar government transported him to Siberia.

6. Summers can be quite hot, even in Siberia.

7. They'll demand drilling access in eastern Siberia.

8. Many Soviet dissidents were banished to Siberia.

9. Siberia supports a similar sequence but is predominantly taiga.

10. Brunnera, or Siberian Bugloss, are from western Siberia

11. He colonized Siberia with scores of new settlements, including Tobolsk.

12. The exhibit will display pictures from his trek across Siberia.

13. She travelled across Siberia on the Trans-Siberian railway.

14. In the woods of Siberia in the dead of Winter.

15. In Manchuria and Siberia, they mate during January and February.

16. At the same time missionary monks helped to conquer Siberia.

17. Sublimation from snow surface in southern mountain taiga of eastern Siberia.

18. Koguryo occupied much of today's Manchuria and part of Siberia.

19. The bleak prospect of the labour camps, slavery in Siberia?

20. They are found near the shores of North America and Siberia.

21. Carnelian is most commonly found in India, Brazil, Siberia and Germany

22. Hundreds of Poles were executed, and thousands were deported to Siberia.

23. Czechoslovakian soldiers man the guns atop of a troop train in Siberia

24. Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, city, west-central Sakhalin oblast (region), far-eastern Siberia, Russia

25. During World War II, Mravinsky and the orchestra were evacuated to Siberia.

26. It must be a hard life, working as a Lumberman in Siberia.

27. Off the north coast of Siberia there may be something even bigger.

28. Barnaul, city and administrative centre, north-central Altay kray (territory), southern Siberia, Russia

29. Gregor Karakov, former minister, now owns most of the mines in Siberia,

30. It is also found in parts of Russia, including Siberia, and Kamchatka.

31. The Buriats, northern Mongols, are the most significant minority native to eastern Siberia

32. The Buryat (or Buriat) people are spread throughout the Asian Region of Siberia

33. Model for Assembl is a chillwave project from western siberia formed in 2002

34. The Tuvan republic lies at the geographical center of Asia, in southern Siberia.

35. Butterbur Root (Petasites Hybridus) Wild Harvested Organic Белокопытник from Altai Mountains, Siberia, Russia

36. What you see there, represents temperature drops in mobile missile units in Siberia.

37. Especially in the 1950’s, thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses were exiled to Siberia.

38. Two other significant strands of Russia' s colonial expansion into Siberia deserve mention.

39. They were building railways and digging roads in the frozen wastes of Siberia.

40. The world's largest wetland is a series of Bogs in the Siberia region of Russia

41. Afterworld is a free-to-play sci-fi MMORPG set in post-apocalyptic Siberia

42. The major petroleum deposits are located in western Siberia and in the Volga-Urals.

43. Exiled by Bolcarro to that judicial Siberia, Judge Lyttle applied his own rough justice.

44. A delegate from Siberia proposed a resolution that he stand down as party chairman.

45. Bistort is native to Northern Europe and Siberia, from Japan through to the Himalayas

46. He breathed his last on the frigid steppe of eastern Siberia, vilified and disgraced.

47. Butts Instagram butt model went from 'brutal' Siberia to flashing in the USA February 13, 2021 4:35pm Instagram star Anastasia Fields reveals how she went from "brutal" Siberia to supporting her

48. After defeating Mao's supporters in the first campaign, China invades Siberia to capture materials.

49. Persebran Bioma hutan taiga tersebar di daerah Skandinavia (eropa utara), rusia, siberia, dan alaska

50. It is commonly referred to as the Tommotian, after the Cambrian stratigraphy of Siberia.

51. The Tobol River was one of the four important rivers of the Siberia Khanate.

52. Siberia is extraordinarily rich in minerals, containing ores of almost all economically valuable metals.

53. Siberia became a center for the same culture that had produced the cave paintings.

54. The fiercest battle was for control of the world's biggest aluminium smelter, Krasnoyarsk in Siberia.

55. From 12 to 16 April 2015, a series of wildfires spread across southern Siberia, Russia.

56. Growing up in Pereyaslovka, Siberia, Alexandre Moskalenko lived across the street from a trampoline coach.

57. Rover is negotiating a deal that could lead to a factory being built in Siberia.

58. You can however visit Bagdad's Cemetery and the remains of neighbouring Siberia, another Ghost Town

59. The newspapers printed stories about the whole population of peasant villages being deported to Siberia.

60. Another popular version has it written in 1883, immediately upon Święcicki's return from exile in Siberia.

61. A vast semiarid grass-covered plain, as found in southeast Europe, Siberia, and central North America.

62. People were arrested and deported to Siberia on the slightest suspicion of disloyalty to the czar.

63. A census carried out in 2005 found that between 430 and 540 tigers live in Siberia.

64. Peasants tended to move onwards in short stages, so their progression across Siberia was not sudden.

65. That night, those arrested —young and old— were herded into animal boxcars on trains headed for Siberia.

66. The plant Burdock is a short biennial which believed to be native to Northern Europe and Siberia

67. The river is first mentioned in the 17th century in connection with the Russian conquest of Siberia.

68. In 1871, he was sent to Siberia to adjust boundary questions relating to the island of Sakhalin.

69. The physiological indices of the overwintering bulbs of Tiber, Siberia , and Sorbonne in Xining area were investigated.

70. In this webcam you can see Barnaul – one of the largest and rapidly developing cities in Siberia

71. Aluminium ores are scarce and are found primarily in the Ural region, northwestern European Russia, and south-central Siberia.

72. The cores have also shown that air pollutants have increased since 1940, when heavy industry began in Siberia.

73. Then they transferred her to our parents, who had been sent into lifetime exile in Siberia in 1951.”

74. Still practiced, it is undergoing an organized revival in Sakha, Khakassia, Tuva and other Turkic nations in Siberia.

75. Some of the most valuable parts of the forest have been felled and the timber transported to Siberia.

76. The Athapaskans in Oregon originally migrated into this area over two millennia ago from northern Canada and Siberia

77. Agitating Images provides a glimpse into the first moments of cultural engineering in remote areas of Soviet Siberia

78. Arduous journey His most Arduous journey was one of 15,000 miles through Siberia, ending in the Gulag archipelago

79. Graphite was discovered in a number of places, including Siberia, Germany, and what is now the Czech Republic.

80. In the east of its range in Siberia, Mongolia and China it favours riverine willow and birch forest.