Use "shun" in a sentence

1. Shun profane and foolish chatter.

2. By all means shun obscene jesting!

3. ◆ Shun unclean speech and obscene jesting

4. Absorption [ab-sorp´shun] 1

5. Absorption: [ ab-sorp´shun ] 1

6. Compulsion [kom-pul´shun] 1

7. Shun and you aren't the same.

8. Shun the use of a dull monotone.

9. Adaptation [ad″ap-ta´shun] 1

10. Coagulation [ko-ag″u-la´shun] clotting

11. Concentration [kon″sen-tra´shun] 1

12. Shun “the Path of the Wicked Ones”

13. Adaptation [ad″ap-ta´shun] 1

14. True Christians obviously do not shun nonbelievers.

15. Coordination [ko-or″dĭ-na´shun] 1

16. Coordination: [ ko-or″dĭ-na´shun ] 1

17. Attenuation [ah-ten″u-a´shun] 1

18. True Christians are commanded to shun such apostates.

19. 10 In studying a problem, we must shun subjectivity.

20. assimilation: [ ah-sim″ĭ-la´shun ] 1

21. Constitutional: [ kon″stĭ-too´shun-al ] 1

22. Acceleration [ak-sel″er-a´shun] 1

23. To shun competition and responsibility is characteristic of Abulia…

24. □ Why should we shun the world’s view of morality?

25. 2 They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances.

26. 3 More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area.

27. As Republicans Shun Vaccines, Congress Toils to Return to Normal

28. Makes an emotional appeal to misguided youth to shun violence.

29. 1 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 

30. 14 Jan South Korean TV Networks Shun Politically Active Actress

31. 10 Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it. 

32. 11 Shun Dao has straight blade and hilt, no armguard.

33. This is my promise and my oath to Master Wah Shun:

34. 29 'so the outlook is still a bit hazy, eh , Yun - shun ?

35. Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication?

36. [ suf″ŏ-ka´shun] the stoppage of breathing; called also Asphyxiation

37. In studying a problem, we must shun subjectivity, one - sidedness and superficiality.

38. Heads turning away to shun the reflected glare from the frozen moat.

39. Some common synonyms of Avoid are elude, escape, eschew, evade, and shun

40. I think the will should return 500 million to Tung Luen Shun

41. Mu Shun was gone, and with him, the dream in his heart,

42. 9 But unlike other Hasidic sects, Lubavitch does not shun the outside world.

43. 1 But unlike other Hasidic sects, Lubavitch does not shun the outside world.

44. What is Condescension, Of Christ? Definition and meaning:Condescension, OF CHRIST kon-de-sen'-shun.

45. 5 They have little ambition, tend to shun responsibility, and like to be directed.

46. 20 Such as listening to the card are not shun will reveal dysphoria look.

47. Does Paul’s counsel mean that you should shun your classmates and remain aloof?

48. 12 Heads turning away to shun the reflected glare from the frozen moat.

49. Abortion [ah-bor´shun] termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable

50. For instance, we must shun “lofty eyes” or any other display of pride.

51. Alternation: [ awl″ter-na´shun ] interrupted occurrence, being interspersed with different or opposite events

52. 4 But they will shun countries where there is no prospect of a juicy profit.

53. Acclimation: [ ak″lĭ-ma´shun ] physiological or psychological adjustment to a new environment.

54. Eventually, the barriers came down, and now our close relatives no longer shun us.

55. A Compromise on Creationism Mainstream scientists shouldn’t completely shun organizations friendly to the belief

56. Umi is able to hide her feelings from Shun, and they continue as friends.

57. 13 But shun profane and vain babblings : for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

58. An Assertion (uh-SUR-shun) is an emphatic declaration by a speaker or writer

59. Unlike other rodents they shun people and will not eat or be near trash.

60. 18 Or shun his requests and risk facing his fearsome Inquisitors or even excommunication?

61. The Shun Goku Satsu, the apex of domain Satsui no Hado... is not a myth.

62. The wicked ones, whose ways Solomon wants us to shun, sustain themselves on their vile deeds.

63. Abortionist: [ ah-bor´shun-ist ] one who performs abortions; usually refers to criminal abortions.

64. Complexion: [ kom-plek´shun ] the color and appearance of the skin of the face.

65. Sedation (suh-da-shun) and Analgesia (an-al-g-zuh) is a kind of anesthesia

66. Children, I exhort you to shun her, exclude her, shut her out from this day forth.

67. 27 Include: Sian - day scenic valley, the Tiger Mountain King, shun huang Top Spot ( not open ).

68. Christians will shun flattery as a means of inflating their own ego or that of others.

69. 21 One of her worst fears is that folk will shun her because of what's happened.

70. 16 Among the habits which children should shun are slovenliness, rudeness, laziness, lying, stealing and slandering.

71. 8 Tourists shun regions with high malaria, as do multinational firms choosing the location of foreign investments.

72. And there, behind Emperor Xian, in his crowd of ministers and eunuchs, I saw Mu Shun again.

73. 22 He denounces Jane before the whole school as a liar,( but Helen Burns does not shun her.

74. His conscience tells him to shun unscriptural practices that he formerly engaged in, perhaps involving idols or blood.

75. Abroad bight brood Confusticate covet ewer fag-end haste mead pig-a-back shoal shun ungentle whereat yoke

76. 7 Shun idleness. It is a rust that attaches itself to the most brilliant metals. Voltaire 

77. Accommodation: [ ah-kom″ah-da´shun ] adjustment, especially adjustment of the eye for seeing objects at various distances

78. Luo Shun-chi, who escaped from Hsiao-lin shortly after Sunday's mudslide, told AP he was never going back.

79. He lived amid suffering and pain, but he did not shun those who were ailing, either physically or spiritually.

80. 6 This led her to shun alcohol and medical establishments and to follow a practical, independent, and disciplined life.