Use "shrinking from" in a sentence

1. The Confederacy was shrinking, and the morale of its remaining men shrinking with it

2. Japan suffers from tepid economic growth, draconian immigration policies and a shrinking population.

3. Not all candidates are shrinking violets.

4. She was convinced he was shrinking.

5. I can literally feel my cells shrinking.

6. There's a cat shrinking on the sofa.

7. The market for their products is shrinking.

8. Not shrinking is much more important than surviving!

9. Addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries

10. I'm just enjoying myself in this shrinking box.

11. His features bunched low on his face, as though shrinking with awe from his shiny domed forehead.

12. The gender gap is neither expanding nor shrinking.

13. Profits have been shrinking over the last year.

14. There has been a steadily shrinking supply of it.

15. And with no replacement I was just shrinking away.

16. Every character, from the boisterous Blasphemings of Bajazet to the shrinking timidity of womanhood, must play the orator

17. Every character, from the boisterous Blasphemings of Bajazet to the shrinking timidity of womanhood, must play the orator

18. Buy good quality, durable materials such as kiln-dried wood, to reduce material waste from warping and shrinking.

19. On addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries

20. The circulation plummeted from 34,000 copies to 17,000, and the shrinking number of advertisements further aggravated the crisis.

21. A Devoted Disciple and an Example of Not Shrinking

22. The drifts were granulated and shrinking under my eyes.

23. She listened, shrinking under the blankets, to their shouts.

24. Clitoral atrophy involves the clitoris losing sensation and shrinking

25. This is Olive Kaplan's C.T. scan- - the incredible shrinking baby.

26. SO2Cl2 can also be used to treat wool to prevent shrinking.

27. Their market share is shrinking considerably, and more to come yet.

28. Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.

29. Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players.

30. The impoverished population is shrinking substantially and the impoverishment rate is decreasing sharply.

31. 10 Self-sufficiency, payment in kind and living-in service were all shrinking.

32. Georgie stood out there longer than was comfortable, until her breasts Ached from the chill and her hair felt as though it was shrinking.

33. Synonyms for Contractive include compressive, constrictive, binding, compacting, cramping, packing, pressing, shrinking, shrivelling and shriveling

34. She purposely made the dress larger to allow for shrinking when it was washed.

35. And he will prod the party to think twice about shrinking the scope of government.

36. A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of contraction , or shrinking economic output .

37. “Dave,” he said, “I have learned that not shrinking is more important than surviving.”

38. Amur leopards are currently threatened by shrinking prey tracts and the illegal wildlife trade

39. Imagine spending your life looking for insults or for hiding places from them—shrinking (instinctively and despite desperate Bolsterings of courage) from blows that are not always, but ever; not

40. 40 synonyms for Coy: modest, retiring, shy, shrinking, arch, timid, self-effacing, demure, flirtatious, bashful

41. On the next morning, a shrinking CDO weakened Hector back into a Category 3 storm.

42. He has been a steadfast supporter of balanced budgets and shrinking the size of government.

43. Antonyms for Cumulative include decreasing, diminishing, subtracting, subtractive, declining, dwindling, falling, subsiding, reducing and shrinking

44. But in the last century, scientists like Dr. Abdalati have personally witnessed Earth's ice shrinking.

45. Hess therefore concluded that the Atlantic Ocean was expanding while the Pacific Ocean was shrinking.

46. On 6 November, the cyclone drifted toward the Mediterranean from the southern shoreline of France, shrinking to a diameter of merely 150 km (93 mi) across.

47. Synonyms for Blenching include recoiling, shrinking, flinching, wincing, cringing, quailing, shying, starting, shuddering and faltering

48. Antonyms for Accumulative include decreasing, diminishing, subtracting, subtractive, declining, dwindling, falling, subsiding, reducing and shrinking

49. The reactions of the nerve cells consist of a shrinking, acidophily and hyperargyrophily of nucleus and pericaryon.

50. The crowd was crammed shoulder to shoulder and back to front on the shrinking piece of roadway.

51. Report on addressing shrinking civil society space in developing countries [2016/2324(INI)] — Committee on Development.

52. Shrinking grazing areas and a lack of investment in fodder trees may thwart a sustainable revival.

53. 9 He has been a steadfast supporter of balanced budgets and shrinking the size of government.

54. A shrinking core model is used to account for the calcination process of ultra - fine limestone.

55. In mid-19 two rallies related to shrinking supplies sent prices surging above $ 6 an ounce.

56. The abrupt appearance of the sinkholes reflects changes to the groundwater regime around the shrinking DS.

57. The pile cutoff and tbe shrinking - diameter piles are discovered and numbered in rather large proportion.

58. "The notion that these (powerful) groups will be shrinking violets who might get Criticized from spending and it might drive them from the public square is a bit much to take."

59. Used for farming or relating to farming: The world's supply of Agricultural land is shrinking fast

60. Synonyms for Atrophying include on the wane, contracting, declining, decreasing, diminishing, dwindling, shrinking, dimming, drooping and ebbing

61. Agriculture and mining, activities that place great demands on shrinking water supplies, have been particularly hard hit.

62. He himself had acquired a cadaverous appearance; a shrinking manikin within his leather and steel-scale carapace.

63. Your Bump is going to be shrinking any day now, so revel in it while you can

64. This led to a proliferation of market-dominating, IBM-compatible machines and shrinking market share for Apple.

65. With 12 partners drawn from EU Member States, Demhow has investigated such macro-influences as changing attitudes towards the acquisition of housing particularly considering a shrinking child-raising demography.

66. But it has been shrinking steadily in terms of the percentage of the population reading a daily newspaper.

67. " The main impact of the financial crisis has not been factory closures but shrinking orders and manufacturing capacity .

68. Before the referendum, the chances of the government doing anything decisive to reduce the deficit were shrinking fast.

69. The leaded petrol market is shrinking so fast that some major petroleum companies have discontinued refining leaded petrol.

70. Shrinking Oil Revenues In Alaska May Force Cutbacks To Ferry System For decades, Alaska has collected enough revenue from the oil industry to run government and pay each resident a …

71. Owing to different properties of compositional fibres of linnet from shin-gosen, its dyeing quality is influenced by such factors as the heat resistance and shrinking property of the fibres.

72. Synonyms for Cowering include retreating, shrinking, blenching, flinching, recoiling, blanching, hiding, backing away, drawing back and pulling back

73. Astringency has been defined as a group of sensations involving dryness, tightening, and shrinking of the oral surface

74. The penguin walked to the exact centre of her shrinking ice-floe and sat with her eyes shut.

75. Sand Hill Road-style venture capital is shrinking toward nothing, and investors in general will be hard to come by.

76. The company says it will accelerate job cuts this year with its worldwide workforce shrinking by at least 400 people.

77. Wine is in danger of suffering the same fate as haute couture: facing a fast-shrinking number of consumers.

78. So in other words, the future has kind of been shrinking one year per year for my whole lifetime.

79. Only the topmost branches were still gilded by daylight, the illuminated areas shrinking as the sun dropped below the misty horizon.

80. Or watch a launch, the orange flames billowing and shrinking to a point in the sky before the sound hits.