Use "shouts" in a sentence

1. ( Shouts ) ( Laughter ) ( Shouts ) ( Laughter )

2. (Shouts) (Laughter)

3. Audience: (Shouts) (Laughter)

4. All this bling shouts,

5. Shout @Blusterer! No shouts yet

6. Concentrative Shouts changes the Fire Breath and Frost Breath shouts to function Concentratively, like how dragons shout

7. (Crickets chirping) (Shouts) (Chomping) (Laughter) (Applause)

8. Their shouts reechoed througth the forest.

9. I was awakened by their shouts.

10. ( Crickets chirping ) ( Shouts ) ( Chomping ) ( Laughter ) ( Applause )

11. The cave was echoing with shouts.

12. I heard shouts, ‘It was another plane!’

13. There were indignant shouts from the priests.

14. Shouts of jubilation rose from the crowd.

15. Accompany something Shouts of protest accompanied this announcement

16. We can vent anger by shouts and gesticulation.

17. [ Shouts ] If you win the day, it means nothing.

18. Shouts echoed off the plastered ceilings and Columned hall

19. She listened, shrinking under the blankets, to their shouts.

20. Each new revelation was greeted with raucous shouts of impatience.

21. He shouts her out into the street for a harlot.

22. 2 We can vent anger by shouts and gesticulation.

23. In this phase, the shouts and histrionics will abate somewhat.

24. Bawling (plural Bawlings) The act of one who bawls or shouts

25. Round one ends, to a tumult of whistles, screams and shouts.

26. 20 Shouts from the open window startling evening in the quadrangle.

27. A spectator who shouts encouragement Familiarity information: Cheerer used as …

28. Whoever shouts out the correct answer first wins the challenge.

29. 23 Over the shouts of the soldiers, we filed out, snickering.

30. Up to 5% cash back  · Humor from The New Yorker, including news satire by Andy Borowitz, funny Cartoons and comics, Daily Shouts, and Shouts & Murmurs.

31. What does Cries mean? Plural form of cry Shouts or screams

32. Bawling (plural Bawlings) The act of one who bawls or shouts.

33. He tried to calm them, but was greeted with shouts of derision.

34. The prisoners were brought in by train to tumultuous shouts of revenge.

35. Cheering definition: encouraging shouts from supporters, admirers etc Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

36. *+ And he will bring out the top stone* amid shouts of: “How wonderful!

37. Through shouts and music and dancing we worship the Goddess with joyous bodies.

38. Outside, single shouts sounded - a threatening growl from several voices together - hens squawking.

39. Rachel shouts. You got quite a load there too. She is very sassy.

40. Shouts and Acclamations of joy burst from tens of thousands of happy people

41. 24 In this phase,( the shouts and histrionics will abate somewhat.

42. THE streets of Ephesus resound with shouts, cries, and the thunder of crowds running.

43. Hearing the shouts , the lord walked out of the house unhurriedly in the end.

44. As the events get under way, shouts of triumph mix with cries of disappointment.

45. There was a confusion of shouts and orders as the ship prepared to depart.

46. There were several shouts from other detector users, who must have found something similar.

47. Next we hear shouts of alarm, and the footballers scatter, fleeing a shower of stones.

48. His shouts would fill the whole valley, echoing from the dark green hills of bush.

49. The nation is agog, and Parliament resounds with the shouts of MPs demanding an inquiry.

50. And then... then he will bring out the capstone to the shouts of'God bless it.'"

51. People down the village heard shouts and shrieks, and looking up the street saw the

52. But that's no reason to turn tail and run whenever Khomeini shouts Yankee, Go home!

53. 24 Alejandro gets pissed off and shouts if you don't do the right thing straight away.

54. Let Agoroth be abandoned, for the Helcessar no longer needs protectors." Captain Glamagol shouts, "But sire, the enemy has found this place! The Helcessar needs protection now more than ever!" Arvedui shouts, "No longer, for we have one last oath to keep, that made to the Lossoth." Arvedui shouts, "Join me, Sardirath

55. From without, the Cawing of rooks and shouts of children at play are faintly audible

56. When little Chandni accidentally breaks rank , a minder runs up to her and shouts , " Shamadehi . "

57. You would hear love's faint murmur, but when love shouts you would muffle your ears.

58. But the Savior understood that many of the shouts of praise and acclamation would be temporary.

59. Her hysterical shouts persisted until we passed through that zone of turbulence to a safe landing.

60. It did a Big Ben chime, and I heard a chorus of kids' shouts from inside.

61. Main article: Dragon Shouts Bend Will is a dragon shout in The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn

62. At the September 18th session, they grabbed center stage with shouts of "¡Junta queremos! ¡junta queremos!"

63. 20 It did a Big Ben chime, and I heard a chorus of kids' shouts from inside.

64. Times, Sunday Times (2012) He retreats to the Battlements and shouts at the world to get stuffed.

65. Usually she did not care that they drove away me or anyone else younger with derisive shouts.

66. Everything was silent except the gurgling of paddles and the muffled shouts from the far end of town.

67. Kakegoe are generally shouts of cheer but in min'yō, they are often included as parts of choruses.

68. He was in full melodic voice, singing the latest calypso, and did not hear Stephen's shouts of outrage.

69. A Chant is similar to a shout in that it is also earshot range, but shouts activate instantly

70. There were songs and testimonies, spontaneous sermons and exhortations, joyous shouts and prayers punctuated by sobs and tears.

71. The shouts of the crowd flustered the spokesman and he did not know how to deal with the situation.

72. Then something sets all their tongues Awag, and the woods and fields echo with their shouts and laughter

73. But giant tubeworms are 6-foot-long expletives, shouts of brilliance, startling in their vivid simplicity and exposure.

74. By Acclamation, by an oral vote, often unanimous, expressing approval by shouts, hand-clapping, etc., rather than by formal ballot.

75. The Busmen were engaged in shouts of “Gas price is too high” as they marched peacefully along the route

76. It touches on player's fire/frost shouts as well, so load my mod second to get the Concentrative effects

77. The room dissolved into a pandemonium of quips and shouts as viewers recognized themselves or their friends on the video.

78. Acclaim definition, to welcome or salute with shouts or sounds of joy and approval; applaud: to Acclaim the conquering heroes

79. Swallows fought under the eaves outside the window, a lonely bell sounded, and Corbett heard faint shouts from the courtyard.

80. The French speakers were driven out of the Leuven campus of the Catholic University of Leuven amid shouts of "Walen buiten!"