Use "shouted" in a sentence

1. 'Yes!'shouted Alice.

2. Synonyms for Barracked include heckled, jeered, abused, interrupted, taunted, booed, hissed, shouted, shouted at and shouted down

3. 'Run!' he shouted.

4. He shouted directions to the boarders, and, when they were ignored, he shouted contrary orders.

5. "She'salive!" he shouted triumphantly.

6. He shouted out in delight.

7. "Hey! Look out!" shouted Patty.

8. Charles shouted above the din.

9. 'Quick, jump!' he shouted.

10. "Hello," they shouted in chorus.

11. 'I'm over here!' I shouted out.

12. ‘This isn't fair!’ she shouted Angrily

13. The representative shouted for the floor.

14. When he fired the gun, he shouted shouted that he supported Roscoe Conkling's political machine.

15. ‘This isn't fair!’ she shouted Angrily

16. 12 They shouted back , " Crucify Him! "

17. The guests all shouted in outrage.

18. He shouted in an exasperate voice.

19. "Don't preach at me," he shouted.

20. He shouted that he couldn't swim.

21. Opposers shouted and smashed chairs.

22. The'supervisor " gleefully clapped and shouted.

23. He shouted into the mouthpiece.

24. Lieutenant Peterson shouted the order to retreat.

25. I shouted at him in sheer frustration.

26. And immediately a voice shouted, " Kangaroo! "

27. "I'm done for!" he shouted aloud.

28. Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets.

29. 'Wait!' I shouted in my sternest voice.

30. "Fall out, men!" shouted the sergeant-major.

31. He cupped his hands and shouted,

32. 26 The men shouted contrary orders.

33. You startled me when you shouted.

34. Public defender quickly shouted: goal ah!

35. shouted the crowed ."Give him a free pardon!"

36. He shouted to me from across the room.

37. He shouted a series of staccato orders.

38. She shouted out that she was unjustly imprisoned.

39. He shouted over the rising Clamour of voices

40. She looked up in surprise when I shouted.

41. The corporal shouted an order at the men.

42. Lhasang smoke Billowed and people shouted the warrior's cry

43. Once, soldiers came to the front door and shouted.

44. Red could stand it no longer he shouted out :

45. I shouted to make myself heard above the din.

46. The horse perked up its head when I shouted.

47. The people shouted: ‘Long live the king!’

48. I would have shouted to the skies,

49. He shouted at us to pipe down.

50. "Eureka!" she shouted as the engine started.

51. Pushy journalists shouted questions from the crowd.

52. The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.

53. "Company, fall in!" shouted the sergeant-major.

54. 'Get out!' she shouted in a shrill voice.

55. She shouted when the bad guy approached her.

56. Say hello to the audience, shouted the ringmaster.

57. He shouted himself hoarse, but still no one came.

58. He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.

59. Have at you! shouted the swordsman, striking his opponent.

60. He shouted oaths and curses as they took him away.

61. Steve shouted at her. He was really worked up now.

62. 8 The temporary lull was broken by sudden shouted orders.

63. He continually cracked his whip and shouted at the mule.

64. "Call fire station, " he shouted, concentrating to form the words.

65. 40 Again they shouted: “Not this man, but Bar·abʹbas!”

66. That's why you shouted my name across the harbour?

67. Her attempts to reprimand him were quickly shouted down.

68. She jumped out of the cupboard and shouted 'Boo!'.

69. Even as he shouted the warning the car skidded.

70. The sergeant Bawled [=shouted, yelled] at the soldier

71. He shouted over the rising clamour of voices.

72. His foot stuck in burl, he shouted frightenedly.

73. Clamoured (also: cried, shouted, yelled, hooted, wailed, screeched, clamored, squalled)

74. " I haven't the slightest intention to ask you, " I shouted.

75. The twins shouted back, "What beautiful Big Thing is walking about?

76. She is such a pussy cat, shouted many cats at once.

77. " Bang! Bang! " the small boy brandished a phoney pistol and shouted.

78. Disbelief is virtually shouted in the body language of those gathered.

79. Most of them shouted over the intercom at every repeated mistake.

80. He shouted so loudly that the whole neighbourhood could hear him.