Use "short run equilibrium" in a sentence

1. By using the cointegration testing and vector autoregression models, we examine the long-run equilibrium and short-run fluctuations in the growth-led roles of foreign aggregate supply and demand.

2. There is therefore a globally stable long-run equilibrium at.

3. Any short-run deviation of wages and profits away from this minimum level would cause the system to expand with capital accumulation pushing the economy back to its long-run equilibrium.

4. 4 There is therefore a globally stable long-run equilibrium at.

5. We run short of tea.

6. We've run short of oil.

7. This is the case for the long-run equilibrium of perfect competition.

8. They've run short of fuel.

9. We've run short of milk.

10. This is again the case for the long run equilibrium of perfect competition.

11. They had run short of fuel.

12. I have run short of money.

13. We have run short of candles.

14. (Opens a modal) ElAsticity in the long run and short run

15. FACTORS DETERMINING PRICE The long-run equilibrium Factors affecting aggregate supply and aggregate demand

16. In the long run the economy will tend to gravitate towards a position of Walrasian equilibrium.

17. Supply is more elastic in the long run than in the short run, for two reasons.

18. Supply of the grain has run short during the drought.

19. No learner has ever run short of subjects to explore.

20. The short-run aggregate supply curve is therefore upward sloping.

21. I am sorry we have run short loose leaf notebook.

22. Aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supply price level AS

23. Aggregate supply and the price level in the short run

24. The short-run aggregate supply curve, therefore, is upward sloping.

25. On land they can run in short, very fast bursts.

26. Let us know if you run short of money [ anything ].

27. Long-run own-price and cross-price elasticities are larger in absolute terms than short-run elasticities.

28. Aggregate supply in the long run Why do we speak above of the short-run supply curve?

29. Go and get some more oil so we don't run short.

30. In the short run this could be a very useful policy.

31. The equilibrium price decreases but equilibrium quantity increases.

32. In the short run, it is technically difficult to adjust consumption.

33. I'll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs Adams.

34. Eventually, with r rising and g falling, r would exceed g, which is the only sustainable long-run equilibrium position.

35. In the short run, it appears that [ stimulus lending ] is risk - free.

36. But by late last year, the company had run short of cash.

37. The city was under siege and began to run short of food.

38. Go and get some more oil so we do not run short.

39. But if they are too soft, their own companies may run short.

40. Short-run exchange-rate adjustments simply cannot fix negative long-term trends.

41. In the short run, there will be troubles and Satan will roar.

42. The Critic is a classic cartoon that unfortunately had a very short run

43. 1) In the short run, suppose output (Y) rises Above potential output (YP )

44. 17 To sum up, prices should be set at short-run marginal cost.

45. Short shots played downwind will run considerably further and more finesse is needed.

46. A return to fiscal sanity will be good in the long run, but it will reduce aggregate demand in the short run.

47. In pure competition, AS expounded by the late-nineteenth-century economist marshall, entry and exit determine the long-run equilibrium of an industry.

48. “In the short run, the subdued economic growth is linked to soft domestic demand.

49. 29 Short shots played downwind will run considerably further and more finesse is needed.

50. If the applicants to run short - listed, can't for any reason withdrawn from competition.

51. However, in the short run, numerous factors may operate to cause changes in supply.

52. Their systems may run short of calcium or magnesium point where they physically collapse.

53. Suppose the short-term equilibrium Corresponds to the Cournot equilibrium with two firms, 1 and 2, facing the inverse demand P=10–q 1 –q 2 and incurring a constant marginal cost c 1 =c 2 = 2.

54. In the short run, they are essential for adaptation, maintenance of homeostasis, and survival (Allostasis).

55. the equilibrium time for adsorption and the amount of test substance adsorbed at equilibrium

56. Investment in infrastructure expands aggregate demand, and generates employment and growth in the short run.

57. The new creature eats too much fruit . We are going to run short, most likely.

58. Chipmunks scurried over the dry leaves in short bursts, sounding like moose on the run.

59. Their plans for building a dormitory have run aground as they are short of money.

60. Such stocks can sometimes run short - term horse, but most will be pushed further adjust.

61. - the equilibrium time for adsorption and the amount of test substance adsorbed at equilibrium,

62. Chromate – DiChromate Equilibrium 1

63. So I could rewrite the same weak acid equilibrium as a weak base equilibrium.

64. I'm afraid we're starting to run over time, so could you make your speeches short please.

65. Suddenly , a week from the fatal day, Carrie realised that they were going to run short.

66. Trimethylcarbinol - isopentanol binary system vapor - liquid equilibrium date were measured with vapor liquid equilibrium caldron in

67. Acid-base equilibrium slide-rule


69. Recent IMF research suggests that, given excess capacity, governments would probably benefit from substantial short-run multipliers.

70. The program is expected to run short of money when an onslaught of baby boomers become eligible.

71. Isopropanol - Isopentanol Binary system vapor - liquid equilibrium date were measured with vapor - liquid equilibrium caldron in

72. Unlike other short-run digital book printers, Bookmobile is the only short-run digital book printer that provides a wide range of flexible trim sizes, color inserts, foil stamping on paperback covers, debossing, embossing, translucent vellum dust jackets or inserts, end …

73. Isopropanol - Isopentanol Binary system vapor - liquid equilibrium date were measured with vapor - liquid equilibrium caldron in

74. Association numbersN and equilibrium constantsnK1,N of association have been determined by light scattering or equilibrium ultracentrifugation.

75. In Equilibrium, ( Depreciation ) must equal ( Investment ).

76. She struggled to recover her equilibrium.

77. This implies that monetary policy plays an important role in affecting short-run aggregate demand in these periods.

78. Sadly, Smith was out 10 short of his century: run out, responding to an unrealistic call by Marshall.

79. Maurice Allais on capital and equilibrium in the 1940s and the implications for the general equilibrium theory

80. In effect, this allocation process constrains the ability of competitive actions to attract business in the short run.