Use "shone" in a sentence

1. The sun shone brightly.

2. The light shone up.

3. Light has shone on them.

4. The lights shone like diamonds.

5. Baculitic Trojan virus thingy? God shone forth

6. The moon shone brightly in the sky.

7. The sun shone bright and warm.

8. A bright moon shone high overhead.

9. The boy's sparkly blue eyes shone.

10. The parquet floors shone like mirrors.

11. The water shone in the sunlight.

12. We shone our torches around the cavern.

13. The sun shone faintly through the clouds.

14. Chesty Puller’s no-nonsense attitude shone through

15. He polished the brass till it shone.

16. A powerful torch shone in their direction.

17. His eyes shone with an unearthly light.

18. Her thick, black hair shone with lustre.

19. The sun shone and the mist dissipated.

20. No love like mother-love ever has shone; ...

21. Light shone through a slit under the door.

22. A pale wintry sun shone through the clouds.

23. A bright star shone in the East.

24. The dark polished wood shone like glass.

25. He buffed the wood until it shone.

26. He shone the flashlight around the cellar.

27. The knife shone in his gloved hand.

28. I shone my torch through the crack.

29. The watchman shone his torch at us.

30. The sun shone aslant into his face.

31. The sun shone brightly in a Cloudless sky

32. A square of light shone from the skylight.

33. The dining table shone with silver and crystal.

34. Through those halcyon weeks Julia darted and shone.

35. The sun shone over a wide grassy valley.

36. The sun shone into the lens of the telescope.

37. 8 The dining table shone with silver and crystal.

38. She flashed/shone the torch into the dark room.

39. The burglar shone his torch into the dark room.

40. But the truth of God’s Word shone through.

41. 15 He polished the brass till it shone.

42. The clouds parted and the sun shone through.

43. 9 Drops of dew shone on the grass.

44. The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.

45. He shone a flashlight in the boy's face.

46. A few scattered lights shone on the horizon.

47. A billion stars shone in the night sky.

48. The evening sunlight shone Aslant through the window

49. Of all of us, you shone the brightest.

50. 10 The dark polished wood shone like glass.

51. The moon shone overhead like a new dime.

52. He shone his lantern into the dark room.

53. The evening sunlight shone aslant through the window.

54. She advised that he make hay while the sun shone.

55. 4 He shone his lantern into the dark room.

56. The rays of lamp shone out through the window.

57. Patricia Shone is a Ceramicist in Ardvasar - United Kingdom

58. The morning/afternoon/evening sunlight shone through the curtains.

59. My headlights shone over a broad ditch of water.

60. The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.

61. The ice melted when the sun shone on it.

62. A beam of sunlight shone in through the window.

63. The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.

64. He shone a light inside and saw nothing amiss.

65. The lamp in the window shone away for hours.

66. 1 Broad leaves shone and swung gayly in rhyme.

67. The sun shone fiercely, like a Ball of fire.

68. The bright afternoon sun shone upon the glancing waters.

69. Their eyes shone like tiny lamps in the firelight.

70. 1 The lamp in the window shone away for hours.

71. 19 The sun shone through a break in the clouds.

72. The sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky.

73. He scrubbed the panes until his reflection shone in them, spotless.

74. The Bulwark Goes to Hollywood Tom Shone on Christopher Nolan

75. 2 The burglar shone his torch into the dark room.

76. 3 She flashed/shone the torch into the dark room.

77. So bright it shone, so radiant with truth and discovery!

78. The streetlamp flickering opposite shone on a quiet and deserted road .

79. The moon shone,[] shedding a ghostly light on the fields.

80. Yesterday the sun shone until everything he beheld revealed its dazzle.