Use "shameful" in a sentence

1. How shameful!

2. Violence is shameful.

3. The crime figures are shameful.

4. It's a shameful, wicked, abominable law.

5. Man's shameful fall, God Arraigneth them

6. There's nothing shameful in being a spinster.

7. There is nothing shameful about being poor.

8. 6 Man's shameful fall, 9 God Arraigneth them

9. How shameful he is to prostitute his honour.

10. The massacre was shameful, the losses piteous.

11. Shameful; disgraceful: a Criminal waste of talent

12. Legislators' Antagonizing of Ames school leaders was shameful

13. These shameful manoeuvreswere aimed at securing his election.

14. Better a glorious death than a shameful life. 

15. The family kept their shameful secret for years.

16. It was shameful the way she was treated.

17. It's shameful the way some people treat their pets.

18. Unwed motherhood was regarded as shameful, as were homosexual relationships.

19. They considered her behaviour a shameful piece of snobbery.

20. This is a shameful waste of our natural resources.

21. Such shameful behaviour will certainly derogate from his fame.

22. We must expose this shameful activity to the newspapers.

23. Echidna: How shameful to be beaten by a human...!

24. Of course,we are aware of their shameful actions.

25. It is very shameful of him to show off.

26. I couldn't see anything shameful in what I had done.

27. These days, the hunt is on for people's shameful secrets.

28. It was shameful, almost unbelievable, but she still wanted him.

29. Again threatened with women and children... thy look so shameful.

30. You're a turncoat, a time - server, a shameful, unscrupulous opportunist.

31. Cravenness: a shameful lack of courage in the face of danger

32. 19 We have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

33. Contumelious may be defined as “ Exhibiting contumely“Shameful; disgraceful“Arrogantly insolent”

34. 14 So we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition.

35. But he would also get angry and yelled out "Shameful" wrathfully .

36. Cowardice: a shameful lack of courage in the face of danger

37. Cowardliness: a shameful lack of courage in the face of danger

38. Such shameful behaviour will certainly derogate from his fame ( or reputation ).

39. Cowardliness noun – A shameful lack of courage in the face of danger

40. 13 So we have come here today to dramatize an shameful condition.

41. Such extravagance is shameful when there are people starving in the world.

42. Then in 1906, Benga was exhibited in the zoo’s monkey house, a shameful

43. 41 synonyms for Contemptible: despicable, mean, low, base, cheap, worthless, shameful, shabby

44. 17 So we have come here today to dramatize the shameful condition.

45. The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.

46. And so we 've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition .

47. A shameful spew and tears in his eyes at that, the ultimate indignity.

48. Winer's Grammar, 176 (166)] αἱ αἰσχῦναι Basenesses, disgraces, shameful deeds, Jude 1:13

49. 12 For the things they do in secret are shameful even to mention.

50. When his employers discovered his shameful past,they hounded him out of the company.

51. If one does not do anything shameful, one will never show a hangdog look.

52. Studies also underline that using a Bedpan is very embarrassing and shameful for the patients

53. Displacement is you have certain shameful thoughts or desires and you refocus them more appropriately.

54. But tonight even that shameful memory was replaced by more recent and more disquieting visions.

55. Winer 's Grammar, 176 (166)) αἱ αἰσχύναι Basenesses, disgraces, shameful deeds, Jude 1:13

56. 9 We cannot afford to dirty our minds with things “shameful even to relate.”

57. 24 But the shameful thing* has consumed the toil of our forefathers since our youth,+

58. " It 's shameful that millions of people are living without nationality - a fundamental human right . "

59. In antiquity Crucifixion was considered one of the most brutal and shameful modes of death

60. Pamela is a hardened ambitious Bankeress haunted by nightmares of a secret and shameful past

61. Do not trade your precious integrity for the shameful act of looking at or reading pornography!

62. My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.

63. A place that is fully dedicated to your secret Confessions, whether good or bad, shameful or embarrassing

64. Like crack cocaine for the soul, Charlie's Angels delivers shameful, addictive, and no doubt tremendously harmful fun.

65. The Romans considered impalement to be a shameful punishment reserved for criminals of the lowest order.

66. So shameful, i`d rather not watch this! Portrait of Bashful positive woman covering eyes with hand

67. Divorce is no longer so shameful and is popularly seen as a permissible solution to marital difficulties.

68. For many individuals who have to travel on crisis calls, the regional costs of airfare are absolutely shameful

69. Maria eyed the man and said, "Why are you not disgusted with yourselves when you use such shameful words?

70. But there should be no negative feeling of false modesty or prudery or feeling that sex is somehow shameful.

71. Furthermore, it must be admitted that the Christmas holiday is associated with shameful conduct that displeases God and Christ.

72. Autopoloist 778-499 Phone Numbers Hamatum Shameful because they beat us last week nothing will accomplish such a burden

73. In the protest, it was pointed out that this was a shameful attempt to deflect attention from the real culprits.

74. “In certain cultures it would be rare, even shameful, for a man to weep in public or even in private.

75. When teaching little children to name body parts, do not skip over their private parts as if these were somehow shameful.

76. Once a shadowy misfortune families hid as if it were shameful, depression is becoming just another slice of the health-care business.

77. These include such God-dishonoring works as lying, stealing, abusive speech, unwholesome talk about sex, shameful conduct, obscene jesting, and drunkenness.

78. Past treatment of the aborigines has been shameful, but these days efforts are made to respect their customs and traditional homelands.

79. Laziness and poor forever is shameful, so everyone will try their best to conceal from others property, to conceal their lazy.

80. It was there, in July 1938, that 32 nations met for a shameful discussion that has been virtually airbrushed from our memory.