Use "shaky" in a sentence

1. A: The calves are shaky.

2. Oh, this list is so shaky.

3. Financially, the arrangement was distinctly shaky.

4. The tripod is too shaky.

5. A synonym for Bungling is shaky.

6. My legs still felt quite shaky.

7. The experience had left him rather shaky.

8. Informed people know the company is shaky.

9. Women's LC Lauren Conrad Shaky Anklet Reg

10. Her hands are shaky because she's nervous.

11. The future looks shaky for the present government.

12. In long shaky strokes Sargent copied the data.

13. 15 Legally,[] we're on very shaky ground .

14. 8 My legs still felt quite shaky.

15. Their relationship is beginning to look decidedly shaky.

16. It is difficult to traverse the shaky bridge.

17. 27 A bumpy, shaky ride back across Paris.

18. This becomes an isosceles triangle -- again, very shaky.

19. The company's finances are looking a bit shaky.

20. The table is shaky because the braces are loose.

21. You see, your child’s adulthood may be shaky at first.

22. I got a real shaky relationship with the truth.

23. The perils of dealing with shaky regimes cut both ways.

24. All awkward and clumsy, shaky legs, covered in afterbirth.

25. To be honest I'm very shaky on this point...

26. If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky ground.

27. As a Consequence, many relationships are built upon somewhat shaky foundations

28. After a shaky start, he rallied and won the title in style.

29. And without it, a trade war could devastate already shaky world economies.

30. 7 synonyms for Aquiver: quaky, quivery, shaky, shivery, tremulant, tremulous, twittery

31. His speech was difficult to understand, his signature shaky and unrecognizable.

32. All the same, just thinking about it made her feel very shaky inside.

33. 8 Thus the cappy man has become the shaky man, the waverer.

34. The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.

35. He saw a shaky-looking Halberstadt turn eastwards and went after it.

36. Translation: Are there leaky faucets, shaky headboards, running toilets and creaky floors?

37. Shaky or infirm, as with age; decrepit: Creaky knee joints; a Creaky regime

38. 25 The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.

39. A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: " The sissy. "

40. After a stint in rehab he returns to the station sober, but shaky.

41. A shaky ceasefire is holding after three days of fighting between rival groups.

42. 14 They are indicative of the government's shaky hold over grass-roots politics.

43. With alligators, I'm pretty good, but with ex-wives, I get a little shaky.

44. Some politicians, wrongly, think the scientific case for anthropogenic global warming is too shaky.

45. Some analysts cited shaky consumer confidence as a reason for the overall dismal sales.

46. Synonyms for Atremble include quivering, quaking, shaking, trembling, shuddering, trembly, tremulous, aquiver, shaky and shuddery

47. But the city of Philadelphia is hurting -- no longer near bankruptcy, but still on shaky ground.

48. But with bad governance and shaky institutions, all of this potential could go to waste.

49. 12 The provincial coalition government is already shaky, with opposition members bought off with ministerial posts.

50. 3 Shaky legs, failing eyesight, and toothless gums are certainly not what God originally purposed for mankind.

51. 1 Pure monotheism was by then securely established in the Second Temple of Jerusalem, but remained shaky elsewhere.

52. Bush's shaky mandate was partly due to the closeness of the election vote and the legal wrangling afterwards.

53. All the elements aren't there, they're a bit shaky, a bit jerky; that's what I like about them.

54. To his credit, Marshall has not taken any pratfalls, even though his balance at times has been shaky.

55. Or they'd get to a calculus class, and they'd be a little bit shaky on the algebra.

56. But if he withdraws, his candidature will still have demonstrated that the supposed Arab consensus around Hosni is shaky.

57. it is now likely that a shaky economic recovery will be under way before polling day (probably next spring).

58. The hypothesis that paradoxical pain is caused by abnormal metabolism of morphine is plausible but built on shaky foundations.

59. It was solely on the last score that Cecilia, our housekeeper for the past 20 years, remained on shaky grounds.

60. The event got off to a shaky/poor start with the stage lights failing in the first few minutes.

61. As Paul Bracken points out, "The shaky control of Asian nuclear forces increases the danger of accidental or unintended war.

62. She took a shaky step back, mentally Berating herself for continuing to react to him in this inexplicable fashion

63. 18 In this country that has been ravaged by civil war even more than by drought,( security is shaky.

64. It was, Admittedly, a slightly shaky reputation sometimes avoidance of one particular food will have this beneficial effect, though Admittedly rarely

65. His present place was shaky - a violent gale had just blown in the window panes and the frame was flapping loose.

66. Unless you examine all your tendencies toward fear, pride, resentment, anger, self-will, and self-pity, your abstinence will be shaky at best.

67. Bronchodilators can have side effects like these: * nervous or shaky feeling * increased heart rate or palpitations * upset stomach * trouble sleeping * muscle aches or cramps

68. Bitter Alaska Meeting Complicates Already Shaky U.S.-China Ties A divisive exchange between senior foreign policy officials exposes the deepening distrust between the powers

69. As a rule, by the time they got up there and discovered the impressive setting and shaky planks underfoot, their minds were absorbed with everything but our masterpiece!

70. Though still, the letters on the page live and breathe as the writer does, crotchety and shaky with old age, hectic with youth, comfortably embracing as a mother.

71. A callow young toff falls for a beauty of shaky morals and follows her to the end of the world, shedding fortune, scruples and self-respect along the way.

72. CHAMBERS'S TWENTIETH CENTURY DICTIONARY (PART 1 OF 4: A-D) VARIOUS Greek culture must be distinguished as the Archetype; and it must be shown how all culture rests upon shaky conceptions

73. The most popular song on the album and possibly by Big Black, "Kerosene", has a shaky guitar line that gives it an odd appeal and a slower rhythm than most Big Black songs.

74. He played a shaky first round, with three bogeys and a double bogey, and finished even. Halfway through his second round, he was one over and at risk of not making the cut.

75. What starts out with all the makings of a 60 Minutes investigative report--complete with censored documents, classified files and shaky sequences of hand-held camera work--turns out to be almost Chaplinesque, as Prof

76. And because of that, at some point they got to an algebra class and they might have been a little bit shaky on some of the pre-algebra, and because of that, they thought they didn't have the math gene.

77. Bancal (feminine singular Bancale, masculine plural Bancals, feminine plural Bancales) bandy-legged (of person) rickety, wobbly (of table etc.) shaky, unclear, illogical; Further reading “Bancal” in Trésor de la langue française informatisé (The Digitized Treasury of the French Language).

78. ‘the finale is a genuine boffo’ ‘If you've ever wondered why - when their line's fed several box office Boffos (Spider-Man, X-Men, Blades I and II) in the past few years - Marvel Comics can remain in shaky financial straits, Deppey's ‘address’ gives a clue.’

79. ‘the finale is a genuine Boffo’ ‘If you've ever wondered why - when their line's fed several box office Boffos (Spider-Man, X-Men, Blades I and II) in the past few years - Marvel Comics can remain in shaky financial straits, Deppey's ‘address’ gives a clue.’

80. Berate From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Berate be‧rate / bɪˈreɪt / verb [ transitive + for ] formal TELL somebody OFF to speak angrily to someone because they have done something wrong → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus Berate • She took a shaky step back, mentally berating herself for continuing to react to him