Use "serving a sentence" in a sentence

1. He was released from prison after serving a sentence of five years.

2. House speaker Dennis HAstert has been released from a federal prison 13 months after he began serving a sentence for a …

3. Each is Caparisoned to simulate the piece he represents and in addition he wears that which indicates whether he be slave, a warrior serving a sentence, or a volunteer.

4. There is a provision in the Act ( # ) on correctional treatment in institutions guaranteeing the aggrieved party's right to information when a detainee is serving a sentence for a crime directed at an another person's life, health, freedom or peace

5. In fact I am surprised that, whilst we are taking this legislation from a humanitarian point of view, one of the criteria that is absent when it comes to transferring a person from serving a sentence in one particular state to another is, in my view, the humanitarian aspect.