Use "sensory nerve" in a sentence

1. 3 synonyms for Afferent: sensory, Afferent nerve, sensory nerve

2. Afferent nerve - a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system Afferent, sensory nerve dorsal horn, dorsal root - one of the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes dorsally to the spinal cord and that consists of sensory fibers Afferent neuron, sensory neuron - a neuron conducting impulses

3. Other articles where Afferent nerve fibre is discussed: nerve: …divided into two categories, namely, sensory (Afferent) and motor (efferent)

4. The electrophysiological examination revealed normal motor and sensory conduction velocities in the median nerve; the sensory action potentials were polyphasic and reduced in amplitude.

5. The Cochlear nerve, also known as the acoustic nerve, is the sensory nerve that transfers auditory information from the Cochlea (auditory area of the inner ear) to the brain

6. Baroreceptor - a sensory receptor that responds to pressure sense organ , sensory receptor , receptor - an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or …

7. Regional block of the saphenous nerve, a pure sensory nerve of the leg, allows for rapid Anesthetization of the anteromedial lower extremity, including the med

8. Objective To observe the protective action of cyclase activator on sensory neuron after the peripheral nerve injury.

9. Afferent: 1 adj of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the CNS “ Afferent nerves” “ Afferent impulses” Synonyms: centripetal , receptive , sensory of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system corticipetal , corticoAfferent of a nerve fiber or impulse

10. Detailed structure of the Amphid sensory opening showing the socket (so), sheath (sh), and ciliated nerve endings

11. Cephalization the concentration of important nerve/sensory endings at the end of an animal with bilateral symmetry [i.e

12. The intracranial blood vessels supplying the dura and brain are innervated by sensory afferents from the trigeminal nerve.

13. Afferent electrical nerve stimulation is an approach showing many promises with regard to sensory feedback for powered prostheses.

14. Arterial Baroreceptor sensory endings are simple, sprayed nerve endings that lie in the tunica adventitia of the artery

15. Capsaicin achieves its pain-relieving effect by reversibly depleting sensory nerve endings of substance P and by reducing the density of epidermal nerve fibers, again in a reversible fashion

16. Other articles where Pacinian Corpuscle is discussed: human sensory reception: Nerve function: , Pacinian Corpuscles) respond only to mechanical deformation

17. Baroreceptor definition: a collection of sensory nerve endings , principally in the carotid sinuses and the aortic Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

18. Analgesic, any drug that relieves pain selectively without blocking the conduction of nerve impulses, markedly altering sensory perception, or affecting consciousness

19. The opposite of orthodromic ‘Electrophysiologic recordings demonstrated that activation of sensory nerve fibers, either by Antidromic stimulation or capsaicin, depolarized these neurons.’

20. An Afferent neuron is one of millions of cells making up a sensory nerve, a vessel of the peripheral nervous system

21. Baroreceptors (baroceptors, mechanoreceptors, and pressoreceptors), sensory nerve terminals in blood vessels that perceive changes in blood pressure and reflexly regulate its level

22. Baroreceptors (baroceptors, mechanoreceptors, and pressoreceptors), sensory nerve terminals in blood vessels that perceive changes in blood pressure and reflexly regulate its level

23. Changes with temperature of maximum sensory nerve conduction velocity as well as absolute and relative refractory periods were tested in 14 human subjects.

24. Sensory Complementary Medicine: Sensory Complementary medicine therapies

25. In most Annelids (segmented worms) such as the earthworm, two cerebral ganglia (bundles of nerve cells) form a primitive bilobed brain, from which sensory and motor nerve fibres lead to other areas of the body.

26. Subsequently, the terminal trigeminal nerve is activated with consequent Antidromal stimulation of sensory nerve endings at the level of hard vessels in the meninges, generating the release of pro-inflammatory peptides (substance P and CGRP)

27. Amphid sensory organs are the sensory organs of nematodes

28. Recordings of Antidromic (A and B) and orthodromic (C and D) sensory nerve action potentials of the 3rd finger, at progressively increasing stimulus intensity

29. In particular, forces are analysed which produce pressure differences at the centre of the Corpuscle and lead to excitation of the sensory nerve ending.2

30. Anesthetics can alter the TCR at many sites within the brain stem circuitry, including (1) the primary afferent pathway (the sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve via the Gasserian ganglion to the trigeminal nucleus) that synapses upon neurons in the sensory trigeminal nucleus and (2) second-order neurons to the efferent cholinergic cardioinhibitory neurons in the nucleus

31. What does Baroreceptor mean? A sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by changes in pressure, especially one in the walls of blood vessels such as t

32. Category: Sensory additives.

33. In addition to the prolongation of the latency, a splitting of the sensory action potential and reduction of amplitude are sure signs of injury of the nerve.

34. Abducens nerve synonyms, Abducens nerve pronunciation, Abducens nerve translation, English dictionary definition of Abducens nerve

35. Sensory processor activated.

36. The key difference between Afferent and efferent neuron is that the Afferent neurons carry nerve impulses from the sensory organs to the central nervous system while the efferent neurons carry nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the muscles.

37. Baby Sensory Barnsley, Barnsley

38. Your Buccal nerve is a sensory nerve that sends neurons to your brain, allowing you to register feeling in your cheek, the side of your gums closest to your jaw, and your 2nd and 3rd molars (the molars that are furthest back in your mouth.) How Does the Buccal Nerve Affect Your Oral Health?

39. Corpuscle A general term for any small, discrete, microscopic structure such as a red blood cell, a sensory nerve ending, an OSTEOCYTE or a GLOMERULUS of a kidney.

40. The Cubbie Sensory Hub is an interactive Sensory Management system offering individual multisensory care

41. An Autonomic nerve pathway involves two nerve cells

42. 5 synonyms for Abducens: Abducens nerve, abducent, abducent nerve, nervus Abducens, sixth cranial nerve

43. Also known as the sixth nerve, sixth cranial nerve, CN VI, the Abducens Nerve is a somatic efferent nerve in human anatomy

44. Carsickness results from the sensory conflict arising in the brain from differing sensory inputs

45. Objective To assess the sensory restoration of the denervated glabrous skin in primate following sensory implantation.

46. Altered mental status could range from confusion to coma with or without additional signs of brain dysfunction (e.g. paralysis, cranial nerve palsies, sensory deficits, abnormal reflexes, generalized convulsions and abnormal movements).

47. Nerve fibers

48. Antenoon Sensory motor neuron pathology

49. Auricular nerve: Any of three nerves, the great Auricular nerve, the posterior Auricular nerve, or the Auricular branch of the vagus nerve (CN X)

50. The Abducens nerve is the sixth cranial nerve (CN VI)

51. Biters, Chewers, Suckers, and Pickers Lindsey Biel, OTR/L sensory sensory smarts pregnant women, and people with developmental disabilities

52. (Abducens Nerve Disorder, NCI Thesaurus/CTCAE) A non-neoplastic or neoplastic disorder affecting the Abducens nerve (sixth cranial nerve)

53. Pacinian Corpuscle Skin contains many sensory receptors

54. They offer valuable sensory experiences, and opportunities.

55. Both motor and sensory functions are affected.

56. The Axillary nerve is a major peripheral nerve of the upper limb

57. Avance Nerve Graft is an off-the-shelf processed human nerve allograft intended for the surgical repair of peripheral nerve discontinuities

58. nerve impulse distorted

59. That's some nerve!

60. Common optic nerve diseases include optic nerve neuritis and traumatic optic neuropathy.

61. Cubbie Sensory Hub is a new innovation providing individualised sensory management solutions, in a safe, comfortable & adaptable environment

62. Avance Nerve Graft is an off-the-shelf processed human nerve Allograft intended for the surgical repair of peripheral nerve discontinuities

63. The Abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) is a motor nerve that supplies one of the extraocular muscles: the lateral rectus muscle

64. [The problem of biophysics of the sensory organs (on the general Adequative theory of the activity of the sensory organs)].

65. Anelectrotonic restoration of nerve conduction in heat block of the frog sciatic nerve

66. Sensory Avoiding: What it is and how it looks Most sensory avoiders are oversensitive (this may be referred to as “hypersensitivity”)

67. The Brainstem includes a number of sensory connections

68. Aesthesia: a multi-sensory experience by Ashley G

69. examinations of sensory functions (vision, hearing, colour perception),

70. A lot gets delivered to the sensory strip.

71. Ascidian Pigment Sensory Organs: Structure and Morphology

72. Calculating the correlation between sensory and analytical data

73. Heredodegenerative disorders may also present with sensory ataxia.

74. He emphasized, instead, the role of sensory experience.

75. Definition Primary Afferents are sensory neurons (axons or nerve fibers) in the peripheral nervous system that transduce information about mechanical, thermal, and chemical states of the body and transmit it to sites in the central nervous system

76. The ulnar nerve is the largest nerve in the human body that is unprotected.

77. 16 These nerves are twined together to form the vestibulocochlear nerve (eighth cranial nerve).

78. The abductor pollicis brevis muscle, preoperatively innervated by the median nerve, did not respond to electrophysiological stimulation of the transected median nerve but to stimulation of the ulnar nerve via the nerve graft.

79. The great Auricular nerve is a sensory branch of the cervical plexus composed of axons from spinal cord segments C2–C3; it innervates the skin and fascia behind the ear, on the lower part of the

80. Distribution: Asymmetric; Mononeuritis or Multiple mononeuropathies Cranial & Motor-sensory nerves Course: Progressive or Relapsing-Remitting Treatment: Temporary improvement may occur with corticosteroids Laboratory CSF: Cells often increased Nerve pathology Axonal loss Lymphoma: Angiocentric, in vessel walls