Use "self-righteous" in a sentence

1. You sanctimonious, self-righteous...

2. He is a self - righteous prig.

3. I was self-righteous and arrogant and manipulative.

4. 4 She watched him in self-righteous silence.

5. You don’t have to come across as self-righteous.

6. 5 In this self-righteous mood he drove home.

7. 3 His grandparents were stern and self-righteous people.

8. Ego is the self-righteous martyr inside each of us.

9. A self - righteous person usually has double standard towards sin.

10. 12 I thought he was being a self-righteous prick.

11. 13 Other EU leaders have warmed to this self-righteous theme.

12. It is also self - righteous and more than a little xenophobic.

13. 6 Ego is the self-righteous martyr inside each of us.

14. No, not because I'm some self- righteous, goody- two shoes foodie.

15. 14 Are their leavings a satire upon the self-righteous people here?

16. (Laughter) No, not because I'm some self-righteous, goody-two shoes foodie.

17. The mind-set of that family is spiritual (but not self-righteous).

18. 15 They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant, or insecure.

19. Charles thinks he's better than the rest of us, the self - righteous prig!

20. Have you ever seen such a bunch of self - righteous , arse - covering prigs?

21. 2 She's a vegetarian, but she's not at all self-righteous about it.

22. While the conduct of others might distress you, avoid a self-righteous tone.

23. Several spoke out against the harshly self-righteous tone of the original motion.

24. 11 Bike riders seems to have this self-righteous attitude toward people in cars.

25. 19 I've got nothing against vegetarians, but some of them are so self-righteous!

26. 9 Several spoke out against the harshly self-righteous tone of the original motion.

27. He is critical of the monks, whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous.

28. 17 He is critical of the monks, whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous.

29. 1 He's so self-righteous - you'd think he'd never done anything wrong in his life.

30. 8 This is the kind of self-righteous behaviour at which Mrs Thatcher's Government excels.

31. 10 He doubted her policies and the self-righteous way in which they were promoted.

32. And when you try to impose them on others, you make yourself aaa self - righteous bigot.

33. 5 He was as much of an appeaser as Chamberlain, but less dogmatic and self-righteous.

34. To heaven when she died, while her detractor , a self-righteous reformer, found himself in hell.

35. Of course, true Christians, while avoiding bad conduct, do not display a self-righteous, superior attitude.

36. 18 He was as much of an appeaser as Chamberlain, but less dogmatic and self-righteous.

37. 22 We have to learn tolerance, to look at our behaviour and to stop being self-righteous.

38. 4 But Rhee, self-righteous and unaccommodating of divergent viewpoints, had the biggest ego of them all.

39. 7 But Rhee, self-righteous and unaccommodating of divergent viewpoints, had the biggest ego of them all.

40. Those privileged to live in Paradise on earth under God’s Kingdom will certainly not be demanding, self-righteous individuals.

41. A harlot was sent to heaven when she died, while her detractor, a self-righteous reformer, found himself in hell.

42. But Springer, the former mayor of Cincinnati, insists on offering a self-righteous lecture at the end of each program.

43. 20 But Springer, the former mayor of Cincinnati, insists on offering a self-righteous lecture at the end of each program.

44. Listen. " He was given to fits of rage, Jewish, liberal paranoia, male chauvinism, self-righteous misanthropy, and nihilistic moods of despair. "

45. Bureaucrats are so self-righteous, they actually think they’re protecting the Constitution by obstructing the foreign policy of the elected president.

46. 28 Dear sir, I made a square bet with myself that there were nineteen debauchable men in your self-righteous community.

47. 21 They used to argue about which condition was worse, each blessed with the energy which only the self-righteous possess.

48. CNN Clotheslined Itself The network may not have “blackmailed” a Reddit user, but it managed to look foolish, self-righteous, and petty

49. 24 A harlot was sent to heaven when she died, while her detractor, a self-righteous reformer,[] found himself in hell.

50. He had entered the police station in a storm of self-righteous protest and had been by turn hectoring, belligerent and spiteful.

51. And when you try to impose them on others, you make yourself into a bully, a boring nag, or a self-righteous bigot.

52. 23 He had entered the police station in a storm of self-righteous protest and had been by turn hectoring, belligerent and spiteful.

53. Some self-righteous specialists said for certain on that the pathogeny was Chlamydia. Thus, all the sick people were treated on that basis.

54. 27 And when you try to impose them on others, you make yourself into a bully, a boring nag, or a self-righteous bigot.

55. THE DEVIL'S DICTIONARY AMBROSE BIERCE They absolve the sinner who can plead, "I was in love," more easily than the self-righteous Abstainer

56. 26 Many errors arise because of the ages, they have a high-sounding, self-righteous reasons, the lives of others as worthless, as the dust.

57. And please remember that such a request should be conveyed lovingly and in meekness—and not in a spirit of self-righteous superiority and pride.

58. Collaborating with the Enemy and people I don’t trust shocks us out of selfishness, worldliness, self-absorbed, self-identified, self-righteous, self-absorbed and habitual ways

59. 16 Some self-righteous specialists said for certain on that the pathogeny was Chlamydia. Thus[], all the sick people were treated on that basis.

60. To them it was obvious that God had rejected the self-righteous Jewish leaders and was backing the humble followers of Jesus Christ. —Acts 11:19-21.

61. In part, she said: “To those two very patient and humble individuals, I would like to convey my apology for my most self-righteous and condescending behaviour.

62. And while he should have known better than provide an opportunity for obsequious and self-righteous compassion, his remark did point to a fundamental truth of investing.

63. 29 And while he should have known better than provide an opportunity for obsequious and self-righteous compassion, his remark did point to a fundamental truth of investing.

64. 30 I didn't want to contribute to these fame - seeking journalists and opportunists looking to fill their churches or to get elected because of their self-righteous finger-pointing .

65. Beginning of the 20th century, the United States has taken the advantage all over the world, but also lost a part of its youth, trueness and self-righteous confidence.

66. 25 Yet, Jesus told the story of two men praying; one self-righteous and one humbled by his failures: "I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God.

67. The Charmingly irreverent, acid-tongued sex advice columnist winds up the "religious self-righteous" with a cross-country quest for sin, introducing giddy sinners of all seven kinds along the way

68. (Matthew 12:14) Imagine—these self-righteous religious leaders bristled at the idea of eating freshly plucked grain and of healing on the Sabbath; but they had no qualms about plotting Jesus’ death!

69. And have we all not faced ourselves in the mirror, much less been the victims of Adjudgers who in our/their fetid self-righteous postures judge down to ascend up their illusory poles of prideful opulence

70. An Antitheist is someone who actively opposes religion or even theism in general, which they make known in an egotistical, cynical, and overall self-righteous way. Ironically, a lot of them seem to enjoy berating and judging the same religious …

71. And this perfectly monstrous proposition, which is tantamount to the assertion of the divine right of politicians to be Absolutest despots, immune from criticism and censure, this immoral despotism is proclaimed with such an air of self-righteous virtue that it has almost come to be regarded as a truism—at least, when it concerns the mere Irish.