Use "self confessed" in a sentence

1. Achor enjoys playing chess and is a self-confessed news fanatic.

2. He would be everywhere looked upon as a self-confessed fool.

3. When they had assembled, I told them to give two of the men, who were self-confessed alcoholics, a beer.

4. The criminal soon confessed.

5. 30 A self-confessed gossip columnist, she writes under her former married name of Lady Colin Campbell - to me her first vulgarity.

6. She is a confessed monarchist.

7. She confessed hating the boss.

8. The Father confessed the criminal.

9. The priest confessed the criminal.

10. He's confessed, He's a convicted murderer.

11. He confessed himself ( to be ) guilty.

12. After prolonged questioning she finally confessed.

13. [ I ] He Confessed to the crime

14. Torture was used and Fian confessed.

15. He knelt and confessed his sin .

16. He cracked under interrogation and confessed.

17. She is is a confessed monarchist.

18. 6 The self-confessed shopaholic says that during Spring Festival,[] the stores and supermarkets are always crowded and complaints of high prices are common.

19. 23 Torture was used and Fian confessed.

20. He had confessed 64 cases of burglary!

21. They finally confessed their secret love affair.

22. He later confessed to his probation officer.

23. He confessed that he had sinful thoughts.

24. She Confessed in front of the court

25. They confessed, but only under severe constraint.

26. He confessed after four days under interrogation.

27. 30 Mrs. Jones is a confessed alcoholic.

28. He confessed himself totally ignorant of their plans.

29. Days after, he confessed it was a lie.

30. The police grilled the prisoner until he confessed.

31. Shortly thereafter, the confessed assassin was taken prisoner.

32. Bethought (daeseol) Summary: Jaehyun confessed through a letter

33. The soldier who gave this information has confessed.

34. He was arrested and confessed to the murder.

35. Marek had confessed to the murder of Mills.

36. About 43 percent confessed to having smoked marijuana.

37. He confessed where he had hidden the money.

38. “Afraid is wonderfully written, faithfully confessed, and frightfully good

39. "I played a very bad match,[]" he confessed.

40. Mr Foster confessed that he'd broken the speed limit.

41. They confessed themselves to have made a great mistake.

42. They had confessed their sins and done their penance.

43. Confessed a weakness for sweets When could acknowledge be …

44. Will later confessed that he had indeed dozed off.

45. He had confessed to supplying Charley with hallucinatory drugs.

46. The man confessed that poverty prompted him to steal.

47. He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.

48. She confessed that she had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.

49. At least 4,000 rich Jamaicans that were heading to Miami for treatment have self-confessed that they did not go to Miami because of the Heart Institute of the Caribbean.

50. Forgiveness came to him, and he stood and publicly confessed:

51. A suspect was arrested, who later confessed to the crime.

52. They were caught, they confessed, they got the death penalty.

53. Nagesh has confessed that Rockford is part autobiographical from his childhood.

54. 11 The arsonist confessed that he set fire to six businesses.

55. I was confronted with my misdeeds and confessed in short order.

56. You still haven't even properly confessed your feelings to Ha Ni!

57. 3 The minister confessed to having experimented with cannabis in her youth.

58. The people confessed their sins, prayed, and asked Jehovah to bless them

59. David’s conscience struck him, and he humbly confessed. —2Sa 12:1-14.

60. ‘During his days in court, the criminal past of the self-confessed liar and philanderer emerged, with offences of Bigamy, theft, fraud and criminal damage, and a faked suicide among two changes of identity.’

61. The novella also shows "the delight in fine or strange words of the self-confessed autodidact, who kept a dictionary beside him and set out to learn a new word every day: Brattled…

62. The killer confessed that he often drugged his victims before he killed them.

63. But torture was applied and Fian confessed, only to retract his confession later.

64. He had one overriding ambition-to act-and confessed to being a workaholic.

65. 5 Scull is using jailhouse informants to testify that Wooten confessed to them.

66. Immediately following mass, she confessed her sins and was baptized by the bishop.

67. Under close questioning, the wretched man caved in abjectly and confessed all his misdemeanours.

68. Though he confessed several times, Gatorano tried to retract his confessions during the proceedings.

69. 15 Sampras confessed that he was homesick for America after five weeks in Europe.

70. 22 He went home, confessed, made his will, took the sacrament and quietly expired!

71. 28 Earlier that month, he confessed that Old Yeller kept defying his bearish view.

72. He confessed he had never read this one, given to him by a Parisian admirer.

73. • It is a breach of Confidentiality for a priest to reveal what someone has confessed.

74. Munching blue and white jelly beans we all confessed the holidays had done us in.

75. Self-respect and Self-strengthening and Self-pride and Self-transcendence .

76. Acknowledged: adjective accepted , admitted , approved , avowed , conceded , confessed, correct , customary , established , familiar , formal , granted , immemorial

77. He confessed to the intent to assassinate the king then people, of course, hate him

78. 21 In court their guilt had been proved beyond doubt, so why hadn't they confessed?

79. In any event, Beelzebub was frequently named as an object of supplication by confessed witches.

80. During questioning, Zhang confessed that he stole from the betelnut stand because he owed money.