Use "sects" in a sentence

1. Church Scorn for Sects

2. Secretive sects also had a field day.

3. The early Buddhist schools or mainstream sects refers to the sects into which the Indian Buddhist monastic saṅgha split

4. They knew differences chiefly among Protestant sects.

5. This is a common feature of satanic sects.

6. There we were told to avoid dangerous sects.

7. In the 1980s both sects developed resurgent movements.

8. How different from the apostate sects of Christendom!

9. Unlike the Theodosian emperors, he tolerated all Christian sects.

10. They get involved in eccentric religious sects, or become hippies.

11. Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.

12. Islam has two main sects: the Sunnis and the Shias.

13. There were no fractious sects and gangsters to challenge his authority.

14. Rail not against the sects; neither talk against their tenets.

15. Is Allah the God of the Bible? In any of the one hundred and fifty sects and sub-sects of Islam, the common denominator is Allah

16. Both of these sects had many requirements for ablutions to be performed often.

17. 16 Gnostic sects are generally monadic - they believe in a singular supreme being.

18. Risks linked to life in the community: alcoholism, drug addiction, aggression, sects, pornography;

19. 9 But unlike other Hasidic sects, Lubavitch does not shun the outside world.

20. 1 But unlike other Hasidic sects, Lubavitch does not shun the outside world.

21. Yet foreign support can not justify persecution of house churches and other heterodox sects.

22. These determined sects emerged in the time of toleration as the early centres of Dissent.

23. The Bahai Faith in small span of time has been divided into more than 13 Sects

24. Less conservative sects were established by Amish immigrants to the United States; today, only the …

25. Principle: “The works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are . . . spiritism, . . . divisions, sects . . .

26. Moslem caliph ( 656 - 661 ) after whose assassination Islam was divided into Sunnite and Shiite sects.

27. The Black Dragons also formed close contact and even alliances with Buddhist sects throughout Asia.

28. Whispering Of Evil Jealousy Absence Arguing Pride, Evil Of Slander Biting Disorder In The Church Sects Backbiting.

29. Ascetic Jewish sects existed in ancient and medieval era times, [51] most notably the Essenes and Ebionites

30. …two Brahmanical sects arose, the Mahanubhava and the Varakari Panth, that both shaped Marathi literature significantly

31. So these religious movements soon crystallised into separate sects with all the adjuncts of positive religions .

32. Many religions, including Sikhism, Islam, and sects of Judaism, encourage or require their men to keep beards.

33. Gainsborough had 3 banks, several schools, and places of worship for Anglicans, Catholics and 6 different dissenting sects.

34. On the other hand, weapons sites, violence, hate, racism, drugs or sects passed fairly easily through the filters.

35. This book explores the various gods, religions, sects, and strife to be found across the Realm of Aquilae

36. Religious sects engage in amaranthine and pointless metaphysical Argufying, which, for Jefferson, reduced merely to jockeying for political power

37. Christianity is divided into many denominations or sects, and the major ones include Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and

38. Chapter 11 of the Penal Code addresses offences against the family and minors (sects. 169-174). The constituent

39. Other legends of certain sects and accounts from ancient texts further the sacred associations of the biwa instrument.

40. 6 Paul listed apostate idolatry and sects among such “works of the flesh” as fornication and loose conduct.

41. The Protestant Reformation, actually a mere rebellion against the Catholic Church, resulted in many sects, steeped in religious error.

42. So, what does it matter if the world with all its religious sects and political parties is against us?

43. Webster’s Academic Dictionary (1895): “Pertaining to a sect or to sects; bigotted Attachedly to the tenets of a denomination

44. This is just another example of the ever-repeated tendency of the long established religions to produce dissentient sects.

45. Sectarians want to do Christians spiritual harm, and those bent on promoting divisions and sects will not inherit God’s Kingdom.

46. In addition, one French magazine noted that the majority of articles dealing with supposed sects originated with antisect organizations.

47. My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right....

48. There were controversies about various forms of Church Government and many sects flourished at this time of religious toleration.

49. Opponents mounted protests against these centers, claiming that Afro-Brazilian sects will use the cemeteries to perform ghastly animal sacrifices.

50. In some parts of Christendom, church leaders try to bring people from different sects together by downplaying previously divisive doctrines.

51. A large number of the Founding Fathers were associated with various sects of the Christian church, like Protestantism and Lutheranism.

52. There are some religious sects who believe in an Agrarian way of life and obtain all of their necessities from the land.

53. Despite its impressive growth it represents only 5 percent of the total population and is not growing as fast as evangelical sects.

54. The Moroccan Sufi Ad-Dabbagh is considered as a great saint by the Shadhilis, Taijanis, Naqshabandis, Brawlis, Deobandis and many other Sufi sects

55. The Churches and the sects had devastated Europe, engineered massacres, demanded religious resistance or revolution, attempted to excommunicate or to depose monarchs.”

56. The Moroccan Sufi Ad-Dabbagh is considered as a great saint by the Shadhilis, Taijanis, Naqshabandis, Brawlis, Deobandis and many other Sufi sects

57. Religion of Bahrain The population is predominately Muslim and includes both the Sunni and the Shiʿi sects, with the latter in the majority

58. The smallest of the three main sects, the Anarchs reject both the oppressive rule of the Camarilla and the zealousness of the Sabbat

59. The Camarilla is the largest of vampiric sects, a loose organization which ostensibly represents and protects all vampires by enforcing and promulgating the Masquerade

60. The Chinese authorities took little interest in these sects, since, at least until the early 20th century, they limited their activities to their temples.

61. The Apologetics Index ‘family of web sites’ provides 47,917+ pages of research resources on religious cults, sects, new religious movements, and alternative religions

62. In the Jin-Tang Dynasties, when Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism contended, conflicted and well blent , forming a state of mingled thoughts of the three sects.

63. Many of these are affiliated with various religious sects, including parochial schools of the Catholic Church, Quaker schools, Seventh-day Adventist schools, and Jewish schools.

64. Grant that henceforth our minds are not tainted with ritualistic and other aberrations of creeds and sects , cultural and other aberrations of castes and codes .

65. The word ‘Abstemious’ can be remembered with the help of one very simple tip: relate it to the ‘Buddha’ and the tenets of sects like ‘Buddhism’

66. Which religious group was said to be “the most dangerous of all sects” in the opinion of Catholic authorities quoted in Spain’s popular ABC newspaper?

67. Tenryū-ji, the main temple of one of the 15 branches of the Rinzai school, one of the two main sects of Zen Buddhism in Japan.

68. Learn about the different types of Buddhism, from the main schools down to a few more popular sects, and take a quick quiz to test your knowledge!

69. Its thought influenced many heretical West-European sects, such as the Kathars in the Middle Ages, who were fiercely persecuted, and mystics as Jacob Boehme (1575-16.

70. As a guide for you to identify which one of the thousands of sects and religions fits the original Christian brotherhood, note the box on the previous page.

71. 8 Today, many Jewish women cover their hair in synagogues, yet only certain sects such as Hasidic Jews continue the practice in everyday life by wearing a wig.

72. 1 History 2 Members 2.1 Founding Clans 3 Society 4 Structure 4.1 The Inner Circle 4.2 Justicars 4.3 Princes 4.4 Primogen The largest of the vampiric sects, the Camarilla

73. He was one of the most determined enemies of clericalism, and an ardent advocate of "liberating national education from religious sects, while rendering it accessible to every citizen."

74. The sects of Adventists are the outcome of a religious agitation begun by William Miller (1781-1849) in 1831, after a minute study of the prophecies of the Bible

75. Today, there are a few different sects of Buddhism, and while they do have slightly different practices, they all follow the same basic path and abide by the same tenets

76. Although "enmitiesfactions, divisions, sects" may appear to be cleaner in comparison with "fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,Carousings," they all are, nonetheless, fruits borne of the same tree.

77. Although "enmitiesfactions, divisions, sects" may appear to be cleaner in comparison with "fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,Carousings," they all are, nonetheless, fruits borne of the same tree.

78. The Besht is considered by all Hasidic sects to be their holy patriarch, a model for the charismatic teachers and spiritual mentors, or rebbes, who stand at the center of Hasidic life.

79. The Copts are the largest Christian community in North Africa and the Middle East, and one of the oldest Christian sects in the world. The church is officially known as the Coptic Orthodox Church

80. Apostolic, Latin Apostolicus, plural Apostolici, member of any of the various Christian sects that sought to reestablish the life and discipline of the primitive church by a literal observance of the precepts of continence and poverty.