Use "secession" in a sentence

1. Nevertheless, no sovereign State can tolerate secession.

2. Your days of secession are numbered black brothers.

3. Bosnian Serbs drop secession demands, but new splits emerge

4. Anti - Secession Law of the People's Republic of China.

5. Did it lead to secession and the Civil War?

6. The daily papers teemed with the dreary records of secession....

7. South Carolina led the way, declaring for secession on December i86o.

8. This, they feel, may lay the groundwork for financial independence and secession.

9. A State Convention considering secession opened in Austin on January 28, 1861.

10. President Buchanan and President-elect Lincoln refused to recognize the Confederacy, declaring secession illegal.

11. They want secession from the union, not a new treaty binding them into it.

12. Threats of secession by New England states were loud, as evidenced by the Hartford Convention.

13. But some staff members have at one point expressed sympathy for a Valley secession.

14. It was southern secession that precipitated emancipation and an end to federal support of slavery.

15. When General Logi announced his secession from Gran Kingdom, Andropov attacked some Gran Kingdom airships.

16. A pro-independence movement led to the secession from the Soviet Union in April 1991.

17. It was the lack of democracy and equality which impelled the oppressed to fight for secession.

18. Constitutionally, there can be no such thing as secession of a State from the Union

19. Even after that, there would be a long series of hurdles for any secession proposal.

20. The conference considers how the activities of Antislavery Americans ultimately contributed to Southern secession and war

21. After the secession of Mexico was secured, he was proclaimed President of the Regency in 1821.

22. The initial aim was the secession of Dravida Nadu from the rest of India on independence.

23. Other officials expressed concern that the proposed mechanism might actually prove to make secession impossible in practice.

24. The 1900 Secession exhibition was significantly international, but still included only a minority of avant-garde paintings.

25. The secession of some southern states from the USA in the 1860s led to the civil war.

26. Abolitionism grew, southern secession spurred it, and in January 1865 Congress passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery.

27. The demonstration of 11 September 2012 explicitly called on the Catalan government to begin the process of secession.

28. He fought against the United Nations troops in the attempted Katangese secession of nineteen sixty to sixty-two.

29. The representatives of national groups increasingly demanded the right of autonomy, of self-government, if not outright secession.

30. More recently, the threat of Quebec's secession confronted the country with the very real possibility of political breakup.

31. Breakaway definition, an act or instance of breaking away; secession; separation: the Breakaway of two provinces from a state

32. On February 1, by a vote of 166–8, the Convention adopted an Ordinance of Secession from the United States.

33. A vote in favour of secession would be carried subject to a two-thirds majority of the republic's total electorate.

34. There has since been calls by Bosnian Serb politicians for the secession of Republika Srpska, and possible unification with Serbia.

35. OnJune 10 the era of Asbury and his dream of a united church ended with this beginning of secession by Southerners.

36. The fete was attended mostly by visitors from Northern states, because many residents supported the South on the secession issue.

37. Throughout the 1850s, Lincoln doubted the prospects of civil war, and his supporters rejected claims that his election would incite secession.

38. This time he can not just send in the army to take out Podgorica, because there is no secession under way.

39. In the south the enforcement of a no-fly zone by western aircraft has raised the possibility of a Shia secession.

40. The first was the Imperium's bloody-minded refusal to die beneath the weight of heresy, secession, alien aggres?sion and daemonancy.

41. Buthelezi for his part warned that Kwazulu would consider secession if constitutional negotiations did not guarantee adequate self-determination in a federal structure.

42. President Abraham Lincoln issued a call for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the rebellion, which immediately caused the secession of four additional states, including Virginia.

43. 18 Buthelezi for his part warned that Kwazulu would consider secession if constitutional negotiations did not guarantee adequate self-determination in a federal structure.

44. During his brief term, Schleicher negotiated with Gregor Strasser on a possible secession of the latter from the Nazi Party but their scheme failed.

45. Because of the secession of South Sudan, which contained over 80 percent of Sudan's oilfields, the economic forecast for Sudan in 2011 and beyond is uncertain.

46. 2.4.5 The Biafran cause of secession endures, driven by a sense of unfair treatment and marginalisation which led to the formation of new independence movements

47. However, there was considerable support for secession among Tatars, Bashkirs, Yakuts, and Chechens after the breakup of the Soviet Union, resulting in war in the case of Chechnya.

48. The Soviet Union claimed that this declaration was illegal, as Lithuania had to follow the process of secession mandated in the Soviet Constitution if it wanted to leave.

49. Texas declared its secession from the Union on February 1, 1861, and joined the Confederate States on March 2, 1861, after it had replaced its governor, Sam Houston, who had refused to take an oath of allegiance to the Confederacy.As with those of other states, the Declaration of Secession was not recognized by the US government at Washington, DC.Some Texan military units fought in the Civil

50. During the early 19th century, Bolivar guided secession of South American lands from the Spanish Empire in the early 19th century—including what is present-day Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia

51. This enchanting place is renowned for its 19th century fin de siècle architecture: a local interpretation of the Art Deco and Jugendstil movements, known as Bydgoszcz Secession.

52. The unsuccessful Cisplatine War against the neighboring United Provinces of the Río de la Plata in 1828 led to the secession of the province of Cisplatina (later to become Uruguay).

53. Burghers (bûr`gərz), in the 18th cent., a party of the Secession Church of Scotland, resulting from one of the "breaches" in the history of Presbyterianism

54. Paul Burty Haviland (17 June 1880 – 21 December 1950) was a French-American 20th-century photographer, writer and arts critic who was closely associated with Alfred Stieglitz and the Photo-Secession

55. Transcripts of Reverend McCormick's daily journals vividly recount this age of slavery, secession, reconstruction, the hardship of travel in 1850's Florida, and the Bemoanings of a transplanted pastor trying to cope with the Florida heat

56. Peter Olukayode Odetoyinbo has inaugurated new board members for the Sacred Heart Hospital,Lantoro, Abeokuta, follow THE CALLS FOR RESTRUCTURING OF NIGERIA VIS-À-VIS AGITATIONS FOR SECESSION: The Dilemma and Critical Issues May 5, 2021

57. 1995, Hudson Meadwell, 8: Quebec Independence and Secession in the Developed West, Sukumar Periwal (editor), Notions of Nationalism, page 140, Where Consociationalism and federalism overlay one another, moreover, the continuity of the latter depends on the stability of

58. Following the sweeping electoral victory of the United National Party (UNP) in July 1977, the TULF became the leading opposition party, with around one-sixth of the total electoral vote winning on a party platform of secession from Sri Lanka.

59. But since the Constitution is also based on the principle of Coequality—all the states are equal in dignity and rights, and no state can have more rights than another—the right of secession cited by these three states must extend equally to …

60. Translations in context of "Bimetallist" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: The United States, too, another recalcitrant Bimetallist, then a paradigm of monetary disorder - remember the «greenbacks» which appeared after the War of Secession? - adopted the gold standard in 1900.

61. While on one hand , leaders like Mulayam Singh Yadav alleged that Farooq had acted with the tacit approval of Vajpayee and Advani , on the other there was the RSS National Executive resolution that termed Farooq ' s demand as " a step short of actual secession " .

62. The Charleston Mercury described the Secession Cockade: “The badge adopted is a blue rosette, two and a half inches in diameter, with a military button in the centre, to be worn upon the side of the hat… The blue Cockade was worn by almost everyone, even the ladies and children joining in showing their devotion to the Palmetto State.”

63. After its secession from Yugoslavia, the Bosnian government declared the official language to be called "Bosnian" rather than "Serbo-Croatian." Although "Croatian," "Serbian," and Montenegrin are considered by linguists and travellers alike to be the same language, with minor idiomatic differences, Bosnian is seen as a separate entity in modern times.

64. Template:Campaignbox Nigerian Civil War The Nigerian Civil War, also known as the Nigerian–Biafran War, 6 July 1967 – 15 January 1970, was a political conflict caused by the attempted secession of the southeastern provinces of Nigeria as the self-proclaimed Republic of Biafra.The conflict was the result of economic, ethnic, cultural and religious tensions among the various peoples of Nigeria.

65. Added to that is the fact that the pulpit from which we hurl anathema and preach such principles is beginning to look unsteady as a result of the tragedies and ethnic divisions that have taken place at the very heart of Europe, and the attempt at secession by the Lega Nord in Italy could be a move in that direction.

66. Alberta separatism (French: Séparatisme Albertain) comprises a series of 20th and 21st century movements (both historic and current) advocating the secession of the province of Alberta from Canada, either by forming an independent nation or by creating a new union with one or more of Canada's western provinces.The main issues driving separatist sentiment have focused primarily on the