Use "scratching" in a sentence

1. Avoid scratching.

2. 3 . Destructive scratching

3. The dog is always scratching.

4. Scratching can Aggravate the rash

5. Scratching can aggravate the rash.

6. He kept scratching at his nose.

7. Scratching Composedly with a hard pen - …

8. Intoxicating rhapsody became a scratching claw.

9. Keep it dry and absolutely no scratching.

10. Somewhere there's a baboon scratching his ass.

11. We just manage to keep scratching along.

12. Scratching the rash will make it worse.

13. The dog is scratching at the door.

14. The mongrel presented his muzzle for scratching.

15. We could hear mice scratching behind the wall.

16. The only prohibitions were eye gouging, scratching, and biting.

17. A single chicken was scratching forlornly in the yard.

18. He was scratching at the bites on his arm.

19. Gaily let in the cat, scratching at the door.

20. The sociologist has a habit of scratching his back.

21. She doesn't want to see Sheila Kirkland scratching away.

22. A few scrawny chickens were scratching around the yard.

23. Excessive rubbing, lip-biting, and scratching can cause dermatitis.

24. I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching.

25. 24 Gaily let in the cat, scratching at the door.

26. The dog kept scratching at the door to go out.

27. If you keep scratching away at that spot, you'll break the skin.

28. Dad got really mad at me for scratching the car.

29. We've been scratching our heads for a solution to the problem.

30. The answer involves Clonks, squeaks, and a distressing amount of scratching

31. The dog was scratching at an itch behind its left ear.

32. 5 He has this irritating mannerism of constantly scratching his nose.

33. Check for dead wood by scratching the bark with your fingernail.

34. The dog was scratching at the door to be let in.

35. Plastic lenses are lighter and shatter-resistant, but are more prone to scratching.

36. 29 The dog's scratching at the door - he wants to be let in.

37. The answer involves Clonks, squeaks, and a distressing amount of scratching

38. Cotton mittens will prevent the baby from scratching his own face.

39. People have been scratching their names on this rock for years.

40. 28 The dog was scratching at the door to be let in.

41. But we're just one company, and this is just scratching the surface.

42. Other forms include behaviour such as burning, scratching, or hitting body parts.

43. This crisis has politicians scratching their heads and wondering what to do.

44. (Scratching) So I have a crossfader, and I have the two decks.

45. The dog's scratching at the door - he wants to be let in.

46. 24 It wasn't easy scratching out a living in those hard times.

47. His bloke, disconsolate, questioned the judge and went off scratching his short beard.

48. Cuvette Racks Hold Cells With Minimal Physical Contact To Eliminate Scratching And Damage

49. Slowly, back-scratching consensus might cede to the checks and balances of pluralism.

50. Synonyms for Attritive include scratching, grating, abrading, abrasive, rasping, rough, scarifying, erosive, raspy and scratchy

51. “Finding myself on my hands and knees scratching through dirt for old butts disgusted me.

52. So scratching the scalp is usually the first sign that a child has head lice.

53. Slowly, back-scratching consensus might Cede to the checks and balances of pluralism

54. Napkin in my lap, half- bites, chew with my mouth closed, no scratching.

55. They are fighting, scratching, clawing for every inch of ground along the way.

56. Instead you kept scratching and pawing at it like a monkey, expecting new results.

57. A lot of people must be scratching their heads about which way to vote.

58. I think the dog wants in I can hear it scratching at the door.

59. It rattles the windowpane and sends the dog scratching to get under the bed.

60. It acts as a geologic rasp , scratching , gouging and generallythe surfaces the glacier rides.

61. I know you killed him by scratching a pen with your right hand, didn't you?

62. The editor of the local paper says he's really scratching around for stories this week.

63. Synonyms for Abrading include scraping, chafing, rasping, scratching, eroding, rubbing, grazing, wearing, fraying and corroding

64. Hi My Lovely Angels!Tonight's video is me scratching, raking, and Clawing you to sleep

65. The couple set up a 24-hour security camera to trap the vandal scratching their car.

66. Die-hard BTC supporters believe that Bitcoin is the future; we are just scratching the surface

67. The Institute spends a lot of time scratching its head about how to boost American productivity.

68. Blueing helps to maintain the metal finish by resisting tangential scratching, but parts still need to …

69. Maura rubbed her face against his cheek and felt his stubble scratching against her smooth skin.

70. Students of the Constitution can be excused for scratching their heads at the anti-Commandeering doctrine

71. 9 Conclusion: Scratching anitch in external auditory meatus may have close relationship with D brecuis infection.

72. It acts as a geologic rasp , scratching, gouging and generally abroding the surfaces the glacier rides.

73. Impetigo is often found around insect bites, as scratching Abrades the skin and allows bacteria to enter

74. Save your dog from scratching, biting, and chewing their skin with Allergy medicine right when symptoms begin.

75. Curtailing Sentence Examples Covering the affected areas with bandages may be useful in Curtailing scratching and preventing potential scarring.

76. Clawing is a natural part of cat behavior, and it's a matter of redirecting the scratching to appropriate places

77. Protect your home by placing a variety of scratching posts with different qualities and surfaces around your house .

78. Professionals suggest that we shampoo our hair regularly and massage our scalp, avoiding scratching it with our nails.

79. When the situation came up, they started head-scratching, saying, "Who are we going to get to sing on this?"

80. Cutting is when a person deliberately hurts themselves by scratching or Cutting their body with a sharp object