Use "saviour" in a sentence

1. 19 I saw a saviour a saviour come my way.

2. 11 Surely the Saviour knows her very well.

3. Like our Saviour on his mother's side.

4. 21 She regarded him as her saviour.

5. 9 You're not - Oh, my Lord and Saviour!

6. 7 It was then that my saviour arrived.

7. 3 They regarded him as the saviour of their country.

8. His title during this period was Seleucus Soter ("saviour").

9. 1 The people clearly saw her as their saviour.

10. I refuse to make my God and Saviour a nonentity.

11. 22 He imagined himself as the saviour of his country.

12. 18 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

13. 4 I saw myself as the saviour of my country.

14. Bretta is a beetle2 who is looking for a saviour

15. 23 He saw himself as the saviour of his country.

16. 10 And the companion of the Saviour is Mary Magdalene.

17. 8 The Saviour promised to be there for you,[] continuously.

18. 20 He imagine himself as the saviour of his country.

19. 2 He emerged as the potential saviour of the club.

20. Blasphemic Disgust by THY FEEBLE SAVIOUR, released 20 December 2016 1

21. 14 In the centre is the Saviour attended by two archangels.

22. Thus, he has gained a reputation as the " Saviour " across the land

23. 24 And ... well doesn't the new striker remind you of another Swindon Saviour?

24. 5 He was seen by many as the saviour of the organization.

25. 15 Then a saviour appeared in the form of a man called Arthur Grogan.

26. The Saviour, on the contrary, was born in silence and in absolute poverty.

27. 6 The new manager has been hailed as the saviour of the club.

28. Today he is seen as a saviour by millions of Filipinos living in privation.

29. He urged the graduates to “add lustre to the doctrine of God our Saviour.”

30. Frank was Lionel's saviour from an orphanage, and the case is very personal indeed.

31. 13 I must put my Saviour always before me as my example, friend and guide.

32. It is difficult to reconcile such references with the tradition of a mild, pacifist saviour.

33. I turned and saw my saviour, the wench with black curly hair from the tavern.

34. The saviour has more power than the killer and that makes him Buddha in future.

35. The Saviour was here looking forward to the great ingathering on the day of Pentecost.

36. 16 Frank was Lionel's saviour from an orphanage, and the case is very personal indeed.

37. 28 It is difficult to reconcile such references with the tradition of a mild, pacifist saviour.

38. 12 I turned and saw my saviour, the wench with black curly hair from the tavern.

39. 2 I turned and saw my saviour, the wench with black curly hair from the tavern.

40. Celesta Rose Finck received her heavenly crown of righteousness from her Saviour at 28 years of age

41. Boosterish Boris still hopes he will be viewed as the nation’s saviour The Telegraph - Philip Johnston

42. 17 West Indies' second innings saviour: Jimmy Adams, on his Test debut, making a defiant and unbeaten

43. Grail (Corp-C 80) 15.479: Owt of that Boist there Isswed..Owre holy Saviour..In forme Of bred

44. If he beats us, he becomes the saviour of Rome... and there's his final victory over the senate.

45. A man who is Born again, or regenerated, believes that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour who can pardon his soul, that He is the divine person appointed by God the Father for this very purpose, and beside Him there is no Saviour at all.

46. The Basilian Order of the Most Holy Saviour (Salvatorian Fathers) is a Monastic Order of Pontifical Right for Men

47. Quick, easy and filling, Couscous can be a store cupboard saviour when you’re in need of a quick-fix

48. 26 It is the Bible's primary purpose to bring men to their Saviour by arousing the beginnings of faith.

49. Where might he have journeyed in the footsteps of the Saviour, unencumbered and released from the responsibilities of wealth?

50. 27 Even if things go fairly badly it is not certain that voters would turn to Labour as economic saviour.

51. 25 Franciscan legend thus presented the faithful a generation later with Francis as the allegorical saviour of the universal Church.

52. 29 Where might he have journeyed in the footsteps of the Saviour, unencumbered and released from the responsibilities of wealth?

53. Antiochus I Soter (Greek: Ἀντίοχος ὁ Σωτήρ, Antíochos ho Sōtér; "Antiochus the Saviour"; c

54. 30 At this juncture, although he was not yet living at Chelsea, Sloane intervened as saviour and benefactor of the Garden.

55. This Gospel account, however, is not an encounter of sin and judgement in the abstract, but of a sinner and her Saviour.

56. When they cried hosanna to Christ, or "save now," and made him Saviour of the world, the Pharisees were angry, our Saviour Confuteth them by this very Psalm: "Have ye not read," saith he, "out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?"

57. When they cried hosanna to Christ, or "save now," and made him Saviour of the world, the Pharisees were angry, our Saviour Confuteth them by this very Psalm: "Have ye not read," saith he, "out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?"

58. 202, […] God is Love, and Christ is the Saviour of the World, and the Pharisaical Appropriators of Mercy and Salvation, do seldom know what spirit they are of.

59. Today Christ is born: Today the Saviour appeared: Today on Earth the Angels sing, Archangels rejoice: Today the righteous rejoice, saying: Glory to God in the highest: Alleluia.

60. Girl Almighty Lyrics: Hey, hey / Oh, no, no, no / Her light is as loud as as many ambulances / As it takes to save a saviour, oh, woah, woah, woah / …

61. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated Out of (1858) "2 Its efficacy and power illustrated by the example of Aivers saints mentioned in the Scriptures

62. Boosterish Boris still hopes he will be viewed as the nation’s saviour The PM is determined his optimism will allow him to turn the page on Britain’s world-beating death toll

63. This Chaplet consists of 3 Our Fathers in honor of the Holy Family, and 12 Hail Marys in memory of the 12 years of the Sacred Infancy of our Divine Saviour

64. If the evidence Adduced is correct, the bone boxes — and microscopic remains of DNA still contained inside — would constitute the first archaeological evidence of the existence of the Christian saviour and his family.

65. O the hope of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night?

66. Christ, our blessed Saviour, forbore to preach and teach until the thirtieth year of his age, neither would he openly be heard; no, though he beheld and heard so many impieties, abominable idolatries, heresies, Blasphemings of God, etc.

67. Between two thieves—legalist of all sorts on the one hand and Antinomians on the other; the former robbing the Saviour of the glory of his work for us, and the other robbing him of the glory of his work within us

68. While people Clamoured for a warrior-king, the colt revealed your servanthood: as you face the way of tears, the tearing of the temple veil, take us from the baying mob to place our faith in you, Jesus Christ, our victim and our saviour

69. He argueth also against the Cloisterers, which, leaving the only and true Saviour, set up to themselves their Franciscans, their Dominics, and such other, and have them for their saviours, glorying and triumphing in them, and feigning many forged lies upon them.

70. 1677, Isaac Barrow, The Passion of our Blessed Saviour (sermon) What more palpable confutation can there be of human vanity and arrogance, of all lofty imaginations, all presumptuous confidences, all turgid humours, all fond self-pleasings and self-Admirings, than is that tragical cross […

71. “And the Commixture, which is in this cup, may He make living blood, and procuring life to all our souls; blood salutary — blood celestial — blood saving our souls and bodies — blood of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, for remission of sins to those receiving them.”

72. The principal Covenants are the covenant of works --God promising to save and bless men on condition of perfect obedience --and the covenant of grace or God's promise to save men on condition of their believing in Christ and receiving him as their Master and Saviour.

73. 2 days ago · Turks Look for Bitcoin (BTC) As Lira Collapses, BTC Is Now The World’s Third-Largest Currency advertisement Bitcoin (BTC) has time-and-again proved that it is the ultimate saviour of the world against the inefficient fiat systems and government agencies.

74. ‘In fact, people are already Braying for a saviour.’ ‘Fired by much wine and a weariness with the visitor's Braying, these words (or something very much like them) tumbled unbidden from the Professor's lips.’ ‘She's Braying at some clever comment he's made, and he's smiling through clenched teeth.’

75. The landmarks such as the Little Mermaid or climbing the golden tower of The Church of our Saviour for a better view can be classed as "must-sees", but have also in mind visiting some great places outside the greater Copenhagen - architectural pearls built

76. ‘The Auld enemy, England, was, in fact, their saviour, and - but for the chattering-class nationalist posturing - could still be so now.’ ‘just like in the good Auld days of Henry VIII, Bloody Mary and James II.’ ‘Three Auld fellas filed into the hall in a row sporting baseball …

77. ‘The Auld enemy, England, was, in fact, their saviour, and - but for the chattering-class nationalist posturing - could still be so now.’ ‘just like in the good Auld days of Henry VIII, Bloody Mary and James II.’ ‘Three Auld fellas filed into the hall in a row sporting baseball …

78. They were on a level; they were to be equal in authority; they were brethren; and they should neither covet nor receive a title which implied either an elevation of one above another, or which appeared to infringe on the absolute right of the Saviour to be their only Teacher and Master. . . .

79. Behold His holy Son The Lion and the Lamb given to us The Word became a man That my soul should know its Saviour Forsaken for the sake of all mankind Salvation is in His blood Jesus Messiah The righteous died for love It wasn’t over For He is the risen One

80. 1853, The Gentleman's Magazine (page 375) [1] No profanity was intented when zealous, close-cropped, and bare-headed ecclesiastics reminded their Bewigged brethren that they were bound to imitate Christ in all things, and then asked them if the Saviour were likely to recognise a resemblance to himself in a priest under a wig