Use "sailed through" in a sentence

1. He simply sailed through the difficult exam.

2. 19 He simply sailed through the difficult exam.

3. He sailed through the night to his father's lands.

4. The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.

5. While she sailed through her maths exams, he struggled.

6. 4 The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.

7. He reached up, but the ball sailed through his hands.

8. D'Abreu sailed through Ambon while Serrão went ahead towards Maluku islands.

9. Sailed through college, picked up academic jargon like a duckling gobbles worms.

10. He sailed through Alpine in eight weeks, a month less than the average stay.

11. The ship sailed from the Black Sea, through Bosphorus , Dardanelles Straits and into the Mediterranean.

12. Over the years he has sailed through the pages of many books and silver screen.

13. We sailed the Atlantic; This frigate has sailed to France.

14. The ship sailed at dusk.

15. From Palembang, the fleet sailed down the Musi River, through the Banka Strait, passing the Lingga and Riau archipelagos.

16. Now, having sailed through the trial, I know I'm gonna save big, upgrade my thriftiness and become more independent.

17. They sailed along the rugged coastline.

18. Drake sailed round the world.

19. ‘We sailed out after the brig.’.

20. Many sailed keeping land in sight.

21. She sailed into my sitting room.

22. We sailed on an easter tack.

23. The runway had upon it a light skein of mist, and he sailed through it and up into the high air.

24. 27 We sailed on an easter tack.

25. 5 We sailed serenely down the river.

26. The fleecy clouds sailed across the sky.

27. The opposing candidates sailed into each other.

28. She sailed the dinghy across the bay.

29. The islands were given their collective name and also English names by Captain Cook when he sailed through the area in 1770.

30. Lee sailed for Europe yesterday morning.

31. We sailed the Atlantic in five days.

32. The boat sailed along/down the coast.

33. The dinghy sailed smoothly across the lake.

34. They put about and sailed for home.

35. I thought you sailed off to Haiti.

36. 2 She sailed into my sitting room.

37. We sailed on a large ocean liner.

38. The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.

39. The Spanish Armada sailed to England in 15

40. We sailed into a beautiful, secluded bay.

41. We weighed anchor next morning and sailed south.

42. They sailed to America in a large liner.

43. Sapan sailed in beneath the overhang of limestone.

44. You are Ragnar Lothbrok, the one who sailed west?

45. The ship sailed as soon as it got clearance.

46. 4 The boat sailed serenely on towards the horizon.

47. " I sailed with old Horace all around the world. "

48. He sailed into the witness, accusing him of lying.

49. They sailed over Paris in a linen balloon.

50. A second zing sailed out into the water.

51. My first officer, Ross, and I have sailed everywhere.

52. 5 We sailed out of the harbour at daybreak.

53. The schooner sailed coastward. We followed a coastward route.

54. 5 The submarine sailed deep under the ice cap.

55. The trawler had sailed from the port of Zeebrugge.

56. The squadron sailed on 22 September for Tulagi, Solomon Islands.

57. This simply constructed craft floated on a mass of 000 plastic bottles and was sailed through the patch by oceanographers Marcus Eriksen and Joel Paschal.

58. She next sailed to Port Royal, Nova Scotia, for patrols with ships of the Royal Navy, then sailed for the British West Indies in January 1942.

59. As the Nashville and the invasion convoy sailed Circuitously …

60. Cilician pirates can destroy any Roman fleet that ever sailed.

61. I have sailed to places where there is no damnation.

62. Disney dismissed her request, saying, "Pamela, the ship has sailed."

63. " It was the schooner'Hesperus,'and she sailed the wintry sea. "

64. We sailed from Perth with a cargo of raw ion.

65. He sailed the yacht out of danger and into his future.

66. 3 We sailed past the island's rather dark and forbidding cliffs.

67. Aristarchus was with Paul when the ship they sailed on to …

68. The Dewey sailed three days later in the Enterprise task force.

69. Cão sailed back to Portugal carrying a party of Kongo emissaries.

70. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.

71. We sailed for three days before we saw dry land.

72. We sailed past the island's rather dark and forbidding cliffs.

73. The Grand Fleet sailed with 29 dreadnought battleships and 6 battlecruisers.

74. Big white clouds sailed eastward toward the San Bernardino mountain range.

75. 21 The tugboat sailed in the teeth of the wind triumphantly.

76. He sailed in the flagship, the greatest warship in the world.

77. 14 The tugboat sailed in the teeth of the wind triumphantly.

78. The seagull stretched its wings out and sailed along with the current.

79. 22 The big liner sailed onwards for the next port of call.

80. Giving them an airy wave of his hand, the Commander sailed past.