Use "sacrifice his whole life to" in a sentence

1. Arthur was willing to sacrifice his life to save yours.

2. He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.

3. His whole life... was devoted solely to you.

4. He would rather sacrifice his life than see damage done to state property.

5. His whole life revolves around surfing.

6. Martin's upbringing shaped his whole life.

7. 10 His whole life is dedicated to scientific research.

8. Losing his job changed his whole outlook on life.

9. He spent his whole life in Cornwall.

10. He has been devoting his whole life to benefiting mankind.

11. His whole life, he's listened to what the patrols preach.

12. The parson has devoted his whole life to the church.

13. He gave his life as a ransom sacrifice, first in behalf of his anointed followers.

14. Jesus preaches about God’s Kingdom and offers up his life as a sacrifice.

15. How I wish I could sacrifice my life for this future of his.

16. To exercise active faith in Jesus Christ and in the life-redeeming value of his sacrifice.

17. Jeff Chang has wanted to be a doctor his whole life.

18. 23 He's determined to live his whole life at full throttle.

19. (Acts 20:24) He was willing to sacrifice everything, including his life, in order to finish the race.

20. Everything-his whole life was an apprenticeship for this.

21. My dad's been an early bird his whole life.

22. The adventure changed the whole current of his life.

23. True Canadian who sacrifice his life for his country just like Akshay Kumar ditched Indian Citizenship for Canada

24. Sophia plans to sacrifice you to buy a life of immortality.

25. Until a few nights ago, the Crusader was always willing to sacrifice his life for that of another townie

26. His father's death gave him a whole new perspective on life.

27. His whole life hung on these two words : watchfulness and supervision.

28. During which his whole life his father stuck to his story no matter how much Baelfire asked for the truth

29. Is Jephthah really going to sacrifice his daughter?

30. Whole Life Insurance

31. How might ingenuity help us to lead a life of self-sacrifice?

32. A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.

33. He had to betray and sacrifice his only kin.

34. The last time you sat me next to Alberto I had to hear his whole life story!

35. 10 Leaving his land involved sacrifice.

36. He has been working his whole life... and she is going to take half of it!

37. His memory of his own mother, the sweet, patient sufferer of Bonn, was to him like a Benison his whole life long

38. It is of no benefit for a man to gain the whole world if he loses his life, his soul.

39. Despite their life of self-sacrifice, they radiated genuine joy.

40. One waiting of whole life, half life grief.

41. But, since your flesh is mortal, you must sacrifice your life to do it.

42. He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good.

43. Without His atoning sacrifice, all would be lost.

44. Men like my father... who spent his whole life tilling the dirt... just to die facedown in it.

45. He traveled extensively, worked from early in the morning until late at night, and eventually laid down his life in sacrifice.

46. He had never envisaged spending the whole of his working life in that particular job.

47. Christ gave up his body as a sacrifice.

48. The good life is to be earned with hard work and sacrifice. Dr T.P.Chia 

49. I built up this whole business, my whole life for you.

50. 18 Dedication involves our whole life.

51. My whole life has changed, Linus.

52. I been studying my whole life.

53. One who loves not wine, woman and song, remains a fool his whole life long. 

54. He opposed Buddhism in his whole life and the characteristics of his viewpoint of Buddhism were selfish departmentalism and empiricism.

55. Abel brought an animal, and his sacrifice was accepted.”

56. Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move.

57. The true God would consume his sacrifice with fire.

58. Those accepting the ransom sacrifice of Christ will receive eternal life on earth.

59. 6 His election campaign appeals more to enlightened self-interest than to self-sacrifice.

60. He evidently thought his life was so valuable that some one would surely save it even at the cost of the supreme sacrifice.

61. Job 33:20 View whole chapter See verse in context So that his life Abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat

62. 18 From his teen to middle age, till the old age, Monteverdi has devoted his whole life to composing madrigal and publishing eight volumes of Madrigal altogether.

63. Congratulations For the rest of your life! Every sacrifice is for my sister Give her the best life! Congratulations

64. In fulfillment of this prophetic picture, the man Jesus kept absolute integrity to Jehovah God before offering his life as the one lasting sacrifice for our sins.

65. Education Let Ayurveda Change Your Whole Life

66. Music can certainly enrich your whole life.

67. Jesus’ whole life revolved around the ministry.

68. I've known you my whole damn life!

69. The whole of life, so to speak, is involved in the pursuit of the good life.

70. Dogs are not our whole life, but they do make some lives whole.

71. He was author and publisher, or journalist and editor, the whole of his working life, and a Bibliophile, if not a bibliolater, from his earliest to his latest years.

72. Suddenly, his whole world seemed to collapse!

73. Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life

74. Job 33:20 View whole chapter See verse in context So that his life Abhor reth bread, and his soul dainty meat

75. Truly, I stand all amazed at “His matchless life and the infinite virtue of His great atoning sacrifice” (“The Living Christ,” Liahona and Ensign, Apr. 2000, 2; emphasis added).

76. His willingness to sacrifice Isaac was far more than a show of respectful obedience.

77. 18 You are the patron saint of life, your wisdom and sincerity to hold up the sun life, your selfless sacrifice life, heal the wounded bear bitter hardships, pain.

78. 21 While leading a balanced, simple life involves sacrifice, the blessings and joys are incomparable.

79. 12 Jehovah God accepted the ransom sacrifice that his Son offered.

80. That clock hasn't moved in my whole life.