Use "run counter to" in a sentence

1. We still run counter to.

2. Even run counter to reality and fantasy.

3. Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.

4. Your suggestions run counter to what we arranged yesterday.

5. The government's actions run counter to their election promises.

6. Does this run counter to the principles of socialism?

7. 9 Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism.

8. These demands run counter to the agreements we have reached.

9. Teenagers are likely to run counter to their parents in making friends.

10. The government's plans run counter to agreed European policy on this issue.

11. And as Mr Blunkett has found, academic findings often run counter to received wisdom.

12. This did indeed run counter to the original principle of a benign public monopoly.

13. Heavily subsidized government services and centralized labor markets run counter to our history and politics.

14. 19 Heavily subsidized government services and centralized labor markets run counter to our history and politics.

15. He did not run counter to his fate, but yielded himself up to it quite complacently.

16. Their conclusions run counter to any simple proletarianisation thesis about the effects of new technology on skill.

17. The policy on the use of biomass for energy purposes should not run counter to this approach.

18. Measures which adversely affect the incentives to use more energy-efficient technologies would run counter to that aim.

19. So far there is little here that would run counter to what would be considered orthodox Marxist views.

20. This would run counter to the very informal information exchange that gives it meaning in this internal context.

21. He is asked to behave in ways which run counter to his natural desires, and he resents this.

22. School authorities may excuse them from participation in compulsory false religious activities, which run counter to the Witnesses’ faith.

23. The explanations which they offer for continuing peasant unrest, however, run counter to important aspects of the Soviet explanation.

24. This would run counter to the wish to concentrate the proposals on those areas where LIFE has the greatest added value.

25. It also agrees that reform must address the sector's structural deficiencies, while ensuring safeguards against any unwanted effects that run counter to the CFP;

26. Both the ultra-Left and Right currents of thought run counter to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and obstruct our advance towards modernization.

27. The way FEMA Calculates the index spotlights places long known as danger spots, like Los Angeles, but some other places highlighted run counter to

28. The way FEMA Calculates the index spotlights places long known as danger spots, like Los Angeles, but some other places highlighted run counter to

29. It also agrees that reform must address the sector's structural deficiencies, while ensuring safeguards against any unwanted effects that run counter to the CFP

30. Longer sessions would soon be necessary to prevent the Committee from accumulating a backlog, which would run counter to the spirit and letter of the Convention.

31. Not only would such concerns have been alien to a prudent private investor in a market economy, they would have run counter to the hypothetical investor's financial interests.

32. 76 However, it would run counter to the intention of the German legislature for German nationals, using the law of another Member State, to adopt afresh abolished titles of nobility.

33. The fact that the addressee of the offer may not turn it down justifies the prohibition imposed on the tenderer preventing him from withdrawing his offer where this would run counter to the aims of the intervention system.

34. Translations in context of "aggrieve" in English-French from Reverso Context: To interpret the phrase "Aggrieves or may aggrieve" in the manner urged by the appellants would run counter to the legislature's clear intention to provide redress for grievances not legally cognizable.