Use "run around" in a sentence

1. If you still run around,

2. Juokse = Run (as in a command), Juoksennella = to run around Aimlessly

3. Text will run around this frame

4. Run your fingers around the drain.

5. Do I turn around and run away?

6. I told them not to run around.

7. They love to run around on the playground.

8. You and Bull Run look around the barn.

9. While we run around and pick their pockets?

10. You cannot run around like a wild animal.

11. On returning I took a run around the campus.

12. Bryan, you cannot just run around tearing down Paris...

13. Did you want me to run around the city?

14. Toddlers like to run around the house bare naked.

15. The kids, all wearing name tags, run around us.

16. How can young girls run around taking their clothes off?

17. For sheer cleverness she could run rings around them all.

18. You run around dressed like a moron, beating people up!

19. I can run around a pitch 25 times, no problem.

20. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone's welcome

21. Couple shots around their feet, they'll run off like squealing pigs.

22. Like having their players run around at midday in full clothes.

23. The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out.

24. Right around and run into the sewers and the gutters, anywhere

25. You talk like a fella just might as well run around naked.

26. I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench.

27. She turns around to see a hanging body and continues to run away.

28. I can't run around like I used to - I must be getting old.

29. 10 HEAD: Run tape measure around your head,[] just above the brow line.

30. The two run around the grass field and Kaguya demonstrates the ability to fly.

31. Canonical was seeking to crowdfund a production run of around 40,000 units through Indiegogo.

32. But in visits and interviews at city-run vehicles around China, officials appeared unworried.

33. Let the kids run around in the garden and that'll soon tire them out.

34. You know better than to run around like that. Now go wash your hands, please.

35. An exciting sledge run around hairpin bends at the foot of the Eiger North Wall.

36. Let's take the children to the park so they can run around for a bit.

37. Your Mischa leaves our daughter at home so he can run around with this Jakob.

38. State-run Xinhua news agency says the group received around $ 35,000 ( £22,000 ) for the transp lant .

39. Once successful, he will run around and not allow you to get hold of his prize.

40. Run, run, run, run away from my psychotic teammate!

41. Some gaming Chairs can run into the $1,000+ price range, but this chair comes at around $350

42. Certain Breeds like Dachshunds or small terriers also love country life and the opportunity to run around

43. Look, we can't just run around hollering and throwing spears and shooting arrows at the damn thing.

44. Let them run into you, not the other way around! How big can you grow? Play Blocky …

45. They had to get out, no matter what the weather, and run around the car five times.

46. The animation is silky smooth and flicker free as your players run around the vast countryside scenario.

47. There are now 21 talk shows on daytime television; two cable channels run them around the clock.

48. Volunteers run 17 luncheon clubs and three coffee bars around Bassetlaw, many of them in small outlying villages.

49. I used to run around the street with a fishbowl over my head pretending I was an astronaut. . . .

50. The other three people all run around screaming - quite fast, admittedly, but you would hardly call it scuttling.

51. Most commercial vehicles run on diesel (around 97 %); potential for improvement is smaller, thus making abatement costs higher.

52. 15 hours ago · With Suez Canal Blocked, Shippers Begin End Run Around a Trade Artery

53. On one stage, in the fumble around in darkness before the run began, I forgot my running number.

54. He would run around like a broken top with his jaws open, all the kids screaming as they scattered.

55. In her shocked lethargy, she seemed content to let Valerie run around after her and do everything for her.

56. For years now this newspaper has run ads for topless and who-knows-what-else entertainment facilities around town.

57. For example:-run: command: npm install # install dependencies-run: command: npm test # run your unit tests-run: command: npm run Chromatic # publish Storybook and run visual tests

58. Besides menu costs, economists also discuss shoe-leather costs, because inflation makes people run around more, wearing down their soles.

59. The falls were so dangerous that most people labored to portage around them rather than try to run the waters.

60. At 18 stone, I can't run around the way I used to. There again, some people say I never did.

61. While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum.

62. A red-faced Bobby would then run around clutching his shorts. After four successive collisions he suggested I did the lifting.

63. The Blackcap team is led by indivisuals that have built, acquired, scaled-up and run companies and divisions around the world

64. He was weeping quietly, allowing the tears to run down his cheeks and drip into the dusty shadows around his feet.

65. Sometimes it is better to let the children have free time when they just run around in the garden or hall.

66. I predict it will run and run.

67. 20 A red-faced Bobby would then run around clutching his shorts. After four successive collisions he suggested I did the lifting.

68. Blankety will walk around the school in search of a notebook, once it finds one it will steal it and run away

69. Run around the block, or do 30 jumping jack s. Get your body moving and your heart pumping for a few minutes.

70. Run errands around town or trek along a Bike path with the right blend of comfort and function on your hybrid Bike.

71. Run npm run Chromatic to publish your Storybook

72. At feeding time, place the prey into your Anole’s cage and let your lizard run around and get some exercise as it hunts.

73. Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. Michael Jordan 

74. Milk run?

75. Run amuck?

76. Let's run.

77. Run program.

78. In paper making the paper sheet shrinks as it passes around steam heated drying arranged in groups, which must run at successively slower speeds.

79. Chests are containers placed around the environment at random that can contain a variety of different items and perks to help you during your run

80. The team at Baze strives to help people make smarter decisions around their health and enable their customers to optimize nutrition for the long run.