Use "rough ground" in a sentence

1. The path continued over rough, rocky ground.

2. They hurried over the rough rocky ground .

3. 19 They hurried over the rough rocky ground .

4. She picked her way delicately over the rough ground.

5. The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground.

6. 30 The truck jolted and rattled over the rough ground.

7. This helps to prevent the glider from bouncing on any rough ground.

8. It is mined from the ground, from the seabed or from alluvial deposits and is distributed in its rough state by rough diamond producers.

9. 24 The car wheels screeched as they curved and bounced over the rough broken ground.

10. 1 The car wheels screeched as they curved and bounced over the rough broken ground.

11. He moved lightly over the rough ground, dodging round bushes, avoiding every loose stone and broken twig.

12. Experience has shown that, particularly on construction sites,cylinders may be thrown from considerable heights onto rough ground.

13. Experience has shown that, particularly on construction sites,cylinders may be thrown from considerable heights onto rough ground

14. Experience has shown that, particularly on construction sites, cylinders may be thrown from considerable heights onto rough ground

15. Experience has shown that, particularly on construction sites, cylinders may be thrown from considerable heights onto rough ground.

16. With zero ground clearance, the Magic Creeper won’t damage expensive floor finishes, and still works on rough or uneven surfaces

17. Handling a long-wheelbase Land-Rover with its trailer over rough ground is an art that needs plenty of practice.

18. Overall, they are stocky and short, with short pasterns that allow them to move easily on sandy or rough ground.

19. Pretty rough?

20. Pretty rough.

21. Casual rough sex?

22. Rough date, mother?

23. Bouldered - abounding in rocks or stones; "rocky fields"; "stony ground"; "bouldery beaches" bouldery, rocky, stony rough, unsmooth - having or

24. 8 (OF 25) ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON The ground was hilly and rough, very suitable for Ambushes, and over which they did not venture without extreme precaution.

25. These rough sheets tickle.

26. You wanna play rough?

27. The road'll be rough.

28. Wow, Taiwan sounds rough.

29. Rough and tumble play.

30. I like rough edges.

31. We can play rough.

32. FluorApophyllite rough and cut set

33. lt is a little rough.

34. My hands are getting rough.

35. "We have steep valleys and many types of mature trees here, as well as rough ground that humans don't disturb, " he said, after spotting a red-vented bulbul.

36. Translucent White Alabaster - Rough Cut

37. He joined the Rough Riders.

38. You had one rough life.

39. Boy, the holidays are rough!

40. My diamond in the rough.

41. The road was too rough.

42. Looks like a rough one.

43. The diamond in the rough.

44. Was it a rough trip?

45. This is gonna get rough!

46. “I am a rough stone.

47. Sokovia's had a rough history.

48. Rugby is a rough sport.

49. Articulation is what allows the vehicle keep all four tires in contact with the ground on rough terrain, which provides better stability and allows the vehicle to maintain traction.

50. Bluebeardism Interactive learning with rough coloring

51. Asperity has had a rough history

52. Acerbity - a rough and bitter manner

53. 2 synonyms for Approximative: approximate, rough

54. The rough cloth prickled my skin.

55. Rugby is a very rough sport.

56. Boist definition is - a rough shelter

57. Idles a little rough in neutral.

58. Yeah, it's been a little rough.

59. His behaviour is sometimes rather rough.

60. Well, it's been a rough week.

61. This must be rough for him.

62. The car blitzed through rough terrain.

63. He enjoys rough and tumble play.

64. A rough chin brushing his cheek.

65. Cocklebur, rough cocklebur, clotbur, Buttonbur, ditchbur

66. Being goalie is a rough job.”

67. Rough, hairy beasts with eight hands.

68. Are the walls rough or smooth?

69. You got a rough day ahead.

70. Ground Beef All lean trim can be ground as ground beef.

71. The upshot ( result ) is that nuclear fusion can happen using rough - and - ready lasers and rough - and - ready fuel.

72. We should act Compassionately towards rough sleepers.

73. A Bruted girdle looks rough and “porous”

74. [Boyf Riends] Jeremy's life was rough enough

75. _Painted Blazes_ retains that rough hewn charm

76. This time the Rough and Perfect Ashlars.


78. Some of these nodules are very rough.

79. The rough road made the car vibrate.

80. “No Road Too Rough or Too Long”