Use "roots" in a sentence

1. Horseradish (Angelica roots, lovage roots, gentiana roots,)

2. Horseradish (angelica roots, lovage roots, gentiana roots)

3. Horseradish (Angelica roots, lovage roots, gentiana roots)

4. (adjective) Adventitious roots.

5. Roots of Injustice

6. The new plant out new roots . The roots grew into the rotting tree.

7. I've sunk roots here.

8. Your roots are here.

9. * Grabbing the Strong Roots

10. Grabbing the Strong Roots

11. Anlet is The company which manufactures and sells Roots Type blower and Roots type pump.

12. The seedlings adapted to flooding by forming hypertrophied lenticels and adventitious roots on submerged portions of stems, as well as forming new roots on preexisting roots.

13. Straight trees have crooked roots.

14. Their special adaptive aerial roots and salt- filtering tap roots have established rich and complex ecosystems.

15. Example Question #2 : Analogies: Roots

16. The Roots of Family Distress

17. True praise roots and spreads.

18. Roots of the concept: Anointment

19. All Cuttings usually develop roots

20. “Roots That Cannot Be Dislodged”

21. Cuttings are plant pieces, usually stems or branches, capable of growing new roots, called Adventitious roots.

22. Their special adaptive aerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots have established rich and complex ecosystems.

23. Campbell & Kaufman (1985) Most Proto-Mayan roots were monosyllabic except for a few disyllabic nominal roots.

24. Achimenes have scaly, rhizomatous roots

25. Adventitious roots are still roots, and therefore, their main function is the absorption of minerals and water

26. Honey, those roots are saying otherwise.

27. Adventitious roots can grow from plant stems, bases of leaves, corms (swollen underground stem), rhizomes (mass of roots

28. Bed the roots in the compost.

29. storms make trees take deeper roots.

30. Many Americans have roots in Europe.

31. She boiled lotus - roots in soy.

32. The banyan tree has aerial roots.

33. Strawberry Blonde Bob with Dark Roots

34. Bosky Has Roots in Middle English

35. "Roots" became a blockbuster TV series.

36. She always roots for the underdog.

37. We're gonna put down some roots.

38. We cherish roots, family and connectedness.

39. 1 Straight trees have crooked roots.

40. These grass roots don't pull easily.

41. Adventitious roots are plant roots that form from any nonroot tissue and are produced both during normal development (crown roots on cereals and nodal roots on strawberry [ Fragaria spp.]) and in response to stress conditions, such as flooding, nutrient deprivation, and wounding.

42. These are your roots, are they not?

43. Its roots can go down three metres.

44. The unrest has roots in religious differences.

45. The roots go a long way down.

46. She retains a reverence for her roots.

47. One had to return to grass roots.

48. Tags: italia, italy, italian roots, italian pride, abruzzo italy, abruzzo, Abruzzian, abruzzi, abruzzese, love abruzzo, abruzzi heritage, Abruzzian roots

49. AERZEN Roots Blower type GMb 16.13 HV

50. Functional Contextualism has roots in behavioral and

51. Aeolian harp Has Roots in Greek Myth

52. Key words: roots, evolution, adaptations, structure, symbioses.

53. The tree's roots go down three metres.

54. The soil provides nourishment for plant roots.

55. These plants imbibe moisture through their roots.

56. Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.


58. Impaired Phototropisms of cpt1 Coleoptiles and Roots

59. Remember, we must not forget our roots.

60. It's recognizably 19th century in its roots.

61. We have deep roots here in Kyoto.

62. We managed to lever the roots out.

63. Bessarabian / Moldavian Jewish Roots has 2,862 members

64. ... given them roots and now they can...

65. The roots of this plant go deep.

66. Storms make trees take deeper roots

67. 4 Bed the roots in the compost.

68. 2 We cherish roots, family and connectedness.

69. Whereas roots in hydroponic systems are suspended in water (like the DWC system), Aeroponics has plant roots suspended in air

70. With the development of the vascular systems in the adventitious roots, the roots extrude from the lenticel or the cutting callus.

71. Amped ROOTS - FREE AMP SIM! Amped Roots Free is our first amp sim release and it comes with a free amp

72. Water is Absorbed by plants through their roots

73. Searching for Roots —An Adoptee Longed to Know

74. What are the roots of popular Easter customs?

75. These roots come in a variety of shapes.

76. This mushroom exists in symbiosis with the roots.

77. 21 Storms make trees take deeper roots

78. These plants produce a number of thin roots.

79. Taekwondo has roots in ancient Korean martial arts.

80. 22 With the development of the vascular systems in the adventitious roots, the roots extrude from the lenticel or the cutting callus.