Use "root system" in a sentence

1. Calamus mostly propagates through its rhizomatous root system, …

2. Azaleas will be more winter hardy with an established root system

3. Because it has a strong root system anchored in the soil.

4. 11 The plants develop a thick rhizome with a dense root system.

5. The extensive root system of grasses serves as a deterrent to soil erosion.

6. The Achilles heel of Bougainvillea has always been their delicate and thin root system

7. This huge root system provides solid anchorage in the face of floods or high winds.

8. Switchgrass has a deep fibrous root system – nearly as deep as the plant is tall.

9. Though the sight of a sequoia is awe-inspiring, its unseen root system is equally impressive.

10. After cutting the plant tops, the pots were dried without disturbing the soil and root system.

11. The active ingredient, Atrazine will kill weeds as seeds or kill emerged weeds through the root system.

12. A large root system also enables a tree to obtain sufficient water and nutrients from the soil.

13. A tree may grow to an amazing size, especially when its root system is deep or extensive.

14. It further alternates the irrigated side, leaving one part of the root system constantly dry at all times.

15. The “Coralroot” part of this orchid’s common name refers to the plant’s twisted thick, stem-like root system

16. The “Coralroot” part of this orchid’s common name refers to the plant’s twisted thick, stem-like root system

17. An olive tree’s expansive root system enables it to rejuvenate itself even when the trunk has been destroyed.

18. Common Chickweed (Stellaria media) is a low-spreading winter annual or perennial weed with a weak, shallow root system

19. Before planting, make sure the container is big enough to hold a large, thirsty Canna with a vigorous root system

20. While Chokecherry is easily top-killed by fire, it is able to resprout from its root system with little difficulty.

21. Bulrush has a root system which means the roots need to be destroyed to prevent the plant from coming back

22. And the root system, and also through beneficial fungi, which link up everything under the ground and move nutrients around.

23. Root system of a 2-year-old nursery grown common alder (A. glutinosa) with necrotic lesions caused by P. alni.

24. Hedge Bindweed is a very similar species, but has a shallower root system and is more common in uncultivated areas

25. Adventitious roots, arising from the stem of the plants, are the main component of the mature root system … The spermatophyte root system is composed of a primary root that develops from an embryonically formed root meristem, and of different post-embryonic root types: lateral and Adventitious …

26. Alstroemeria is an herbaceous perennial that grows up from a fleshy root system and has glossy foliage around the upright stem

27. Using the metaphor of a strong root system of a tree, Solomon says: “Good men have roots that cannot be dislodged.”

28. Potting a Canna lily is best done in a large container, as the plant needs room for the root system to develop

29. Absorptive area per unit “cost” may be enlarged directly through increased fineness of the root system and proliferation of long root hairs.

30. Adjective Fight chlorosis with a Biyearly application of iron sulphate and the removal of any buried debris competing with the plant's root system.

31. Alsike survives well under wet conditions, but its drought resistance is lower than that of red clover due to the superficial root system

32. All life is connected, Megan Cogitated to herself as she looked at a diagram of a complex forest root system in her textbook

33. The fig tree adapts to most soils, and its extensive root system enables it to endure the long, dry summers of the Middle East.

34. Definition of Adventitious Root System: Roots that grow from any part of plant other than the radicle or its branches are called Adventitious roots (L

35. Beeches prefer moist, well-drained, acidic soil, does not like excessively wet soils full sun best with this cultivar which has a shallow, wide root system

36. Buddleia is best planted from spring to midsummer so the plants have ample opportunity to develop a good root system to sustain them through the winter

37. The vine is the main part of the grapevine, extending from the root system in the ground up to the Cordons, or arms, of the vine

38. Bulrushes are water loving plants which create excellent habitats for wild birds, trap beneficial bacteria in their tangled root system and provide nesting cover for bass and bluegill

39. 21 The shrubs of White Tephrosia, Cajan and Pallid Rattle-box are drought resistance, endurable to lean soil, developed root system, exuberant growth of branches and leaves and quick growth variety.

40. The generic version of the popular Curtail Herbicide, Cody Herbicide It provides dual action as it kills weeds through absorbing into the foliage and also seeps into the ground to kill at the root system.

41. For a Crystallographic root system [PHI], there are three well-known Coxeter-Catalan objects [Arm09]: the set of noncrossing partitions NC ([PHI]), the set of nonnesting partitions NN ([PHI]) and the cluster complex [DELTA] ([PHI])

42. Avoid the three deadly mistakes of: forgetting to water them, over-fertilizing them and allowing water to collect around their root system; and you will have no problem keeping your Anthurium plants in great shape.

43. Other articles where Axoneme is discussed: algae: The algal cell: …form the basic structure, or Axoneme, of a flagellum, and they are a major component of the root system that anchors a flagellum within the cell

44. ‘This Colouration is not always present on the plants and does not correlate with the ability of the root system to survive dehydration.’ ‘Plumage coloration ranges from light or dark brown to gray, often with dark spotted or barred patterns.’

45. The Biosphere is made up of the parts of Earth where life exists. The Biosphere extends from the deepest root system s of trees, to the dark environment of ocean trench es, to lush rain forest s and high mountain tops

46. The pH tends to be alkaline and the soil has a high calcium carbonate content and is made up of horizontal strata between which a large quantity of fine clays accumulate, which are excellent for the development of the almond trees’ root system.

47. These algebras form a generalization of finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras, and many properties related to the structure of a Lie algebra such as its root system, irreducible representations, and connection to flag manifolds have natural analogues in the Kac–Moody setting.

48. Baobabs are deciduous, and during the dry season (which can last up to nine months), the bare branches of a Baobab resemble a gnarled root system, and make these trees look as if they were pulled up by the roots and pushed back in upside down

49. Alterniflora exhibited high productivity and a well-developed underground root system (Li et al., 2009), which could inhibit the import and availability of Allothogenic food sources by reducing tidal flow and producing more detritus (Neira, Grosholz, Levin, & Blake, 2006; Neira, Levin, & Grosholz, 2005; Neira, Levin

50. Chrysanthemum plants are just about the easiest of all of the perennials to grow. Mums should be planted in early spring after all danger of freezing, however they can be planted almost any time, as long as they have time to establish their root system before the hottest weather.

51. ‘The Alismataceae have Acropetal leaf development.’ ‘Sepal initiation began on the basal lateral flower and continued in an Acropetal direction until all floral meristems had completed sepal initiation.’ ‘Similarly, meristem activities in the same Acropetal sequence or on the whole-root-system architecture have not yet been compared.’

52. What is AgLogic™ 15G Aldicarb pesticide? AgLogic™ 15G is a carbamate pesticide that contains the active ingredient Aldicarb that controls nematodes, a wide range of piercing and sucking pests and certain chewing pests through direct contact with treated soil and systemically from residues absorbed and translocated by the developing root system.