Use "robbers" in a sentence

1. We're bank robbers.

2. The robbers have flown .

3. How dare they become robbers!"

4. " Grave robbers will be shot. "

5. That sapped the robbers’ aggression.

6. The robbers are hostile powers.

7. Adventurers is hostile to Robbers

8. He was set on by robbers.

9. The policemen pursued the bank robbers.

10. People were overheated by the robbers.

11. The robbers ditched the getaway car.

12. The robbers have flown the country.

13. The robbers were wearing stocking masks.

14. Newspaper headlines lament: “Armed Robbers Sack Community”; “Kid Robbers Go Wild”; and “Panic, as Street Gangs Seize [a Township].”

15. Three masked robbers... intruded inside ajewelry shop.

16. The robbers were taken aback by this.

17. I've spent my life catching bank robbers.

18. Twice before, robbers had absconded with bank money.

19. The robbers fled when they saw the police.

20. 6 The tents of robbers are at peace,+

21. The robbers rammed the gag in her mouth.

22. The robbers studied the layout of the bank.

23. The robbers battered his face into a mummy.

24. Robbers use stun gun to steal man's car.

25. The postmaster was shot dead by the robbers.

26. The bank robbers wore masks throughout the raid.

27. They are trying to round up those robbers.

28. Murderers, robbers, rapists, dealers, pedophiles, and the Mob.

29. 23 Robbers held up a bank at gunpoint.

30. Robbers escaped with £30 000 of payroll money.

31. The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway.

32. The robbers were holed up in a deserted warehouse.

33. When Jesus died, he was impaled between two robbers.

34. The robbers buried the jewelry chest on the mountain.

35. The robbers all wore hoods to hide their faces.

36. The police grabbed the robbers after a long chase.

37. Police are on the track of the bank robbers.

38. Banditti is an Italian word for robbers or outlaws

39. The children played a game of cops and robbers.

40. The robbers abandoned their getaway car in Sealand Road.

41. 1 The postmaster was shot dead by the robbers.

42. That you have, while robbers are roaming free in Sherwood.

43. 26 We detected the robbers as they entered the bank.

44. 10 Three robbers ransacked the bank in twenty-five minutes.

45. 10 We were set upon by a band of robbers.

46. Fearlessly, Tom lashed into the robbers, who soon ran away.

47. He was executed as a lawbreaker, impaled between two robbers.

48. A young teller was shot dead by bank robbers today.

49. 10 The police car was gaining ground on the robbers.

50. Two robbers steal an Ambulance after their heist goes awry.

51. Police have launched a man - hunt for the bullion robbers.

52. Many robbers raided on the jeweller's in the shopping centre.

53. You don't know. It might be fun to play bank robbers.

54. The robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport.

55. The children's game of Cops and robbers is attested from 1900.

56. Jehovah will eliminate evildoers, such as robbers, murderers, and sex perverts.

57. A couple of robbers even resorted to hypnotism, reports The Economist.

58. The robbers were skulking around the corners, ready to jump out.

59. One of the robbers went under the guise of a postman.

60. The robbers made away with all the money in the safe.

61. 5 Masked robbers broke in and made off with $(

62. The police played a cat and mouse game with the robbers.

63. The robbers hit him over the head with a baseball bat.

64. The robbers crept out of the forest and Blindsided the traveller

65. It wound through lonely terrain, providing many lurking places for robbers.

66. Whoever ignores the order will be killed as the medallion robbers

67. The robbers decided to whack up the profits from the robbery.

68. The robbers clobbered the shopkeeper to make him open the safe.

69. 7 Somehow, the robbers were able to disable the gallery's alarm system.

70. We need to rehab from the lies of these robbers of power.

71. In vain , however , for the robbers with their sabers soon killed him .

72. The robbers rifled the cash register and fled with $188 in cash.

73. The sheriff rounded up a posse and went after the bank robbers.

74. Nephite dissenters and some of the Lamanite youth join the Gadianton robbers

75. The robbers hid out in the suburbs of Boston to cool off.

76. 29 The police think the bank robbers are holed up in Chicago.

77. Banditti Bands of robbers who infest the mountainous parts of Italy and Greece

78. A man was set upon by robbers, beaten, and stripped of his possessions.

79. The righteous Nephites and Lamanites unite to defend themselves against the Gadianton robbers

80. 12 Masked robbers broke in, tied him up, and made off with $000.