Use "ridicule" in a sentence

1. His ridicule chafed her.

2. Silly mistakes often arouse ridicule.

3. 22 His ridicule chafed her.

4. She doesn't ridicule my timidity.

5. In short, Abnegation is an easy target for ridicule; there is motive to ridicule them, and due to Abnegation's lack of interest defending itself, the ridicule can spread.

6. 12 You mustn't ridicule unfortunate people.

7. 2 Silly mistakes often arouse ridicule.

8. He had become inured to ridicule.

9. Or, heaven forbid[Sentencedict], ridicule him?

10. We used to ridicule continental drift.

11. Do not be afraid of ridicule.

12. Should ridicule or opposition discourage us?

13. 9 She doesn't ridicule my timidity.

14. Often they fear ridicule or a rebuttal.

15. You'll only expose yourself to more ridicule.

16. Her foolish actions exposed her to ridicule.

17. To make a travesty of; parody or ridicule .

18. 7 His ideas were held up to ridicule.

19. 14 Yes, some might ridicule or oppose you.

20. 8 Her foolish actions exposed her to ridicule.

21. 4 They pelted him with ridicule and vilification.

22. They seem to draw down ridicule on us.

23. 15 Her plans were held up to ridicule.

24. 14 She feared becoming an object of ridicule.

25. Nagging, begging, coercion, and ridicule seldom meet with success.

26. Fashion: a despot whom the wise ridicule and obey.

27. The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction.

28. 11 They seek to draw down ridicule on me.

29. 1 They seem to draw down ridicule on us.

30. He began by pouring ridicule on the whig leader.

31. Her enthusiastic approach soon brought ridicule from her schoolmates.

32. Abusive speech, ridicule, contempt, and hateful wrath are wrong.

33. Related: Bantered; Bantering.The noun, "good-humored ridicule," is …

34. Similarly, “ridiculers with their ridicule” abound in the last days.

35. In contrast, shame, or dishonor, accompanied public humiliation or ridicule.

36. 7 The only safe object of ridicule was Inspector Fowler.

37. 13 He is exposed to the ridicule of the public.

38. 6 The prime minister was becoming an object of ridicule.

39. Byword - Is a racist epithet, insult, ridicule, or mockery e.g

40. (Matthew 24:37-39) Some may ridicule or oppose you.

41. He warned of the arrival of “ridiculers with their ridicule.”

42. The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.

43. Threats, insults, sarcasm, and ridicule can be forms of bullying.

44. Modest language is free from gossip, taunts, ridicule, and sarcasm.

45. A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else.

46. We will all face fear, experience ridicule, and meet opposition.

47. The government has left itself open to mockery and ridicule.

48. She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers.

49. 16 Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule.

50. 10 The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction.

51. A faintly comical figure, he fears ridicule above all else.

52. 6 A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else.

53. 17 By doing that,[] he laid himself open to ridicule.

54. The satire touches with finespun ridicule every kind of human pretense.

55. The team reaps only ridicule or, on a good day, apathy.

56. What are we to do when others ridicule andsubtly ostracize us?

57. 21 You lay yourself open to ridicule wearing clothes like that.

58. 18 She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers.

59. 5 A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else.

60. If you appear ashamed, you may invite ridicule from your peers.

61. 19 He became an object of ridicule among the other workers.

62. Greatly desirous; eager: "I am not Ambitious of ridicule"

63. In recent years disdain has grown to ridicule and open hostility.”

64. She is compelled to suffer long hours of servitude and ridicule.

65. 4 The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.

66. 28 The government has left itself open to mockery and ridicule.

67. 24 The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.

68. 20 He had become an object of ridicule among the other teachers.

69. They mock and ridicule those who warn them of its imminent arrival.

70. ● What might be an underlying reason why schoolmates ridicule your religious beliefs?

71. What premature expectations of the early Christians led some to ridicule them?

72. 27 Their theories were badly thought out and very vulnerable to ridicule.

73. Many brothers endured much ridicule and abuse at their places of work.

74. 6 A faintly comic figure,[] he fears ridicule above all else.

75. 4 The government's proposals were held up to ridicule by opposition ministers.

76. But such a claim didn't result in anything but scorn and ridicule?

77. Noah surely knew that it would bring on even more ridicule and opposition.

78. Borak definition is - fun, ridicule—used especially in the phrase poke Borak at

79. 46 synonyms for Belittle: run down, dismiss, diminish, put down, underestimate, discredit, ridicule

80. Bearing witness to the resurrection exposed the disciples to ridicule, suffering, and death.