Use "revoked" in a sentence

1. Harvard revoked his chair.

2. He had his driving license revoked.

3. He revoked his previous decision.

4. Vung Ang Economic Zone have licences revoked

5. Shortly afterwards the probation service revoked my licence.

6. John's work permit was revoked after six months.

7. The driver's licence was revoked for alcoholic driving .

8. The DEA just revoked my prescription privileges.

9. The police revoked his driving licence, because he hogged.

10. Commutable: Capable of being substituted, interchanged, or revoked

11. 11 His driving licence was revoked after the crash.

12. His practicing certificate of a notary has been revoked.

13. Pepsi revoked the commercial and canceled her sponsorship contract.

14. A will is revoked by the subsequent marriage of the testator.

15. Rust on the butt plate hinge spring, private bullshit . Revoked.

16. Capable of being substituted, interchanged, or revoked: a Commutable prison sentence

17. Bursar accounts must remain current or charging privileges may be revoked

18. What does Commutable mean? Capable of being substituted, interchanged, or revoked

19. As a result, the PIL was revoked, and the accusations were dismissed.

20. By a decree of August 13, 1790 all Apanages were revoked.

21. The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.

22. Your qualification may be revoked if you create or display a badge.

23. A project in Vung Ang Economic Zone has its investment license revoked

24. 14 The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.

25. Absconding is the most common violation for which probationers get revoked

26. 12 The police revoked his driving licence,[] because he hogged.

27. 283, Government has revoked the Haj quota given to the Members of Parliament.

28. The registration of several firms which have churned the accounts was revoked.

29. Yes, as a single entry in the My Account journal, stating the Limit revoked.

30. Louis XIV also revoked the Edict of Nantes, forcing thousands of Huguenots into exile.

31. Should not Article 2 be revoked in order to ensure an absolute ban?

32. 16 Your driving licence will be revoked if you get another speeding ticket.

33. In 2006, the government also "revoked the business licenses of 160 drug manufacturers and retailers."

34. Twitter was Aflurry with indignation about the possibility that Jenner’s medal might be revoked

35. However, if you've revoked access and haven't reauthorized since, you'll be asked for authorization.

36. well, I can't give you a massage... ... because my license has been revoked again.

37. Other consequences that accompany child support Arrearage in California include having your driving license revoked

38. Synonyms for Abrogated include revoked, repudiated, countermanded, overrode, overridden, abolished, annulled, cancelled, canceled and ended

39. (b) The approval of a wet lease-in agreement shall be suspended or revoked whenever:

40. If you've revoked access and haven't reauthorized since then, you'll be asked to authorize again.

41. Pennsylvania revoked the cartel's charter, and non-preferential rates were restored for the time being.

42. Colas in the registry have one of the following current statuses: approved, expired, surrendered, or revoked

43. In 2007, he revoked the Datuk title of a businessman who pleaded guilty for financial fraud.

44. Boisture was charged with animal cruelty and operating a kennel with a revoked or suspended license

45. The speed restrictions imposed by Order No. 1988-R-566 dated July 4, 1988 are hereby revoked.

46. It may also be revoked, on serious grounds, at the request of the adoptee or the public attorney’s office.

47. If your alcohol level in you blood is higher than permitted, you will be revoked your driver licence.

48. 30 The public bombarded the company with complaints in an endeavour to have the price increases revoked.

49. Current NonAttainment Counties for All Criteria Pollutants Data is current as of February 28, 2021 The 8-hour Ozone (1997) standard was revoked on April 6, 2015 and the 1-hour Ozone (1979) standard was revoked on June 15, 2005.

50. Several Abscondees have evaded any legal sanction for breaching the controls on them while other orders have been revoked

51. Subsequently Richard II revoked all the concessions he had made to the rebels and many were hunted down and executed.

52. Begum was born in the U.K., but the country revoked her British citizenship two years ago, citing security concerns

53. This prompted the JMA to upgrade Bebinca to a severe tropical storm, but it was revoked in the post-storm analysis.

54. Boisture was charged with cruelty to animals, illegal confinement, operating a kennel after license revoked/suspended and no dog rabies vaccinations

55. The licenses of 24 radio and television channels and the press cards of 34 journalists accused of being linked to Gülen were revoked.

56. Margaret Boisture faces several charges including animal cruelty, failure to vaccinate for rabies, and operating a kennel after having a license revoked or suspended

57. A few days after the release of the book, Asscher revoked that statement, stating that he was not against prostitution, but rather against sexual slavery.

58. Identified - Due to a compliance issue, DigiCert has revoked Certify's site certificate as well as the certificates of a reported 50,000 other customers

59. When non-Indians in his party had their visas revoked, he moved on to Kathmandu, Nepal, and then, a few weeks later, to Crete.

60. Advancements can be completed in any game mode, and are obtained and saved per world.Advancements can also be granted (and revoked) using the /advancement command.

61. The most common explanation is that the data provider (the owner of the segment data) has revoked the license that allowed you to use the segment.

62. The trustee brings an action based on the revocatory right, after trial, if the disposition is revoked, it will be null and void from the beginning.

63. For example, find all log events for when users authorized or revoked access by a specified application, or find all OAuth token authorization activity for a particular user.

64. Many projects in Vung Ang Economic Zone in the central province of Ha Tinh have their investment licences revoked for the long delay or ineffective operations.

65. This system and method is useful in alpha-secure key distribution systems comprising a multitude of alpha-secure keying material shares to be controlled, revoked or updated.

66. 30 The national movement against the victorious Allies of World War I revoked the terms of the treaty which sought to carve up the Ottoman Empire.

67. To make something part of a constitutiuon or organize something using principles set out in a constitution These rights are now Constitutionalized and cannot therefore be revoked

68. He had his party membership revoked by the MHP High Disciplinary Board on 15 November 2016 and currently sits as an İYİ Party Member of Parliament for Istanbul.

69. Nigeria's oil and gas regulator has revoked four licences held by Addax Petroleum, it said in a statement on Wednesday, a highly unusual move for licences with producing assets.

70. 22 hours ago · THE Federal government has revoked four Oil Mining Leases, OMLs belonging to Addax Petroleum Nigeria Limited citing inability to comply with work …

71. An Arriving alien remains an Arriving alien even if paroled pursuant to section 212(d)(5) of the Act, and even after such parole is terminated or revoked

72. If a channel start is attempted using a revoked certificate credential, the check of the local CRL copy will generate a hit and the connection will be refused.

73. An Arriving alien remains an Arriving alien even if paroled pursuant to section 212(d)(5) of the Act, and even after any such parole is terminated or revoked

74. But the way that Massie talked about, it made it sound like a Boyardom was something specific that could be revoked - which is quite different to how I'd come to understand it

75. The first line makes fetchmail aborting the connection if no valid certs can be found (in case a cert is revoked or expires) and the second line tells fetchmail where to find the certs.

76. The IACM also informed the Commission that the air operator certificate of the air carrier SAM — Solenta Aviation Mozambique SA (AOC MOZ-10), which was engaged in business aviation with aeroplanes, has been revoked.

77. Whereas some Member States have agreements with third country carriers allowing them an exemption for phasing out Chapter 2 aeroplanes similar to that granted to Community air carriers; whereas it is appropriate that these agreements should not be revoked;

78. (9) Whereas some Member States have agreements with third country carriers allowing them an exemption for phasing out Chapter 2 aeroplanes similar to that granted to Community air carriers; whereas it is appropriate that these agreements should not be revoked;

79. It follows from this view that Concordats may always be revoked by the State, but not by the Pontiff; as far as the Church is concerned they are mere privileges revocable at the will of the civil ruler.

80. The arrangement remained in force until 2006, when the Department of Agrarian Reform revoked the stock distribution scheme adopted in Hacienda Luisita, and ordered instead the redistribution of a large portion of the property to the tenant-farmers.