Use "resting" in a sentence

1. I'm sick of resting.

2. You're always resting.

3. This is my resting place

4. I propose resting for an hour.

5. 27 Not faring well, but resting.

6. They were resting in peace until...

7. Measuring alpha waves, resting rates, neuron clusters

8. He has been resting since last Friday.

9. 10 I propose resting for an hour.

10. Measuring alpha waves, resting rates, neuron clusters.

11. They saw a deer lying down, resting.

12. 24 Requires a resting period in Winter.

13. By well-watered resting-places he conducts me.”

14. 12 Their bikes were resting against the wall.

15. 11 His head was resting on her shoulder.

16. Serene Barefoot guy resting, daydreaming at home

17. Because here, it isn't resting on land.

18. In secure dwellings and in tranquil resting-places.

19. 23 The bag was resting on my insteps.

20. 9 We can't go any farther without resting.

21. 8 The bicycle was resting against the wall.

22. IMAGINE yourself resting in bed early one morning.

23. It was so comfortable resting in his arms.

24. The chrysalis stays fixed to the resting place.

25. Some villagers were resting themselves in the shade.

26. I'm not mad, I just have Bitchy resting face

27. View of the mosaiced ceiling resting on monolith columns.

28. He leaned forward , his elbows resting on the table.

29. 2 He has been resting since last Friday.

30. 6 “By well-watered resting-places he conducts me.”

31. They are officers on leave - resting from their labours.

32. 5 Some villagers were resting themselves in the shade.

33. 1 It was so comfortable resting in his arms.

34. 26 The chrysalis stays fixed to the resting place.

35. 11 His left hand was resting on the table.

36. 28 The patient was said to be resting comfortably.

37. 7 Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.

38. Burrow: the shelter or resting place of a wild animal.

39. Burrows: the shelter or resting place of a wild animal.

40. Resting, sleeping and generally vegetating are obvious ways of unwinding.

41. 22 Their hands were resting lightly on the wizard's shoulders.

42. She's at the hospital, resting up for surgery tomorrow.

43. He's not feeling well and resting in the dorm.

44. Should children with defective vision be resting their eyes?

45. 6 His left hand was resting on the table.

46. How does Jehovah ‘conduct us by well-watered resting-places’?

47. He is resting on a stump with Brocage covered branches

48. The weather is cold, why are you not inside resting?

49. Her feet were resting on a small, aluminium step-ladder.

50. The plank was resting on a trestle on the landing.

51. 25 Should children with defective vision be resting their eyes?

52. The entire town's fate is resting on your food weather.

53. Have your hands gently resting either side of your navel.

54. These Cocoons had been resting at the bottom of the ocean

55. The respiratory quotient of resting and moving workers is about 1.

56. 21 Her feet were resting on a small, aluminium step-ladder.

57. Cremation Cemetery options include a range of final resting places

58. Chlamydospore definition is - a thick-walled usually resting fungal spore.

59. The resting activity of these chemoreceptors decreases with increasing temperature.

60. Bitchy resting face rude slang A perpetually angry or sullen look on one's face when it is "resting" or neutral (not intentionally making any expression)

61. Good or bad, without them his heart had no resting plaice.

62. They walked slowly and clumsily, her head resting on his shoulder.

63. 17 She sat behind the table, her chin resting in her hands.

64. Banderoled or unspoken, line-drawn or ghost-limbed, resting their arms upon

65. Beached: resting on the shore or bottom of a body of water.

66. Few of those skeletons resting in caskets in the Catacombs sported hands.

67. After resting he drank glass of iced coffee and smoked a cigarette.

68. Method for producing d-chiro inositol using resting cell conversion method

69. Sight the lowest part of the V, cheek resting against the...

70. 3 He leaned forward ,( his elbows resting on the table.

71. Aground: resting on the shore or bottom of a body of water.

72. Has it been a day of peaceful resting for him thus far?

73. 18 He sat on the grass, his back resting against the tree.

74. 13 Over 90% of professional actors are resting at any given time.

75. On Feb 20, 2007, Beijing, China, an old man resting in the Bystreet

76. It's a typical final resting place for medical equipment from hospitals in Africa.

77. The engines became quieter, purring quite ordinarily as they approached these resting places.

78. My lover is to me a sachet of myrrh resting between my breasts.

79. 11:28) Indeed, resting our hope on our savings, investments, or ability to earn money in this system amounts to resting our hope on “the god of this system,” Satan.

80. Resting breathing rates that are consistently greater than 30 Breaths per minute are