Use "rest day" in a sentence

1. O. Oscillate between work and rest every day.

2. The rest of the men had the day off.

3. She'll be unconscious for the rest of the day.

4. How much longer was that day of rest to continue?

5. A period of absolute rest of 12 hours each day.

6. The lizards can then rest on the warm substrate, and seek shelter for the rest of the day.

7. a) A period of absolute rest of # hours each day

8. I'll put the rest in the bank for a rainy day.

9. I'm gonna cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day.

10. He's been fagging away all day,it's time he took a rest.

11. I had a headache and felt Cruddy for the rest of the day.

12. We decided to write off the rest of the day and go shopping.

13. I' m gonna cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day

14. It put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

15. Sous Chefs will focus on the actual day-to-day food preparation and overseeing the rest of the kitchen staff.

16. The Romans allowed the day-to-day administration of Judaea to rest with the Jewish aristocracy, including the chief priests.

17. If I don't become a government official, that day-to-day existence will continue for the rest of my life.

18. Would you be so kind to cancel my meetings the rest of the day?

19. Um, I just wanted to connect before the rest of this day kicks in.

20. All of Conspirators awake during the day, as do the rest of the villagers

21. 2 His secretary says he will be incommunicado for the rest of the day.

22. Our Heavenly Father, we ask for Your Benediction to rest on us this day

23. Why have most religions of Christendom come to accept a different day of rest?

24. I have found that periods of rest during the day help me recover from fatigue.

25. This message puts these false worshipers in torment, giving them no rest day or night.

26. The rest of his family would be captured on either the same or following day.

27. Budwood offer excellent in-depth training day and also online with the rest of the team.

28. I filled in the rest of that day by pretending to be busy with the audit.

29. Traditionally, Afrikaners observe Sunday as a day of rest, very little activities take place on Sundays.

30. Half the prize money he spent, and the rest was laid aside for a rainy day.

31. Budwood offer excellent in-depth training day and also online with the rest of the team.

32. None that could not be cured by a ration of grain and a day of rest.

33. The crews work their tail off and then only get six hours of rest a day.

34. Turn from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish , as an hireling, his day.

35. 20 For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.

36. Later, the harvest day comes to an end, and each man seeks a cozy place to rest.

37. Whoever wins the title, rest assured of one thing: The national champion would lose the next day.

38. Subtract these calories from your total for the day and make up the rest from other meals.

39. To get rid of Bloating, get a good night's rest to keep you from overeating the next day

40. Even under the most trying living conditions in the submarine , Netaji did not rest even for a day .

41. During the rest of that day there was no other adventure to mar the peace of their journey.

42. According to company rules, the trainees were to go back to work for the rest of the day.

43. Many professed Christians have traditionally kept Sunday as their day of rest and of worship; others have adhered to the day set aside on the Jewish calendar.

44. She muttered inaudibly, miserable for the rest of the day as she Brooded on that dark piece of information.

45. It will do no good at all if it leaves you fuming internally for the rest of the day.

46. When you reach the time limit you set, the app will temporarily pause for the rest of the day.

47. 26 It was an astonishing piece of planning, especially as the Friday, being Good Friday, was the rest day.

48. It is about four o’clock in the afternoon, and Andrew and John stay with Jesus the rest of the day.

49. Yes, they would do that for a sheep, even on the sabbath, the day when they were supposed to rest.

50. In the morning, I paid my disdainful landlady for the use of my room for the rest of the day.

51. The day after the game was released, Activision bought the rest of Infinity Ward, signing employees to long term contracts.

52. In that case I would peak earlier and higher and then feel like hell for the rest of the day.

53. The Bedtime story is the best way to end the child's day and lead them into a night of wonderful rest

54. Still , the cats manage to drag in their fair share of felinophiles the rest of the day , keeping business purring along .

55. Jericho has been occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967 along with the rest of the West Bank.

56. The lower limbs are very high, allowing in morning sun and filtered or dappled light during the rest of the day.

57. Skipper, rest.

58. By the A.D. 300’s, both the church and the state officially recognized it as a day of rest in Europe.”

59. 19 In the morning, I paid my disdainful landlady for the use of my room for the rest of the day.

60. Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.

61. Recently, the entire working population was ordered to work for 70 days straight, or else pay for a day of rest.

62. Absolute rest.

63. Rest now.

64. For the rest of the day is to bake up a batch of these shortbread cookies inspired by that Breakably delicious candy

65. For the rest of the day is to bake up a batch of these shortbread cookies inspired by that Breakably delicious candy

66. For the rest of the day is to bake up a batch of these shortbread cookies inspired by that Breakably delicious candy

67. Once contracted, Adeep will not rest, take vacation, or even take a “sick day” until he is satisfied with his final product

68. Armadillos typically rest in a deep burrow during the day and become more active during the late evening, night, or early morning.

69. seat depth and seat incline, back rest and foot rest angle.

70. Rest of world:

71. Please rest assured.

72. Rest in peace.

73. The DPA’s commercial trucking service transport container and general cargo transport between Port Jebel Ali, Port Rashid, and the rest of UAE every day.

74. We slept in the open and Cuddled under a scratchy wool blanket, ate baked beans for breakfast, farted the rest of the day away

75. Also (excluding Gold class) using cards there is "no more paying" - a free rest of day travel if cost exceeds 14 AED (about $3.81).

76. Rest and relaxation Rest involves the cessation of action and freedom from worry.

77. Do n't forget to work in time for rest , time for meals , and possibly time for a nap in the middle of your day .

78. However, she can rest assured that we will not let the matter rest.

79. Predetermine the rest positions on a route and only chalk up and rest there. Climb briskly from one rest to the next.

80. Back rest angle (â