Use "resentful" in a sentence

1. I watched them, half resentful.

2. They grew bitter and resentful.

3. Because Archaebacteria is resentful to heat

4. My department chief is resentful.

5. Synonyms for Butthurt include unjustifiably offended, unjustifiably resentful, indignant, affronted, aggrieved, offended, resentful, slighted, bitter and grudging

6. She looked at him, almost resentful now.

7. 22 They grew bitter and resentful.

8. She felt resentful at not being promoted.

9. They often feel helpless and resentful, even angry.

10. As they grew closer, McCarthy said, Mary became resentful.

11. Do I become defensive or even resentful?’

12. He looked not just shy, but resentful.

13. He laughed, half pleased and half resentful.

14. He was very resentful of their success.

15. They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs.

16. Butthurt (adjective): overly or unjustifiably offended or resentful

17. He was deeply resentful of/at her interference.

18. They probably thought she was resentful and sullen.

19. They seemed to be resentful of our presence there.

20. Her beautiful face had a resentful frown on it.

21. To this day, she remains bitterly resentful of me.”

22. She was resentful of the way of his speaking.

23. But it bewildered him and, in a sense, made him resentful.

24. Harvey feels bitter and resentful about the way he's been treated.

25. She was resentful of anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.

26. I must confess, at first I was worried —even resentful.

27. She felt resentful at the way she had been treated.

28. She was resentful at having been left out of the team.

29. If Bitter, resentful feelings remain, return to Step 1 and begin again

30. 11 She was resentful of anybody's attempts to interfere in her work.

31. When their rosy view of themselves is challenged, they can become resentful and aggressive.

32. This was a Britain intolerant of difference, uncomfortable with outsiders and resentful of insiders.

33. Even loved ones in our own household may become resentful and persecute us.

34. He does not “stay resentful forever.” —Psalm 103:9; Matthew 6:14.

35. She bit her lip, wincing at the memory of her resentful scheming.

36. At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job.

37. Jealous, resentful, morally superior, I stayed on with the rest of the proletariat.

38. It's counter-productive to be too tough: it just makes the staff resentful.

39. And I felt resentful contempt of my own, for Sebastian and his deferential barber.

40. All the merriment had gone out of the day . He was disturbed , wretched, resentful.

41. NEWYORKER: State of the Union While many applauded our perspective, most were resentful, defensive, Admonitory

42. He becomes resentful, claiming that others are trying to take away his Christian freedom.

43. Others because they are depressed, worried or resentful about family, school or work problems.

44. They were bitterly resentful of the fact that they had to work such long hours.

45. 13 This was a Britain intolerant of difference, uncomfortable with outsiders and resentful of insiders.

46. 30 She adds: “Although I live near the poverty line, I am not resentful or bitter.

47. If you are in limited circumstances, be on guard against becoming resentful, even filled with bitterness and envy.

48. He will not for all time keep finding fault, neither will he to time indefinite keep resentful.”

49. Then he had been brought home, paralysed from the waist down[Sentence dictionary], embittered and resentful.

50. I coped at the time but now, five years on, I feel guilty and resentful about the whole affair.

51. He will not for all time keep finding fault, neither will he to time indefinite keep resentful.

52. He made a good living, and seemed resentful of his wife's decision to take in a lodger.

53. Rather than being bitter and resentful, they are wise to continue serving Jehovah in whatever capacity he allows.

54. It is often unskilful to give when we would feel resentful, sick, or frustrated after we have done so.

55. If not fearful, they will be resentful that others get an opportunity to go on record with their complaints.

56. Parents may feel suspicious of these, or resentful, and will need help in using them to best advantage.

57. Butthurt rude slang Very upset by or resentful of something that has been done or said to one

58. She couldn't even feel resentful that he slept so peacefully after she had suffered a sleepless night of angst.

59. 5 He made a good living,[] and seemed resentful of his wife's decision to take in a lodger.

60. The British were resentful of the willingness of the Acadians to supply intelligence, food and other material to England’s enemies.

61. Half-dressed and short of breath, they lay side by side resentful of one another and the skylight above them.

62. Having lived long under constant threat of deposition -or worse- by the Lekapenoi family, Constantine VII was extremely resentful of them.

63. Resent, envy, grudge, be jealous of, be envious of, be resentful of I certainly don't Begrudge him the Nobel Prize.

64. The marriage also caused a rift between Brutus and his mother, who was resentful of the affection Brutus had for Porcia.

65. On the other hand, a lack of love is revealed by jealousy, pride, indecent behavior, selfishness, and a resentful, unforgiving attitude.

66. The Bookie became resentful of Lester, when he learned that his own father had laid odds on the outcome of his abduction

67. This page shows answers to the clue Bitterly.Bitterly may be defined as “In a resentful manner“(adv.)In a bitter manner“Indicating something hard to accept”

68. If you imagine taking that Bitter taste on your tongue and turning it into an emotion, you've got another meaning of Bitter: a resentful, angry feeling.

69. The ""shadow"" of FDR fell heaviest, of course, on Truman--different in background and style, resentful of FDR slights, bitter at Roosevelt family Belittlings.

70. 20 synonyms for Begrudge: resent, envy, grudge, be jealous of, be envious of, be resentful of, be bitter about, object to, be angry about, be pissed (off) about

71. Caretakers attract Caretakers and live in the company of resentful victims who see themselves as misused and are fatigued from constant giving with no return

72. Some people crumble under the pressure of Adversity. They become so bitter and resentful toward the Lord that they walk away from His calling on their lives.

73. When they see other leaves getting more sunlight than themselves , they feel resentful and envious , forgetting that when the sun shines on any one of them , the warmth and energy strengthens them all .

74. A few days later we learned that Newt Gingrich was resentful over his accommodations and what he viewed as the unceremonious Backstair exit offered him and other guests when the plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base.

75. Synonyms of Begrudge to have a resentful awareness of and desire for (another's possessions or advantages) or to feel resentment toward (someone) over possessions or advantages I don't Begrudge you your success—you earned it

76. Synonyms of Begrudged to have a resentful awareness of and desire for (another's possessions or advantages) or to feel resentment toward (someone) over possessions or advantages I don't begrudge you your success—you earned it

77. Bitterly: 1 adv extremely and sharply “it was Bitterly cold” Synonyms: bitingly , bitter , piercingly adv with bitterness, in a resentful manner “she complained Bitterly ” adv indicating something hard to accept “he was Bitterly disappointed”

78. As nouns the difference between envy and Coveting is that envy is resentful desire of something possessed by another or others (but not limited to material possessions) while Coveting is the act of one who covets

79. Synonyms of Begrudges to have a resentful awareness of and desire for (another's possessions or advantages) or to feel resentment toward (someone) over possessions or advantages I don't begrudge you your success—you earned it

80. Curses can be cast on people, objects or entire worlds - either via the work of a wicked or resentful sorcerer or from an act of defilement that causes the gods (or similiar supernatural entity) to take