Use "rescission of a contract" in a sentence

1. Rescission of contract

2. Rescission of a contract is a termination outside the withdrawal period.

3. Exertion of the right of rescission is necessary to rescind a contract.

4. · Action for rescission of a contract of sale of immovable property and for damages) (Sixth Chamber)

5. Rescission of the hotel accommodation contract requires the written approval of the hotel.

6. In such exceptional cases we have the right to a complete or partial rescission of contract.

7. 6 This essay focuses on the retroactivity and the compensation for damages of contract rescission.

8. In the case of minor defects, the Customer is not entitled to rescission of contract.

9. a reasonable reduction in price or rescission of the contract in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5 and 5a.

10. whereas the detailed arrangements whereby rescission of the contract is effected may be laid down in national law

11. If a legitimate reclamation is filed, warranty shall take place by remedy, replacement, abatement of the purchase price or rescission of the contract.

12. Jurisdiction in matters concerning immovable property - Definition - Action for rescission of a contract for the sale of land and consequential damages - Excluded - N° 2001/2

13. Brussels Convention - Exclusive jurisdiction - Jurisdiction in matters concerning immovable property - Definition - Action for rescission of a contract for the sale of land and consequential damages - Excluded

14. · The concept 'in proceedings which have as their object rights in rem in immovable property‘ · Action for rescission of a contract for the sale of land and consequential damages

15. CEPSA, for its part, defended the action and counterclaimed, demanding performance of the contract or its rescission if its performance was impossible and, in both cases, compensation.

16. Call for rescission of the Bush Administration's Military Order.

17. The claimant seeks rescission of the referees' unanimous decision.

18. Weber’s right of rescission is enforceable against I.

19. Weber, and in particular the latter’s right of rescission.

20. Subject: Call for rescission of the Bush Administration's Military Order

21. 23 CEPSA contested the merits of that action and counterclaimed, demanding performance of that contract or its rescission if its performance was impossible, whilst demanding compensation for the loss suffered.

22. Notices of termination and rescission must be given in writing, too.

23. The right of rescission is excluded in case of insignificant breach of duty.

24. Finally, in March 2011, Ms Duarte brought an action against Autociba and the manufacturer of the car, Automóviles Citroën España (‘Citroën Spain’), seeking rescission of the sale contract and repayment of the purchase price.

25. Weber relied on the fact that right of rescission agreed between Z.

26. (Claim by UNCTAD staff member for rescission of decision to demote him)

27. Rescission shall not be available where the lack of conformity is minor.’

28. What Is a Breach of Contract? A Breach of contract is a violation of any of the agreed-upon terms and conditions of a binding contract

29. Excercise of the right of rescission or replacement of the good is limited to one year.

30. Exercise of the right of rescission or replacement of the good is limited to one year

31. • 379-A-1990 — Rescission of Decision - 148556 Canada Ltd proposing to carry on business as Huntress Air

32. Transferring a contract from one party to another is known as ‘Assigning’ a contract or ‘an assignment’ of the contract, in England and Wales and ‘assignation’ of a contract in Scotland.

33. Appendices specified in a contract shall be integral parts of the contract.

34. The railway company has no objection to the rescission of Order no. 1991-R-28.

35. Coercion, as an element of duress, is grounds for seeking the Rescission or cancellation of a contract or deed. When one party to an instrument is forced against his or her will to agree to its terms the document can be declared void by a court

36. Rescission of the contested decision and reinstatement of the applicant (alternatively, two years’ net base salary)

37. Coercion, as an element of duress, is grounds for seeking the Rescission or cancellation of a contract or deed. When one party to an instrument is forced against his or her will to agree to its terms the document can be declared void by a court

38. At any rate, the undertaking would automatically expire three years after the rescission of the finding.

39. Volume Contract; the Rotterdam Rules; Contract of Affreightment; Ocean Liner Service Agreement; Freedom of Contract.

40. Remedies include civil litigation (individual or class-actions), restitution, rescission of contracts, damages, and a series of offences and penalties.

41. For the Court' s decision on the principal sum, the date of rescission is not relevant.

42. The hotel must notify the customer without delay that it is exercising is right of rescission.

43. Consideration under contract law is defined as a bargained for exchange of value between parties of a contract

44. Affidation: A mutual contract of fidelity

45. (Request by former UNRWA staff member for rescission of decision to take disciplinary action against him)

46. Antedated An Antedated contract is a contract whose date is in the past; formally, a contract where the date on the contract is prior to the date on which the contract is executed

47. It must nevertheless provide written notice at least two weeks prior to exercising the right of rescission.

48. It is sufficient, if the declaration of rescission is mailed without detail of reasons within this period.

49. An Abstraction is a type that describes a contract but does not provide a full implementation of the contract

50. (Request by UNDP staff member for rescission of the decision to separate him from service for misconduct)

51. (c) the cession, renewal, amendment and rescission of contracts relating to an exempt insurance or financial service;

52. It is a contract.

53. Waiving a breach of contract or consenting to a minor change can occur during a contract without requiring an Addendum

54. The parties to a contract shall fully fulfill their obligations pursuant to the terms of contract.

55. (Claim by former United Nations staff member for rescission of decision not to renew her fixed-term appointment)

56. (Claim by former UNRWA staff member for rescission of decision not to permit the withdrawal of his resignation)

57. The diversity of contract language results in the ubiquity of contract interpretation.

58. Interfaces describe a set of functionality, or a contract.

59. Don't even dream of a renewing the contract.

60. The contract hit a high of 23 earlier.

61. A third-party Beneficiary to a contract is an individual that is not a party to the contract, but who will benefit from the other parties’ fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

62. So too might discharge of a contract by affluxion of time or by deliberate breach amounting to a repudiation of the whole contract.

63. (a) Occur after the conclusion of the contract;

64. LTD signed a contract of China's total agents.

65. There is a general principle of law which states that Ambiguities in a contract are construed against the drafter of the contract

66. An Addendum is an attachment to a contract that modifies the terms and conditions of the original contract

67. Under classical contract theory, Consideration is required for a contract to be enforceable

68. (Claim by former UNICEF staff member for rescission of the decision to summarily dismiss him for serious misconduct.)

69. Essentials of Contract of Bailment

70. When to Use an Addendum A contract Addendum is an attachment to the initial contract that details any additions to be included as part of the contract

71. An example of an Adhesion contract is a standardized contract form that offers goods or services to consumers on

72. Complaint for a Civil Case Alleging Breach of Contract

73. While annual contract value Annualises revenue from each contract, TCV (total contract value) measures revenue from across the entire contract

74. 30 Beside the contract of sale of the petrol there was a separate collateral contract relating to the World Cup coins.

75. Expressions such as “contract of affreightment”, “volume contract”, “tonnage contract” and “quantity contract”, were also used and, depending on the legal system, appeared to be treated as synonymous

76. Do you understand the concept of a verbal contract?

77. This would be a type of mutual insurance contract.

78. Amendments are considered part of a contract until it is next negotiated, while an Addendum is a legal and binding part of the contract

79. Centralizing your contracts provides several benefits to your enterprise, including uninterrupted access to contract data, transparency of contract changes and updates, maintenance of an audit trail, facilitation of contract creation, and improvement of contract localization practices.

80. So, a cryonics contract is far short of a survival guarantee.