Use "repented" in a sentence

1. He repented his thoughtlessness.

2. He has done wrong but repented.

3. 2 She bitterly repented what she had done.

4. She Bitterly repented what she had done: 3

5. She Bitterly repented what she had done

6. Job humbly accepted correction, and he repented.

7. One un - repented of sin may lead to perdition.

8. John baptized those who repented of their sins.

9. When they repented, he removed that authority from the land.

10. Jonah obeyed, and as a result, the Ninevites repented en masse.

11. Yet, he accepted it, repented, and abandoned his wrong course.

12. * What desires and actions indicate that we have truly repented of our sins?

13. Brought to his senses, David recovered his fear of God and repented.

14. The people repented, but they were still doing things that were not right.

15. Thousands have repented of their unchristian actions and have been welcomed back into the congregation.

16. (2 Samuel 11:27) After receiving reproof, David repented and God forgave him.

17. “Once we have truly repented, Christ will take away the burden of guilt for our sins.

18. (b) What can we do if we feel guilty about sins for which we have repented?

19. Once we have truly repented, Christ will take away the burden of guilt for our sins.

20. In other words, being sincere and of honest heart, Paul repented. —Galatians 1:13-16.

21. This same brother sincerely repented and acknowledged that he had placed unwarranted trust in the security services.

22. After the people repented and Moses interceded in their behalf, the plague was brought to an end.

23. In great sorrow David repented (Ps 51), but the adulterine child, which remains nameless, died.

24. He has now repented and has brought his life into compliance with gospel principles and commandments.

25. 8 But aas oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real bintent, they were cforgiven.

26. What evidence do you find in Alma 15:11–12 that Zeezrom repented and received the Lord’s mercy?

27. Even though David repented of his sin, Nathan told David that the son Bathsheba was expecting would die

28. Mercifully, they were taught the gospel, repented, and through the Atonement of Jesus Christ became spiritually much stronger than Satan’s enticements.

29. After feeling the weight of all his sins for three days and nights, he repented and pleaded with the Savior to have mercy on him.

30. Hence, in the parable the beggar Lazarus well represents those humble persons whom the Pharisees despised but who repented and became followers of Jesus Christ.

31. Rev 16:9 - And men were scorched with great heat, and Blasphemed G987 the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory

32. Sadly, too often Backslidden people, who have sincerely repented, are in such deep guilt and regret over their past that they think God won't forgive them and take them back into his family again

33. 30 Accordingly a famine prevailed throughout all the land of Chaldea, and my father was sorely tormented because of the famine, and he repented of the evil which he had determined against me, to take away my alife.

34. ‘screaming incomprehensible Blasphemies’ ‘A child from a Christian home can be put in an embarrassing situation if asked to read aloud a passage including swear words and blasphemy.’ ‘Paul's blasphemy was unintended, and he repented when he recognized the truth.’ ‘A strict control of blasphemy and bad language was maintained.’

35. Dustin Honken was redeemed. Dustin Lee Honken recognized and repented for the crimes Dustin Lee Honken had committed, and spent Dustin Lee Honken time in prison Atoning for them, during Dustin Lee Honken time in prison, Dustin Lee Honken cared for everyone Dustin Lee Honken came into contact with : guards,