Use "repentant" in a sentence

1. Does he show a repentant spirit?

2. Give God a broken and repentant heart.

3. She was not in the least repentant.

4. She had fired off the repentant cable.

5. It is the sign of a repentant spirit.

6. He is repentant of [ for ] his sins.

7. He is repentant of his folly.sentence dictionary

8. The predator must become a repentant steward.

9. If he is really repentant, we should forgive him.

10. His words left us all feeling suitably repentant.

11. She even managed to look repentant, he thought.

12. The gunman, now in police custody, is repentant.

13. Another kid might be contrite or repentant or maybe subdued.

14. And makes him be repentant of what he did.

15. He was feeling guilty and depressed, repentant and scared.

16. He was repentant when he saw what he'd done.

17. □ What can a repentant person teach transgressors of Jehovah’s law?

18. A repentant woman is urged not to look back (74).

19. The phrase “truly penitent” in verse 24 means sincerely repentant.

20. A contrite spirit is one that is humble, teachable, and repentant.

21. Jove seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash, repentant driver.

22. At salvation, a “Breastplate” is issued to each repentant sinner

23. He did so, and also taught her to be repentant.

24. As a repentant sinner I pledge to swear off this hallucinogen.

25. 9 As a repentant sinner I pledge to swear off this hallucinogen.

26. By her actions she indicated a repentant attitude toward her sinful course.

27. * The repentant will confess and forsake their sins, D&C 58:43.

28. (2 Corinthians 7:1) If the boy is not repentant, he would be disfellowshipped.

29. * D&C 58:42–43 (the repentant confess and forsake their sins)

30. 14, 15. (a) What may be done if the wrongdoer is genuinely repentant?

31. If it makes it to the screen, expect a softer, more repentant Lorraine Page.

32. 7 Jove seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash, repentant driver.

33. However, rather than abandoning him, Jehovah extended loyal love toward a deeply repentant David.

34. Why is Solomon sure that Jehovah will respond to the pleas of the repentant worshipper?

35. Yet, it is evident that the prophet adjusted his view of the repentant Ninevites.

36. As a nun, and later as abbess, she led a repentant and edifying life.

37. If indeed it is actually past, then I cannot be anxious but only repentant.

38. 7 Jove seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash,( repentant driver.

39. If we are truly repentant, Jehovah applies to us the value of his Son’s ransom sacrifice.

40. If a woman had an abortion in the past but is now repentant, Jehovah will forgive her.

41. It should have moved listeners to respond with joy at the redemption of repentant sinners.

42. The villain has to die repentant before the young lady can marry the upright engineer.

43. Even if we have sinned grievously but are repentant, Jehovah will not spurn our broken heart.

44. The discerning father can likely conclude from his son’s sad, downcast countenance that he is repentant.

45. (James 5:14, 15) You were truly repentant and therefore remained a part of the congregation.

46. He could not believe that she was repentant - he would have nothing to do with her.

47. Being sin-resistant doesn’t mean being sinless, but it does imply being continually repentant, vigilant, and valiant.

48. 2: Bath-sheba —Theme: Repentant Wrongdoers Can Receive God’s Favor— it-1 pp. 263-264 (5 min.)

49. 17 Jehovah will forgive and forget your past errors if you are truly repentant and accept his mercy.

50. However, there is no guarantee that only the genuine repentant will produce works of value to the society.

51. Although anything less repentant than the way he was looking at her now, Folly thought, would be hard to imagine.

52. The divine standards did not change, but Jehovah changed his decision upon seeing that the Ninevites were repentant. —Malachi 3:6.

53. 19 However, Jehovah showed jealousy for his worship and restored his repentant people to his favor in the postwar year of 1919.

54. In view of what Jeremiah 16:15 states, however, the verse could also allude to the searching out of the repentant Israelites.

55. First is the joy and comfort that come to the heart of a repentant soul as the burden of sin is lifted.

56. Still, Jehovah has held back the promised destruction so that sincere people today, like repentant ones in Nineveh, can repent and be spared.

57. We are not fully repentant if we do not pay tithes or keep the Sabbath day holy or obey the Word of Wisdom.

58. (Genesis 4:7) When Jonah was angry because Jehovah had spared the repentant Ninevites, God gave him a bottle-gourd plant for shade.

59. Yes, on the basis of Christ’s ransom, the repentant one can come to taste “the riches of [God’s] undeserved kindness.” —Ephesians 1:7.

60. And third, it is selective, for Jehovah executes judgment upon evildoers but extends mercy to repentant and rightly disposed individuals. —Romans 9:17-26.

61. The repentant “Lazarus” class came into a position of divine favor, whereas the “rich man” class came under divine disfavor because of persisting in unrepentance.

62. After the events every time, however, I always be repentant of what I'm doing. So can't you want to say this is my fault?

63. By the atonement of Jesus Christ the sins of the repentant shall be washed away; though they be crimson they shall be made white as wool [see Isaiah 1:18].

64. Will you act with firmness as Jesus did but be ready to receive repentant ones warmly, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings? —Matthew 23:37.

65. Every person who has reached or passed the age of accountability of eight years, and who with a totally repentant heart is baptized properly, positively will receive the Holy Ghost.

66. A similar word picture is found at Isaiah 44:3, 4, where Jehovah God spoke of the way he would care for repentant Jews who returned from captivity in Babylon.

67. ‘I am truly Contrite, penitent, repentant, remorseful and steeped in the tears of my regretfulness.’ ‘It was a dramatic change in tone, a Contrite president uncharacteristically admitting a major failure.’

68. After sinning in connection with Bath-sheba, the repentant psalmist David begged: “Create in me even a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.”

69. Repentant Trump Voter Atones in New Ad, 'I can't take four more years of this guy.' FishOuttaScotch Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)

70. (2 Samuel 7:11-16; 12:7-14) Bath-sheba evidently had a repentant attitude, for she was privileged to become the mother of King Solomon and an ancestress of Jesus Christ.

71. The wicked Zoramites and the Lamanites became angry that the people of Ammon had accepted the repentant Zoramites, and they began making preparations for war against the Nephites (see Alma 35:8–11).

72. More obscurely Adumbrate d is the day of vengeance, when virtue should return to the repentant backslider, and the idolatrous crew should be smitten with a swift destruction in the midst of their insolent revelry.

73. Usage is usually " it Behooves 'person' " eg "it Behooves me", it Behooves the gathered assembly, "a manifestly repentant attitude Behooves those who find themselves in the dock"

74. Being kind to our enemies is like “heaping Coals of fire on their head” in that it will produce repentant prayer to God, which is like the sweet aroma from burning incense on Coals rising to the throne of God.

75. Confession should be more than listing your sins and a priest saying the blessing, but even if this is all that happens, the power of both the true Repentant and the power/authority given to the priest, releases you from your sins in the eyes of God

76. (Aegisthus was the son of Agamemnon's uncle, Thyestes, and Thyestes's daughter, Pelopia.) Clytemnestra had installed herself up as the supreme queen while Agamemnon was away, but her bitterness increased when he returned from the war not repentant, but in the company of another woman, a concubine—a concubine, the Trojan prophetess-princess

77. Monks Besprinkle the vehicles with holy water and a priest is blessing them.: Mönche besprengen die Fahrzeuge mit Weihwasser und ein Pfarrer segnet sie.: It is the tears of repentant sinners that today with holy dew Besprinkle field and meadow:: Des Sünders Reuetränen sind es, die heute mit heil 'gem Tau beträufet Flur und Au:: Also no somnolence, with which the dark force Besprinkles you.