Use "remarked" in a sentence

1. “This is incredible,” Janina remarked.

2. " Wedlock suits you, " he remarked.

3. 'I'd rather not,'the Cat remarked.

4. 'Another rainy day,' he remarked glumly.

5. Everyone remarked loudly on his absence.

6. He remarked that it was getting late.

7. He immediately remarked with the most nonchalant air.

8. The similarity between them has often been remarked on.

9. 'It's much colder than yesterday,' he remarked casually.

10. “The black market is booming,” remarked one customs official.

11. I remarked that I would go shopping that afternoon.

12. She remarked casually that she was changing her job.

13. Everyone remarked how it reminded them of my grandma’s Babka

14. “It’s a certain life-style,” a friend recently remarked.

15. "'Tis oft'- remarked, no single, falling-flake does any other

16. U.S. President Harry Truman once remarked: " The buck stops here! "

17. Now, peering through the periscope he remarked in businesslike tones.

18. The thing had been remarked with petulant jealousy by his wife.

19. He remarked that we mustn't judge people solely by their appearences.

20. Mrs. Morse remarked that she seemed a very nice girl.

21. You must yourself have remarked how worn, wrinkled, and stained they were.

22. Musicians have remarked very favourably on the acoustical quality of the hall.

23. Levchenko remarked that a kind of sepulchral quiet seemed to pervade the Residency.

24. " You look ill, " Helen remarked worriedly. " You are not chilled from the rainstorm? "

25. Homologous parts, as has been remarked by some authors, tend to cohere.

26. "Blench, doubtless, or for a mere nominal reddendo," remarked the Scot

27. 9 "I told you Preskel had no idea," remarked Kemp with some asperity.

28. As Errol remarked: I try to keep out of trouble the best I can.

29. Some other delegations remarked that the existing regulations already take into account accident conditions.

30. Time is a great charlatan, not a great healer, as has been remarked.

31. One authority remarked that it was ‘an expression of community spirit and communal love.’

32. Synonyms for Blabbered include said, stated, announced, asserted, attested, declared, exclaimed, remarked, affirmed and alleged

33. His father got it exactly right when he remarked about these stories, But pshaw!

34. Synonyms for Blurted include said, stated, announced, asserted, attested, declared, exclaimed, remarked, affirmed and alleged

35. Such flouting of values, such wanton disregard for respectable priority, had often been remarked upon.

36. 7 I remarked a fresh colour in her checks and pinkness over her slender fingers.

37. Douglass remarked that in England he was treated not "as a color, but as a man."

38. There were others who remarked that even saints should be permitted an idiosyncrasy or two!

39. 19 It may be remarked that the computable numbers, on the other hand, are countable.

40. When Brittain remarked that we must end qualified immunity, he received a standing ovation — and rightfully so

41. “Pine is no longer wood,” remarked a man who has been processing candelabra timber for 50 years.

42. The same judge remarked, “I find it strange that you should admit you haven’t stayed up late.

43. "The cetaceans are on the whole the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals, " he remarked peevishly.

44. Admiral Wemyss privately remarked: I look upon the sinking of the German fleet as a real blessing.

45. “A mere saffron of the coastal plain I am, a lily of the low plains,” she remarked.

46. Warrington remarked with a pleased surprise the splendid toilet of this scented and shiny - booted young aristocrat.

47. At the same time the Anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated.

48. Matteucci remarked on the coincidence of the aurora with interruptions in telegraphic communications, produced by telluric currents.

49. Synonyms for Commented include allowed, editorialized, noted, observed, opined, reflected, remarked, weighed in, believed and considered

50. 13 Or, as granny so eloquently remarked, get yerself on outdoors and blow the stink off.

51. Dinner guests remarked on how depressing their house had become; the book was giving off emanations.

52. In any case, the apostle remarked: ‘When Onesiphorus happened to be in Rome, he often brought me refreshment.’

53. Brother Barber remarked: “It is no exaggerated claim that grand results have come from their further training.

54. He remarked: “Why, only if you were one of Jehovah’s Witnesses would I accept your word for it.”

55. At the same time the Anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated

56. Earlier Charnovitz remarked that such criteria should be applied in a non-discriminatory manner in trade agreements.

57. He was more remarked on for his love of cricket and helicopters than for his business acumen.

58. 10 Once Hung - chien remarked maliciously to Jou - chia , " Your aunt loves her dog more than she does you. "

59. 10 Sec. in his report remarked on the high level of activity there has been during the past year.

60. As the Shanghai newspaper Wen Hui Pao remarked, Chen ran everything "from the hotel to the night-soil business."

61. Yet one scientist remarked regarding his study of them: “For me, cichlids have proved an absorbing 14-year study.”

62. In his eleventh month, one of the managers remarked: I think I can see my stamp on my folks.

63. The judges appreciated the symmetry in the image and remarked that he captured the photo at exactly the right moment.

64. The trip awakened many boyhood memories, and Warnie remarked that they might do worse than spend their declining years there.

65. “Unlike other visitors,” remarked one security officer, “you display a humble spirit and quiet dignity that are obvious to us all.”

66. Smith, of the American Broadcasting Company, remarked that a “unique feature” of 1974 “was the epidemic . . . of fallen leaders.”

67. Overhearing this, a woman remarked, "You mean to say it took you all this time to lose one pound?"

68. As will be recalled , we remarked in Chap . 2 that heredity is to environment what programme is to computer hardware .

69. He is an able politician, and extremely artful in accomplishing any particular object; it is remarked that he seldom fails.

70. 15 Intimates knew him as Stumpy Will and remarked upon the craftsmanship and lifelike nature of his carved elm prosthesis.

71. Jacques Derrida remarked that some work done under Pragmatics aligned well with the program he outlined in his book Of Grammatology.

72. "When Elizabeth 'Chortles' in that fashion you may be sure there's mischief in her mind," Felix remarked, eyeing me severely

73. As we explored the roofless shells of the other buildings we remarked on the way each dwelling was sunk into the ground.

74. Don remarked over and over again that any man who could control himself under such adverse conditions must have something going for him.”

75. Although as an agnostic he believed in neither God nor the Devil, he remarked on mankind’s self-destructive bent since that year:

76. Synonyms & Antonyms of Appropriateness the quality or state of being especially suitable or fitting visitors remarked on the Appropriateness of window boxes …

77. Longtime pilgrim Benjamin Barton once remarked, ‘If I had eaten all the rich things offered me, I would have finished my pilgrimage long ago.’

78. I was watching Ocean’s 11 and Danny Ocean remarked to one of the others who made an astute observation, “A regular Clarence Darrow.”

79. Taking hold of the hand of Brother Young, and looking earnestly into his face, finally she remarked: ‘Are you a really live Pilgrim?’”

80. As they went along , they passed some people who remarked , " it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy was riding . "