Use "religions" in a sentence

1. Religions go, " Nonsense.

2. The Abrahamic religions Judaism


4. These cult religions are terrible.

5. He preached toleration for all religions.

6. All false religions will be affected.

7. So religions are cultures of repetition.

8. Most religions predicate life after death.

9. Adherents of folk religions, Jews and members of other religions make up smaller shares of the world’s people

10. Brahminism is one of India’s main religions

11. There are many religions in the world.

12. Some religions employ ritual more than others.

13. The controversy still divides major religions.

14. Islam is world's great monotheistic religions.

15. He recoiled from rivalry between religions.

16. In some religions, pork is considered impure.

17. Many religions preach love but support warfare.

18. Are All Religions Different Roads Leading to God?

19. Form basis from which world religions have developed.

20. Lastly, a station resembles the old religions rather than the new religions in this point, that people go to it.

21. 17 What many religions teach is shocking.

22. Some religions even justify injustices against women.

23. Meditation is practised by some Eastern religions.

24. And all the main religions have similar teachings.

25. 1 In some religions, pork is considered impure.

26. ‘Spiritualism embraces all religions, really it is Areligious.’.

27. Yet, religions in general tend to divide humans.

28. God will soon punish religions that dishonor him.

29. Christmas and Easter come from ancient false religions

30. There is a tendency to externalize all religions.

31. Jehovah’s Witnesses look down on people of other religions.

32. Witnessing to People of All Languages and Religions

33. Islam is one of the great world religions.

34. People of many religions believe in an afterlife.

35. Some religions include a doctrine of personal immortality.

36. Bigamy was prevalent from time immemorial in different religions

37. Most religions posit the existence of life after death.

38. It appeals to those of all religions and cultures.

39. Furthermore, all the great world religions pronounce it false.

40. It was open to all castes , cults , creeds and religions .

41. The symbol of the cross comes from ancient false religions.

42. Celibacy is often dictated in other religions as well

43. 20 There is a tendency to externalize all religions.

44. He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.

45. In the archipelago, the great religions had curious adventures.

46. What does the condition of this world’s religions reveal?

47. 20 This is an intimate knowledge of African religions.

48. “Most religions teach that people should love their neighbor.

49. Religions and peoples have used altars in false worship.

50. In the pre-Islamic era, most Arabs followed polytheistic religions.

51. Although other religions may be said to Explanation of Acceptants

52. Or are all religions just different roads leading to God?

53. Under the new regime, all religions enjoy freedom of worship.

54. True, most religions have a central figure they worship as God.

55. 9 Most religions teach you to be truthful and self-disciplined.

56. More than other major religions, Christianity centers on a person.

57. Are all religions pleasing to God, or is just one?

58. Apparent “good in all religions” does not assure God’s favor

59. The priests of some religions must forswear wealth and marriage.

60. Some Atheists are themselves religious and adherents of atheistic religions.

61. Many religions of Christendom have tolerated ministers who practice sin.

62. Other religions account for less than 1% of the population.

63. Do the adherents of this world’s religions bear such testimony?

64. A small minority of the population practise ancient Pagan religions.

65. 4 Ancestor worship also is common in many false religions.

66. What record of conduct do major non-Christian religions present?

67. In his world-view, art and religions were inextricably mixed.

68. 13 Mary has gone overboard for some new Eastern religions.

69. Christianity and Islam have more in common than most people know — they are both monotheistic Abrahamic religions, and Jesus Christ is an important, revered figure in both religions.

70. Baptism is an important faith milestone for many Christian religions

71. The best known Abrahamic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

72. Why was early Christianity so different from today’s major religions?

73. The other things that religions do is to arrange time.

74. Workers in the abattoir are followers of a number of religions .

75. Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are prohibited.

76. (4) People who are associated with many different religions read them.

77. look at the example of what religions are doing with art.

78. But like other religions, Leavism offered the sweet joys of antagonism.

79. The great eternal truths and principles of life antedate all religions.

80. Hick's presupposition is that all religions believe in the same God.