Use "rejecting" in a sentence

1. She's rejecting the liver.

2. To them, rejecting homosexuality is the same as rejecting people of a different skin color.

3. Approving or Rejecting a Request

4. • Rejecting Contaminating loads as a last resort

5. To consider prejudice Cumulatively, instead rejecting Mr

6. We were only rejecting blood as therapy.”

7. Children who behave badly are rejecting adult values.

8. She wasted no time in rejecting the offer .

9. The committee were unanimous in rejecting the proposal.

10. Asocial: Rejecting or lacking the capacity for social interaction

11. 13 Continental gives several reasons for rejecting Pirelli's advances.

12. 3 There is another reason for rejecting improper pride.

13. 17 Children who behave badly are rejecting adult values.

14. By rejecting discipline, the ridiculer only makes himself ridiculous.

15. We turn around, rejecting bad practices. —Acts 3:19

16. If I wasn't married, she'd be rejecting me right now.

17. (North American English) She has no Compunctions about rejecting the plan

18. A desired signal is demodulated while rejecting interference from adjacent signals.

19. This requires that you speak with conviction when rejecting the proposition.

20. How are the people of Judah suffering because of rejecting Jehovah?

21. Rejecting the cult of Bardolatry does not make you a philistine

22. 18 The world is rejecting non-productive socialism as it rejected feudalism.

23. The board said it had no hesitation in unanimously rejecting the offer.

24. (Proverbs 1:7) What results do they reap by rejecting discipline from Jehovah?

25. Other prominent Bellowers and cooers in the Remainian chorus include: Brexit: rejecting globalism

26. Application includes filtering (rejecting or passing only certain frequencies), reflecting, and focusing devices.

27. “On account of their rejecting the law of Jehovah,” says Amos 2:4.

28. The Biblicists answer, ignoring/rejecting the historic confessions of the Church, is dangerously inadequate

29. (verb) An example of Cavil is a mother rejecting her son's date because she

30. System and method for rejecting afocal light collected from an in vivo human retina

31. He tried to hold out for higher paying by rejecting signature to the contract.

32. Whenever Stewart showed signs of rejecting that outlook, Joe would fly into a rage.

33. The sin of Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is essentially the sin of rejecting Christ

34. Rejecting any belief in gods Familiarity information: Atheistical used as an adjective is rare.

35. The Gmail spam filter protects your domain by automatically rejecting most blatant spam messages.

36. Tyndale likewise held to the word “resurrection,” rejecting purgatory and consciousness after death as unbiblical.

37. Rather, it was a way of rejecting unctuous, masochistic denial - which might narrow his perspectives.

38. It combines practical water permeability with excellent salt−rejecting properties and resistance to oxidizing agents.

39. Antonyms for Approbating include declining, denying, disallowing, disapproving, negativing, rejecting, vetoing, contradicting, disagreeing and invalidating

40. Uncle Jack fell into the latter category, Ursula vehemently rejecting his offer to lend a hand.

41. Far from rejecting internationalism and retreating to isolationism, the Republicans were proposing to go beyond containment.

42. Officials – Staff of the European Investment Bank – Actions – Action against a decision rejecting a complaint – Admissibility

43. The other Creeds set forth the mercies of Revelation; this adds the danger of rejecting them

44. The Tribunal issues an order either accepting or rejecting the request within days of the hearing.

45. In jurisdictions not rejecting the privity requirement as to obviate its effect to a great extent.

46. The Gmail spam filter protects your domain by automatically rejecting most blatant spam and malware messages.

47. In this case it means rejecting ownership of oneself in favor of ownership by Jehovah God.

48. Synonyms for Boycotting include banning, blacklisting, embargoing, barring, avoiding, blacking, blackballing, cutting off, rejecting and shunning


50. Subject: Arguments for rejecting the alternatives involving an extension of the existing Santa Cruz port facilities

51. A person rejecting discipline not only hates reproof but also has contempt for those giving it.

52. 3 Rather, it was a way of rejecting unctuous, masochistic denial - which might narrow his perspectives.

53. 29 In jurisdictions not rejecting the privity requirement as to obviate its effect to a great extent.

54. It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago.

55. A system and method for rejecting afocal light collected from an in vivo human retina is disclosed.

56. We are only keeping ourselves unhappy by high-mindedly rejecting this “good news of a great joy.”

57. Lexical lookup is more demanding of storage and processing but is better at rejecting unacceptable letter strings.

58. Apostatising is a wilful act in which a person becomes a fool by rejecting a true faith

59. Ascetic ideals are values that advocate withdrawing, abstaining, or rejecting bodily, emotional, and material aspects of everyday life

60. Today, many people realize the practical wisdom of rejecting blood transfusions and are doing so in growing numbers.

61. Read Ether 15:18–19, and identify the consequences that come from rejecting the Lord’s warnings to repent.

62. The inhabitants of Judah are in line for destruction “on account of their rejecting the law of Jehovah.”

63. Today’s king of the north officially promotes atheism, rejecting the religious gods of previous kings of the north.

64. Boogaloo members appear to hold conflicting ideological views with some identifying as anarchists and others rejecting formal titles

65. Was Jesus rejecting the visible part of Jehovah’s organization when he exposed the unfaithful religious leaders of Israel?

66. Miss Haywood, claims she was sacked from her £000-a-year job in January for rejecting Mr Pointer.

67. ECONOMIST: Sovietology He set out to educate them in the true nature of Islam, Austerely rejecting pre-Islamic tradition

68. Nor could we expect the adherents of each approach to treat any anomaly as a reason for rejecting it.

69. Each filter allows only a specific part of the spectrum of light to pass through while rejecting all others.

70. She is an iconoclast who became a grumpy conservative, rejecting the modern industrial world in a grand wholesale manner.

71. 23 It offers the qualities of religion without rejecting any of the fixed points of modernity - science, progress, agnosticism.

72. Punitive methods persistently used against a background of rejecting, hostile parental attitudes lead, in the long term, to trouble.

73. Bishops enjoy almost absolute power, and the laity have no means of rejecting a candidate, no matter how unsuitable.

74. This group published the classic Agrarian manifesto I'll Take My Stand, a collection of essays rejecting Modernity and Industrialism.

75. In common Greek, Apologia refers to the speech that an accused person delivered in court, rejecting the charges filed

76. It is also possible to combine a rejecting and an authoritarian attitude, or a loving and a permissive one.

77. The real difference between approving or rejecting the bonds comes down to where those road projects are going to go.

78. Rejecting any partition of the country, Cheiffou called upon the rebels to disarm, and to air their grievances through dialogue.

79. Apostasy is the act of totally abandoning or rejecting one’s religion (or the state of having abandoned or rejected it)

80. Habitual non-attendance can accustom children very early in their lives to rejecting the values and legal requirements of society.