Use "reinstate" in a sentence

1. It was eventually forced to reinstate them.

2. The Eagles have no plans to reinstate Owens.

3. What they did was to reinstate classical theory.

4. Is there any plans to reinstate the character deletion?

5. Proponents are now trying to reinstate the fees.

6. Threats to reinstate the tax elicited jeer from the Opposition.

7. To reinstate our veteran comrades is necessary and correct.

8. The union is fighting to reinstate 23 sacked journalists.

9. You did not summon to reinstate me into the legion?

10. There he proposed to reinstate the ancient Olympic Games.

11. There have been repeated calls to reinstate the death penalty.

12. However, the decision to reinstate is made by the original judicial committee.

13. Main Plan (Employee-paid) Reinstate the premium for Accidental Death and Dismemberment.

14. The Democratic National Committee on Friday Capitulated and agreed to reinstate Sen

15. A petition to Microsoft was filed to reinstate USB sync for Outlook.

16. The rules expired in 2002 and Congress is considering whether to reinstate them.

17. * Immediately reinstate a moratorium on executions and work toward complete abolition of capital punishment.

18. When the French come back, they essentially are able to reinstate control over the South.

19. Major carstairs, please note that all city trust will reinstate sergeant brown's account without prejudice.

20. His supporters failed in their attempt to reinstate the President in the White House.

21. The engineering employers may be willing to reinstate the contract as a prelude to revising it.

22. Yes, they have decided to reinstate you, over my violent objections, I might add.

23. I came to reinstate two young girls who were dismissed unfairly from my household.

24. The governor is said to have agreed to reinstate five senior workers who were dismissed.

25. If we are going to encourage a new precautionary attitude, schools need to reinstate hygiene training.

26. Evangelical 'Prophet' Claims Military Carrying Out Coup to Reinstate Trump as President Jason Lemon 5 days ago

27. The electorate of the capital, Titograd, also voted to reinstate the city's old name of Podgorica.

28. Antonyms for Annul include restore, enact, re-enforce, re-establish, reimpose, reinstate, reintroduce, allow, approve and continue

29. If we reinstate the manager’s Google Account, the manager will automatically regain managerial access to the listings.

30. However, Gustav Trolle was deemed a traitor to the country, and Gustav Vasa could not reinstate him.

31. Managing your Candidature How to vary your enrolment, change thesis format, convert your degree, reinstate or withdraw Candidature.

32. Reinstating an Administratively Dissolved LLC Some states allow owners to reinstate an LLC that has been Administratively dissolved

33. Orry, the superintendent of French finance, was forced to reinstate the highly unpopular dixieme tax to fund the war.

34. The Navy might reinstate Capt. Brett Crozier, former commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier

35. Now, under the influence of Orphism, the tendency to reinstate the more sensuous aspects of painting grew stronger.

36. Schwartz opened the conversation by saying that the Agency had decided to reinstate the employee and restore his clearance.

37. Cosmetics License, Renewal, or Reinstatement Application Apply for a new license, renew or reinstate your existing license, or request a

38. After abandoning an appeal against the decision, Barclays agreed to reinstate the women and compensate them for loss of earnings.

39. If business premises suffer serious fire damage the landlord usually covenants to reinstate the premises with all convenient speed.

40. The Claustral Stage • The fetus in the womb is secure, serene and dependent, conditions we may all occasionally wish to reinstate

41. Decisions : 2003 Decision No. 523-A-2003 September 15, 2003 APPLICATION by Almon Landair Ltd. to reinstate Licence No. 972109.

42. It took several years before we were able to reinstate a comprehensive schedule of public affairs programming on public television.

43. Supreme Court announced on Monday that it will consider whether to reinstate the death penalty for Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

44. After cable duct construction, the Permit Holder shall reinstate the affected stream bed of Ho Chung River to its original conditions using natural substratum.

45. The move follows an unsuccessful bid by Mr Foster to get the board to reinstate the facility Teesdale farmers regard as essential.

46. Yeltsin, awaiting implementation of his privatization program, demanded that parliament reinstate his decree powers (only parliament had the authority to replace or amend the constitution).

47. A self-described “Controversialist,” Newman was an early leader in the Oxford Movement, an attempt to reinstate ancient forms of faith and worship in …

48. Bacteriological Sample Collection Beginning January 1, 2017, the Safe Drinking Water Program will reinstate the Bacteriological sample collection program for all public water systems statewide

49. Now, the city is ready to reinstate those past due notices and cutoff policies beginning April 15, with Cutoffs for nonpayment slated to resume as soon as June.

50. The government should dismiss the charges immediately and scrap this pernicious law, and Dongguk University should reinstate the professor and amend its internal rules to ensure academic freedom.

51. The Organization of American States (O.A.S.) went a step further Wednesday and said Honduras has 72 hours to reinstate Mr. Zelaya or the regional group may suspend the nation's membership.

52. The government accompanied the restoration of access with a threat to reinstate the shutdown if they felt the Internet was becoming “a tool to stoke hatred and division among Cameroonians.”

53. Not until July 26, 1988 did the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR reinstate Kuznetsov to his former rank of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.

54. (Claim by former UNOG staff member for rescission of decision not to suspend action on his retirement and not to adopt the JAB recommendation to reinstate him symbolically for one day)

55. Under the pretext that daylight saving time would save energy, the Egyptian government decided on 7 May 2014 to reinstate summer time with an exception for the holy month of Ramadan.

56. Further, on February 22, 1994, the Kobe Bar Association, declaring that the school’s actions infringed upon Kunihito’s freedom of worship and his right to receive an education, recommended that the school reinstate him.

57. To reinstate academic freedom requires a reassertion of principles , something most effectively done through the widespread adoption of the " Academic Bill of Rights , " David Horowitz ' s initiative that has already reached 130 American campuses and eight state legislatures .

58. By moving past the derogatory connotation of Runa as dirty, Calumnious subhuman, her goal is to position indigenous woman as cardinal element of the term and reinstate an original semantic value as inclusive of two equal genders in harmony with their human and natural world

59. If the CPUSA were to be in charge of the American government and economy and establish Communism in the United States, let's say after 4 years the people and the government want to reinstate capitalism again, would you let the people go back to capitalism or you would you deny