Use "regional economics cooperation" in a sentence

1. Airport operation, Regional development (including territorial cooperation)

2. 1 There is a tendency towards regional cooperation.

3. Serbia actively participated in regional initiatives, including the newly established Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).

4. o Agreement to actively promote inter-regional cooperation which has significant untapped potential for cooperation.

5. To ensure that regional cooperation leads to reconcilable and to a true panEuropean market, inter-regional cooperation should also be required from regulators, TSO's and ACER..

6. Consumer cooperation has been a focus of study in the field of cooperative economics.

7. Based on analysis of relationship between Geopolitics and regional economic cooperation, this paper makes deep analysis on the basic and Geopolitics of Yunnan-India regional economic cooperation.

8. Administrative Assistant post redeployed from Regional/ Inter‐mission Cooperation Support Unit

9. Participants asked OHCHR to provide for institutional cooperation with regional human rights mechanisms

10. Flixbus services run in cooperation with regional bus companies from all over Europe.

11. Regional cooperation on regulatory/institutional issues could help address developing country capacity constraints.

12. What is Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation? The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) is a regional economic forum established in 1989 to leverage …

13. Regional monetary cooperation is a new thing emerged after disorganization of Bretton Wodds System.

14. We are interested in developing cooperation with CELAC and other Latin American sub-regional associations.

15. India has also been playing an active role in forging regional cooperation in combating terrorism.

16. Coordination and Cooperation AIDS PEI enjoys a strong working relationship with the regional ACAP office.

17. Paragraph 1: The process by which data needs are determined is strongly anchored into regional cooperation.

18. That is why we see a rising tide of regional integration and cooperation across the world.

19. These developments lent a powerful impetus to regional cooperation, the Andean Pact, Mercosur and so on.

20. 6. contribution to regional projects, operations of a humanitarian nature and trade cooperation are not affected.

21. The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, or Apec, is the leading forum in the Asia-Pacific to facilitate trade and investment, economic growth, and regional cooperation.

22. Future efforts should focus on law enforcement, alternative livelihoods, institution-building, demand reduction and regional cooperation

23. In brief, the Convention: Improves regional cooperation in the fight against terrorism, thereby enhancing hemispheric security.

24. We must rely on our collective wisdom to analyze issues impacting regional strategies and enhance security cooperation.

25. Alternative development; regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented balanced drug control policy; addressing socioeconomic issues:

26. There is a great potential for regional cooperation on water resources development and management among ACD countries.

27. Funds for regional cooperation constitute programmable funds allocated by the Commission to the three groups of OCTs.

28. Members of the Secretariat introduced subtheme (b), “Strengthening of regional and cross-border cooperation, including data-sharing”

29. For economics of relative main trend, psychological economics is a heretical economics.

30. Economics

31. The success of joint regional initiatives will open new vistas of economic cooperation between India and Central Asia.

32. The document lists focus areas for regional cooperation, recommends effective partnerships, and identifies goals and principles of action.

33. Regional cooperation was a crucial component of the implementation process, including in the area of addressing environmental degradation.

34. (v) the main priority areas for cooperation, taking account, where appropriate, of macro-regional and sea basin strategies;

35. Cooperation and Coercion: How Busybodies Became Busybullies and What that Means for Economics and Politics [Davies, Antony, Harrigan, James R.] on

36. The Commission will lend its active support to cooperation and regional integration via the programming of development aid.

37. International and regional cooperation can facilitate the development of transport corridors and access to ports for landlocked countries.

38. In Asia, where we have several regional frameworks, some of which have been working reasonably well, efforts to bring about greater and broader regional cooperation have to absorb these lessons.

39. • International or regional cooperation in the exchange of machine-readable information, e.g., bibliographic data, abstract and/or full text information

40. Another cycle of the frying oil purifier products are for National Merchants, recruit regional agents, look forward to your cooperation.

41. Among other regional and international organizations, Bahrain is a member of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Gulf Cooperation Council, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Arab League and World Trade Organization.

42. The United States is an Asia-Pacific power and can play a constructive role in advancing regional stability, integration and cooperation.

43. It also emphasizes a regional and international cooperation, especially on maritime interdiction to make sure weapons don't reach Gaza by sea.

44. * SUPPORT the ASEAN Regional Action Plan in CITES Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora which aims at effective regional cooperation on improved implementation of CITES, including law enforcement collaboration through ASEAN-WEN;

45. The Arab Federation for Food Industries contributed to the ESCWA expert group meeting on the harmonization of industrial norms, regulations and legal instruments for regional cooperation: enhancing regional accreditation schemes (Beirut, May

46. The changing profile of Atlanta’s metro leaders Bodes well for stronger regional cooperation, according to several of the women commission chairs.

47. * Recognised the need to finalise the Regional Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Partnership (RCEP) Agreement at an early date on mutually acceptable terms;

48. We are building our cooperation with Latin American, Caribbean and African countries, as well as with their associations and regional organisations.

49. Connectivity projects, cooperation in space, S&T and people-to-people exchanges could become a springboard for regional integration and prosperity.

50. It has a focus on all the issues that I mentioned just now including higher education, public administration, science and technology, legal and judicial cooperation as well as strengthening of defence and security cooperation besides strengthening of our political exchanges, and also cooperation in multilateral and regional fora as well as parliamentary cooperation.

51. Posted on January 6, 2006 ADB's US$952 Million Project Supports CAREC The Asian Development Bank (ADB) increases its support for regional cooperation in Central Asia through its updated strategy for the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program, which proposes projects for the region totalling US$952 million.

52. In the context of economic globalisation and regional integration, we are committed to our efforts in advancing economic cooperation and engaging the emerging regional economic architecture, including organising multi-sectoral strategic economic dialogues.

53. Such cooperation could include joint procurement of essential goods, exchange of information on different procurement possibilities and agreements on regional product specification.

54. The two leaders reaffirmed that Japan and India should actively cooperate to promote multi-layered frameworks and dialogues for regional cooperation in Asia, including the EAS, SAARC and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF).

55. The current circumstances make it imperative for the developing countries to enhance regional cooperation to mitigate the adverse impact of this crisis.

56. Together with improved regional cooperation, further efforts towards reconciliation are crucial to firmly anchor peace and ensure lasting stability in the region.

57. Such cooperation could include joint procurement of essential goods, exchange of information on different procurement possibilities and agreements on regional product specifications.

58. Prof. Chenggang Xu, Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics

59. The economics of mass-unemployment and international economics interested Meade in particular.

60. Through the Regional Economic Development Councils, we have replaced the ‘one-size fits all’ approach to economic growth with a ‘ground-up’ strategy that focuses on cooperation and investing in regional assets to generate opportunity.

61. We need caring economics.

62. The two leaders took positive note of growing bilateral cooperation in defence, counter-terrorism and energy and coordination on regional and global issues.

63. As the current Chair of SAARC, I feel the role we can play in regional cooperation will only be strengthened if there is acceptance among our people of the benefits that accrue from such cooperation.

64. In theory, one can envisage several futures for India and Pakistan, ranging from a cold peace to active cooperation to regional economic integration.

65. The European countries committed themselves to develop, in cooperation with regional bodies, processes and agreements, consistent inputs to the work of the UNFF.

66. Processes for regional and interregional cooperation were advanced in 2002 by both the International Association for the Protection of the Alps and UNEP.

67. The meetings dwell on subjects like counter-terrorism, energy security, trade, culture, science and technology, regional and global cooperation, to mention a few.

68. Song Lei holds Bachelor of Economics and Master of International Economics from Department of Economics and Institution of Japanese Studies, Jilin University.

69. Cald, which offers a unique platform for dialogue and cooperation, is the only regional alliance of liberal and democratic political parties in Asia.

70. Cald, which offers a unique platform for dialogue and cooperation, is the only regional alliance of liberal and democratic political parties in Asia

71. The European countries committed themselves to develop, in cooperation with regional bodies, processes and agreements, consistent inputs to the work of the UNFF

72. Some of these proposals are what we hope will actually move SAARC towards implementation and actually upgrade the levels of our regional cooperation.

73. We have made proposals multilaterally within the framework of SAARC – the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation – where we have assumed asymmetric responsibilities.

74. Currently there are multiple regional Blocs in Africa, also known as Regional Economic Communities (RECs), many of which have overlapping memberships.The RECs consist primarily of trade Blocs and, in some cases, some political and military cooperation

75. The innovation of economics and economics schoolbook are to have distinction already contact two problems.

76. CONVINCED that cooperation at the bilateral, sub-regional and regional levels will accelerate development and enable the two countries to realise their developmental aspirations, shared destiny and common vision of a peaceful and prosperous South Asia;

77. Consumption – foundation of economics

78. Prime Minister emphasized the need for greater regional cooperation in areas such as agriculture, forestry, education, healthcare, women’s empowerment, skill development and technological innovations.

79. * PROMOTE action to further strengthen regional and international cooperation between source, transit and destination countries, including through additional support to wildlife law-enforcement networks;

80. Implementation of regional cooperation agreement with UNMIL for use of United Nations-chartered aircraft, which will lead to a reduction in overall rotation cost