Use "regimes" in a sentence

1. Soon, Communist regimes throughout Europe collapsed.

2. A thorough comparison of authoritarian regimes.

3. With Jehovah’s Help, We Survived Totalitarian Regimes

4. Treatment regimes should take this into account.

5. • Clarifying the accountability regimes of Crown corporations;

6. Biden Categorises Poland alongside Belarus and totalitarian regimes

7. * We have removed lot of regressive taxation regimes.

8. Secret police organizations are characteristic of totalitarian regimes.

9. • We have removed lot of regressive taxation regimes.

10. It lingers in the oppressive policies of foreign regimes.

11. The classic study of the forces underlying totalitarian regimes.

12. Where we might have previously said, Communist Regimes, or Totalitarian Regimes, for the purposes of argument we rebrand them Atheistic Regimes, employing a rather transparent form of Humpty-Dumptyism in order to pin the blame on atheism.

13. We have had the collapse of the totalitarian regimes.

14. These regimes created something within us during this period.

15. Golden Bandicoots have long suffered from changes in fire regimes

16. In this sense, most authoritarian or totalitarian regimes are nonconstitutional.

17. The transition between these two regimes is called intermediate Ballistics.

18. The perils of dealing with shaky regimes cut both ways.

19. The liberalization of trade regimes should take that aspect into account.

20. Why should the left care about the stability of undemocratic regimes?

21. The wheeling and dealing of regimes is presumably not very mysterious.

22. The adjustments in the exchange rate regimes from pegged to adjustable peg systems, and finally to flexible exchange rate regimes, have contributed to the process of economic integration.

23. Officials are concerned about rogue regimes that may have nuclear weapons.

24. In Autocratization in post-Cold War Political Regimes, edited by A

25. The topic’s relationship with those regimes must therefore be taken into account.

26. What applies to political regimes applies to the economic realm as well.

27. The adjustments in the exchange rate regimes from pegged to adjustable peg systems, and finally to flexible exchange rate regimes, have contributed to the process of economic integration

28. History is filled with discarded regimes that have foolishly tested America’s resolve.

29. China will befriend ostracised regimes and encourage them to defy international norms.

30. 8 The wheeling and dealing of regimes is presumably not very mysterious.

31. Single currency and basket pegs are classified as fixed exchange rate regimes.

32. He supported India’s early application and eventual membership in all four regimes.

33. Technology control regimes need to be dispensed with for advanced clean technologies.

34. Frequent imprisonment by various regimes did not daunt the courage of Nawal.

35. Once discredited in economic terms, authoritarian regimes tend to lose their grip.

36. All political regimes attempt to manipulate information as a means of social control.

37. Kleptocratic regimes often channel some of their countries’ wealth into Swiss bank accounts.

38. Directives issued by other relevant export control regimes are also taken into account.

39. Bantus leaders, however, remain optimistic about the current government compared to previous regimes

40. A case study of political transition in one of the major totalitarian regimes.

41. The Conductance of pipes and pipe bends will differ in the various flow regimes

42. Flight regimes for entry, descent, and landing systems include aerocapture, hypersonic, supersonic, and subsonic.

43. This proletariat interests neither the opposition forces nor the regimes based on the sacred.

44. 21 Routine cleaning and disinfection regimes must be a high priority in the mortuary.

45. Obligations under these regimes and agreements are implemented domestically under corresponding pieces of legislation.

46. The studies should include locations no longer receiving mine wastes and active depositional regimes.

47. Obligations under these regimes and agreements are implemented domestically under corresponding pieces of legislation

48. The DPRK is one of the most repressive and abusive regimes in the world.

49. Not all indigenous regimes were willing to accept the supposed benefits of British trade.

50. Of the maximal Canardin separatingtwo distinct synchronization regimes: the Hopf regime and the relaxation regime

51. Between 1962 and 1974 and between 1988 and 2011, Burma was headed by military regimes.

52. Finally, the provisions should take account of other international procurement regimes on the topic ( # paras

53. In Chad, two land ownership regimes exist side by side for the acquisition of land

54. This also applies to accounting standards, taxation regimes and to rules limiting access to capital

55. Inflexible exchange rate regimes set the stage for current account imbalances and weak financial sectors.

56. It would also create incentives to develop taxation regimes, improve financial reporting and promote accountability.

57. In addition, fixed or pegged exchange rate regimes eliminated costs related to exchange rate hedging (7).

58. In choosing appropriate loading regimes, account of the normal habitat of the fish species is taken.

59. of independence of network operators from competitive activities, grid rules, balancing and gas storage regimes.

60. Proper accountability regimes and reporting structures must be built into all of the program’s partnerships.

61. Racism was a major part of the ideology of all three of the genocidal regimes.

62. If anything, it could create a clampdown on democratic tendencies by regimes in neighbouring countries.

63. Method of using lean fuel-air mixtures at all operating regimes of a spark ignition engine

64. This evaluation has been ably commenced by a recent report to DIAND, "Municipal Government Accountability Regimes:

65. Acculturate They were Acculturated in the tradition of 'public service' from their contact with older regimes

66. He resisted Nazism with the same determination he opposed the Communist regimes of the Eastern bloc.

67. While Corporatism has proven problematic for many, given its role in various oppressive regimes in the

68. ◦ Harmonization, where possible, with other international regimes can be taken into account when developing new regulations

69. This argument is sometimes used by undemocratic regimes to justify their failure to implement democratic reforms.

70. Under Catholic Fascist regimes in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, they had to withstand persecution even longer.

71. States with capitalistic economic systems have thrived under political regimes deemed to be authoritarian or oppressive.

72. Jehovah’s Witnesses in Germany suffered brutal and prolonged persecution under both of the 20th-century totalitarian regimes

73. Anglophiles admired Britain for many reasons, including its relative openness to refugees from illiberal continental regimes.

74. RWB also highlights the role of firms which provide monitoring equipment and software to repressive regimes .

75. Both the Sandinistas and Frelimo came to power after a liberation struggle against highly repressive regimes.

76. Aeric Fluvaquents 1 3 2 Entisols on floodplains with aquic moisture regimes that are not so wet

77. Both countries have a long-standing tradition of pegged exchange rate regimes, dating back to the 1960s.

78. From being a target of the technology denial regimes we are now regarded as a partner. 4.

79. They agreed to strengthen multilateral export control regimes as important components of the global non-proliferation regime.

80. The Warsaw Declaration vows that the suffering of victims of totalitarian regimes "will not sink into oblivion."