Use "refused" in a sentence

1. The police refused to evict them. The army refused to help.

2. They were refused admittance.

3. She refused her suitor.

4. She refused to speculate.

5. I was refused admittance.

6. If Admittance Is Refused

7. Police say the Bondsman refused

8. 30 They refused my advice;

9. The prisoner refused to confess .

10. Some members refused to participate.

11. He resolutely refused their bribe.

12. She stubbornly refused to pay.

13. The dog refused to budge.

14. Ambassador Zorin refused to answer.

15. He refused to acknowledge defeat.

16. The soldiers refused to obey .

17. He refused the proffered assistance.

18. They refused him a visa.

19. I politely refused their invitation.

20. The UN refused to intervene.

21. She stubbornly refused to cooperate.

22. They have refused to study Afrikaans, refused to be trained simply as servants to the system.

23. Augustus also lists numerous offices he refused to take and privileges he refused to be awarded.

24. He irritably refused their bribe.

25. He refused to Acknowledge defeat

26. Which she refused to take.

27. Leo refused to denounce me.

28. The request was curtly refused.

29. The judge granted / refused bail.

30. She refused to accept his answer!

31. Attepted uninvited connection from %#: connection refused

32. * So he refused to drink it.

33. He proudly refused help from anyone.

34. He has recently been refused tenure.

35. She refused to be photographed nude.

36. The General refused to be flustered.

37. He flatly refused to discuss it.

38. He refused my offer of help.

39. She had refused all solid food.

40. He refused to entertain our proposal.

41. Charles V refused to give battle.

42. The government has refused to budge.

43. He refused to be dictated to.

44. He refused to answer the doorbell.

45. Still, Jane refused to be intimidated.

46. Thousands refused to pay their taxes.

47. It was foolhardy to have refused.

48. The magistrate granted / refused him bail.

49. He refused to swear off violence.

50. They've refused him leave of absence.

51. They refused to be dictated to.

52. He refused it with some indignation.

53. 1 She refused to pay up.

54. 8 Our army refused to yield.

55. When she refused I felt deflated.

56. 7 He resolutely refused their bribe.

57. Gandhi refused to furnish the bail.

58. She refused to wear a hairnet.

59. Congress refused to enact the bill.

60. He refused to compromise his principles.

61. He refused to shift his ground .

62. The patient's blood refused to clot.

63. She was refused a work permit.

64. He flatly refused to join us.

65. Adjudicate on The court refused to Adjudicate …

66. He refused on moral and religious grounds.

67. André steadfastly refused to entertain their advances.

68. Many brothers who refused enlistment were tortured.

69. He refused to comment after the trial.

70. The newspaper refused to publish the letter.

71. They refused to give me a refund .

72. The general refused to withdraw his troops.

73. She refused to testify against her brother.

74. The governor refused to accept Cox's resignation .

75. He obstinately refused to consider the future.

76. 1 The authorities refused to extradite him.

77. He has refused to help? Surely not!

78. Ramsey's college refused him a research fellowship.

79. To his credit, he refused to buckle.

80. Mother flatly refused to see the doctor.