Use "reflected light" in a sentence

1. Agleam definition is - gleaming especially with reflected light.

2. Burnish: brightness created by light reflected from a surface.

3. 18 The light reflected off the surface of the water.

4. Next astronomers must study the light reflected by the planet.

5. 10 The light reflected from the water into my eyes.

6. However, when cut and polished, they reflected light in all directions.

7. 7 He measured the angle of incidence of the reflected light.

8. We have seen the light of the gospel reflected in your faces.

9. These maps show Albedo on a scale from 0 (no incoming sunlight being reflected) to 0.9 (nearly all incoming light being reflected)

10. The reflected light from the energized diode operates as a target alignment marker.

11. Anoil film of thickness 10000 \AA is examined normally by the reflected light

12. How is reflected light coming from a planet refracted when entering the earth’s atmosphere?

13. The signal can, however, be reflected by mirrors, just like any other light source.

14. Even light reflected from yourself in the mirror takes some time to reflect back.

15. And it was more than just the light reflected from their balding, silvery heads.

16. Light enters and leaves atthe hypotenuse and is reflected at each of the shorter faces.

17. As it scans, the light is reflected and is split by optical devices into three light-paths, one for each primary color.

18. Some of this light is reflected and measured by a photo diode in the ring.

19. Ahead lay the water-chestnut fields, glimmering in the reflected light from Chung Kuo's barren sister.

20. Blurry reflections If a surface is not a perfect reflector, distortion arises in the reflected light.

21. The sleet stuck to the branches of trees and reflected the light from the street lamps.

22. When sunlight encounters a raindrop, part of the light is reflected and the rest enters the raindrop.

23. When this light hits the back of the raindrop, some of it is reflected off the back.

24. The spin accumulation induces circular polarization of the emitted light, as well as the Faraday (or Kerr) polarization rotation of the transmitted (or reflected) light.

25. An illumination unit emits modulated infrared light, which is reflected by the objects in the field of view.

26. This treatment provides a better view by reducing the light reflected on the external surfaces and internal lens.

27. Intoning a liturgy, he tilted that silvered glass so that reflected light sprang at the skeleton, bathing it.

28. Light passing through a Colloidal dispersion, such as smoky or foggy air, will be reflected by the larger particles and the light beam will be visible

29. This dependence of the reflected light intensity from the incident angle is measured with a high-resolution sensor array.

30. Myth: Bifacial modules are ideal for snowy conditions because they can absorb light reflected off snow on the ground

31. An optical acoustoelectric transducer receives light reflected by a vibrating board and detects the displacement of the vibrating board.

32. The fraction of light that is reflected by an object is called the Albedo, which means whiteness in Latin

33. The overall effect is that part of the incoming light is reflected back over the range of 0° to 42°, with the most intense light at 42°.

34. In the main ballroom, the lights blazed from all sides and the many mirrors reflected the light a thousand-fold.

35. A part of the light, preferably light which has been passed into the air sac (120) and impinged upon the allantois (121), is reflected to an IR detector (111).

36. With this ability the Cuttlefish can even influence the color of light reflected from its skin and even the polarization of …

37. Caustic (optics), the envelope of light rays reflected or refracted by a curved surface or object, or the projection of that

38. Anaxagoras taught that the sun was a hot rock, and that the moon shone from the reflected light of the sun

39. This increase in refractive index from 1.5 to 1.7 significantly increases the amount of light reflected (by a factor of 1.68 for light reflecting in the normal direction; see Fresnel equations).

40. He reflected light off a concealed actor onto the stage via an angled sheet of glass, making her appear like a ghost.

41. In like manner, when the light is injected into the glass threads at the critical angle or less, it is internally reflected inside the fiber, mirrorlike, with very little light escaping.

42. The term "Bling Bling" refers to the imaginary "sound" that is produced from light reflected by a diamond

43. Moses’ face reflected glory

44. A Bifacial solar PV panel is capable of absorbing light that is reflected off the ground or another material to produce solar energy

45. What does Birefringence mean? The resolution or splitting of a light wave into two unequally reflected or transmitted waves by an optically anisotropi

46. In some scarab beetles, more or less total reflection of incident light is achieved by manipulating the polarization of the light as it passes through, and is reflected by, layers in the Cuticle.

47. Though Aplanats are aberration free, the light reflected from retina has to pass through the eye-lens which makes the aggregate system aberrant

48. Based on Fermat's theorem, the law of reflection and refraction is obtained, and the geometrical ray tracing method of reflected light is introduced.

49. The organic mulches reflected ca. 10% of incident PAR 1 m above ground, i.e. more light than uncovered soil, all without affecting fruit colouration.

50. We perceive a sum of rays proceeding from a source of light; these are reflected from the object and enter our field of vision.

51. The reflected light rays are measured by a beam splitter arranged in the beam path and by means of which three signals are derived.

52. In some embodiments, an achromatic quarter-wave plate is used in combination with a color filter to block the light reflected from projection optics.

53. The paper reports a method and a spectropolarimeter for determining the polarization state of an emitted or reflected light in terms of its Stokes parameters.

54. Chameleons actually use crystals in their skin to mirror and change wavelengths of reflected light - not colored pigment as some out of date books suggest.

55. His eyes reflected his anguish.

56. Anaxagoras proposed that the moon shines by reflected light from the "red-hot stone" which was the sun, the first such recorded claim.

57. In part, it reflected racist condescension.

58. Zircon in the Ririwai biotite granite, and its albitized and greisenized varieties, is described by reflected-light and backscattered-electron (BSE) microscopy, and electron-microprobe analysis.

59. The porro prisms are on the inside sealed with putty, thus reducing the number of glass/ air boundary surfaces and lowering the portion of reflected light.

60. By recording characteristics of the reflected light, the detectors transmit information to the system that permits the recording head to be properly aligned with the tape.

61. 25 The reflected light the artist has executed reveals the realistic visual sensation under the sun, which also indicates the artist's close connection with the Impressionism.

62. Compute reflected, refracted, and transmitted rays

63. Speechless figures in red Mozart costumes and a oversized mirror face created aberrations of light and duplications that reflected the musical and scenic events on stage.

64. Coloration, in biology, the general appearance of an organism as determined by the quality and quantity of light that is reflected or emitted from its surfaces.

65. The works are displayed in a series of glass-fronted corridors leading off the original house , and reflected light from the sea fills the exhibition space .

66. The exhibition reflected concurrent developments abroad.

67. The looking glass reflected her figure.

68. How are these construals reflected in language?

69. All our scans are being reflected back.

70. The Stoic tradition also reflected diverse perspectives.

71. His face was reflected in the mirror.

72. 27 She reflected that life is short.

73. Nor see them reflected in mirrors.

74. Abraham’s tone reflected due reverence and humility.

75. 10 When reflected from a rough surface, singly and doubly reflected waves intermingle,[] and the signal is depolarized.

76. That would have reflected a positive attitude.

77. The white painted walls reflected the firelight.

78. Albedo, fraction of light that is reflected by a body or surface. It is commonly used in astronomy to describe the reflective properties of planets, satellites, and asteroids

79. 4 Both are reflected in Snow Leopard.

80. 28 I reflected on the child's future.