Use "referring" in a sentence


2. Possibly referring to the Levites.

3. Biologic adjective Referring to biology; Biological

4. Perhaps referring to the wise child.

5. Adjective Referring to a Coronal slice

6. Use Between when referring to one-to-one relationships. Use among when referring to indistinct or nonspecific relationships

7. Adapter in its internal style guide, namely, use Adaptor when referring to devices and adapter when referring to people.

8. When the referring party Approbates and reprobates

9. Austral means Southern in Latin when referring

10. Anabiotic adjective Referring or pertaining to Anabiosis

11. The referring expression is grammatically called subject.

12. 14 I am referring to collecting information.

13. Auricular adjective Referring to: (1) Atrial Auricular

14. Apparently referring to the capital city, Samaria.

15. 1 You know who I'm referring to.

16. By mentioning “God,” was Ehud referring to Chemosh?

17. Biosimilar adjective Referring to a Biosimilar therapeutics agent

18. Evidently referring to Bozrah, the capital of Edom.

19. 15 Was the old nun referring to hands?

20. Binucleated adjective Having or referring to 2 nuclei

21. Binucleated adjective Having or referring to 2 nuclei

22. Probably from Brocken, referring to the mountain's erosion

23. You may have heard chefs referring to Coulis

24. Referring to this property: the Associative laws of …

25. Jesus apparently was referring to a sewing needle.

26. Obviously, Steve was referring to a Bilateral meeting

27. The Anaphoric (referring) term is called an Anaphor

28. 11 Was the old nun referring to hands?

29. Emily. : Are you referring to the navigational system?

30. Possibly referring to rods used for storing bread.

31. 8 No referring back to books or notes!

32. Apodal adjective Referring to a thing lacking feet; footless

33. You are referring to the acute abdomen, I presume?

34. The apostle Paul was here referring to God’s wrath.

35. 9 My doctor is referring me to a dermatologist.

36. The underlined reference words in the two paragraphs below are either "Anaphoric" (referring upward to previously mentioned words), "cataphoric" (referring downward to subsequent words), or "exophoric" (referring to something outside the text)

37. Canine adjective Referring to a Canine tooth or teeth

38. This may be the portrait he was referring to.

39. 13 He kept referring to Wehman as a tragedian.

40. 1 My doctor is referring me to a dermatologist.

41. While we snigger, referring to the side of her.

42. 7 I imagine you're referring to Jean-Paul Sartre.

43. * Use a concordance to find scriptures referring to mercy.

44. Eg: He cooked dinner by referring to a cookbook.

45. Hypertrophy Increase in size when referring to skin cells.

46. The term is commonly used when referring to Consanguineus relative

47. Commentariat A collective term referring to news analysts and commentators

48. Blighty definition: Blighty is a way of referring to England

49. Anaesthetic: adjective (1) Inducing, referring to, or characterised by anaesthesia

50. 5 He gave the speech without referring to his notes.

51. Bashing: Speaking or referring to another in a disparaging fashion.

52. Bacteriological adjective Referring or pertaining to bacteria. Segen's Medical Dictionary

53. Ameliorated: Referring to lessened signs or symptoms of a disease.

54. To which contemptible asshole did you think I was referring?

55. 17 Hypertrophy Increase in size when referring to skin cells.

56. Ameliorated Referring to lessened signs or symptoms of a disease

57. Might Paul have been referring to just such an event?

58. 6 You know perfectly well what I am referring to.

59. People usually personify a ship by referring to it as'she ".

60. 16 Y., referring to the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.

61. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the head centre of gravity.

62. Rather, the cost Spence is referring to is the opportunity cost.

63. She spoke for an hour without once referring to her notes.

64. I am not referring to adhoc arrangements or short-term palliatives.

65. The Social Network dimension that identifies referring social networks is ga:socialNework.

66. (c) To what city is the prophet likely referring, and why?

67. When referring to cannon, the term gun is often used incorrectly.

68. 3 Referring to children's friends as girlfriends and boyfriends sexualizes them.

69. The resultant triaxial acceleration referring to the head centre of gravity

70. • Words referring to or indicating the singular shall include the plural.

71. Perhaps referring to a crippled man required to do women’s work.

72. Why are some media referring to Opus Dei as '' God's mafia ''?

73. What does Anaphor mean? (linguistics) An expression referring to another expression

74. Astern is a term referring to a boat’s moving backward (reversing)

75. If you are referring to the Kolinahr, Doctor, you are correct.

76. Latin treatises sometimes used the word mascara when referring to witches.

77. Can you act out this scene without referring to the text?

78. Cytokine is a generic name referring to factors released by cells

79. Bibliographic adjective Referring to a bibliography, or the history of books

80. Referring to James as The Apostle is an example of Antonomasia.