Use "recognises" in a sentence

1. Mr Smith implicitly recognises the disincentive effect.

2. Aristotle recognises singular causality as efficient causality.

3. New Zealand Post recognises Māori place-names in postal addresses.

4. The Provisions explicitly recognises the probative value of audiovisual material.

5. An entity recognises a liability of # for accrued product warranty costs

6. The hospice affirms life, and recognises dying as a normal process.

7. The eye seeks and recognises the singularity of a symmetrical pair.

8. ACEA recognises that it has joint control over AEP, together with Electrabel

9. An entity recognises a liability of 100 for accrued product warranty costs.

10. 23 The eye seeks and recognises the singularity of a symmetrical pair.

11. The title 'Brutalisms' recognises different, and sometimes competing versions of the tendency

12. ACEA recognises that it has joint control over AEP, together with Electrabel.

13. The EESC recognises that effective action on this issue will involve extra costs

14. Islam recognises no god but Allah, who revealed scriptures to bothJewish and Christian

15. In addition, the Agreement recognises the principles of fungibility and proportionality of nuclear material.

16. The EESC recognises that unconventional hydrocarbon extraction technology has made progress in recent years.

17. Synonyms for Commemorates include celebrates, observes, remembers, honours, memorialises, memorializes, recognises, recognizes, salutes and immortalises

18. Recognises the importance of fostering work-based learning apprenticeships as an alternative route to employment;

19. Egypt formally recognises the rebel National Transitional Council as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people

20. The expert recognises Ceylon sapphires the luminosity and brilliance of their light to medium blue colour.

21. Mr President, we welcome the fact that the report recognises and accepts that Echelon exists.

22. As with sight, Auditory processing relies on how the brain interprets, recognises and differentiates sound stimuli.

23. The EESC recognises that acoustic noise in public areas has a serious impact on human health (10).

24. The team recognises, however, that the chances of forecasting an earthquake with 100% accuracy are slim.

25. The Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance category, introduced in 2012, was split and recognises metal performances only.

26. In addition, the WTE Bill recognises “family responsibilities” as part of its more holistic approach to social development.

27. the entity recognises revenue from the satisfaction of the performance obligation in accordance with paragraph B16.

28. This decision recognises the airport's potential importance for job creation and economic prosperity in the Ipswich area.

29. • Capital cost allowance (CCA) is a deduction for tax purposes that recognises the depreciation of capital property.

30. Synonyms for Appreciates include cherishes, treasures, welcomes, values, recognises, recognizes, credits, acknowledges, prizes and gives thanks for

31. The European Commission recognises the great potential of inland navigation as an alternative transport mode for freight transport.

32. It also recognises the need to accelerate the part of the procedure dealing with the final decision process.

33. The Committee recognises that employers provide a large portion of training to adults (point #.# of the action plan

34. Constitutionalism recognises the need for a government but at the same time also insists upon restraining its (government’s) power.

35. The Committee recognises that employers provide a large portion of training to adults (point 2.2 of the action plan).

36. Probyn recognises that whenever there is money about, then the potential for bad blood creeping in is always there.

37. 27 It recognises that money has a time value by discounting future cash flows at an appropriate discount rate.

38. In addition, the WTE Bill recognises “family responsibilities” as part of its more holistic approach to social development

39. The celebration of Amerindian Heritage Month recognises Amerindians and their culture as a distinct part of the Guyanese mosaic

40. The award recognises exceptional courtesy and Attentiveness to all passengers and customers, while offering the highest quality of airport security.

41. This hypothesis rightly recognises the past contribution of the staff involved, and gives them the option of alternative employment elsewhere.

42. 28 A mother recognises the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.

43. The Republic of Armenia recognises the Armenian Apostolic Church, the world's oldest national church, as the country's primary religious establishment

44. However the communication recognises the practical difficulties faced by SMEs in integrating new technologies and adapting to new business environments.

45. Norbrook also recognises that the love lyric was not the only type of verse to enjoy popularity in the Renaissance.

46. Arita recognises the continuing education and professional development requirements of our members and provides a range of industry specific learning opportunities

47. If the tax rate has decreased to # %, the enterprise recognises a deferred tax asset of # (# at # %) and deferred tax income of

48. Antorini recognises that the pressure to forge ahead with the necessary research is likely to be consumer-led by infertile couples.

49. Indeed the Faculty encourages interdisciplinary activity and recognises that much innovative work has derived from the intellectual stimulus of multidisciplinary study.

50. Cage recognises the complexities within the debate pertaining to civil liberties and security and calls for the use of sensible, responsible and …

51. The ICC Cricket Hall of Fame recognises the achievements of the legends of the game from Cricket's long and illustrious history.

52. The relationship between the obligation and the constraints recognises that the priority is not absolute but must take account of obvious practical obstacles.

53. A person-Centred approach recognises that clinicians’ wellbeing is essential as person-Centred care cannot be delivered by burned-out and depersonalised clinicians

54. It is concluded that the monoclonal antibody SBU-3 recognises an antigen common to ruminants which is expressed only by Binucleate cells in the placenta.

55. Each one recognises sectional interests within the profession but has little or no regard to the public at large or the potential client.

56. The dominant paradigm within class-based urban and regional analysis nevertheless usually recognises the difficulties involved in creating a well-organised international working class.

57. The authors suggest that many of these could be overcome through tweaking existing legislation, although it recognises that VoIP 'may raise regulatory issues across the board'.

58. The applicants state that the Commission recognises itself that quotation prices are not closely correlated to actual prices (recital 352 to the contested decision).

59. According to Michelle Kagari of Amnesty International, the award "recognises tremendous courage in the face of discrimination and violence against LGBT people in Uganda.

60. Babouche! Golf has won the Feefo Gold Trusted Service award, an independent seal of excellence that recognises businesses for delivering exceptional experiences, as rated by real customers.

61. The DLE 150 Connect recognises automatically whether measurement is being carried out with the Compact or Universal end piece and adapts the measurement result accordingly.

62. Additionally, the Commission recognises that ro-ro and lo-lo freight rates may not be directly comparable for the reasons set out in recital 100 above.

63. The Society of Antiquaries is an educational charity that promotes the understanding of the human past and recognises distinction in this field through election to its Fellowship

64. A person-Centred approach recognises that clinicians are people too, and we know that the well-being of practitioners is a key determinant of the quality of care

65. The Society of Antiquaries of London is an educational charity that promotes understanding of the human past and recognises distinction in this field through election to its Fellowship

66. (d) whether the Government recognises the need to designate a nodal agency or Ministry for effective follow up on these vital issues in consultation with MEA and missions abroad; and

67. In this regard, it should first be noted that the CRCP recognises bank acceptances as liabilities towards banks at the same level as loans, letters of credit or trade financing.

68. The EESC recognises that the effectiveness of the GSP preferences is constantly being eroded by progressive across-the-board tariff reductions as a result of successive rounds of the GATT negotiations.

69. The EESC recognises that the effectiveness of the GSP preferences is constantly being eroded by progressive across-the-board tariff reductions as a result of successive rounds of the GATT negotiations

70. ‘An Antibody is a protein which recognises a foreign molecule, known as an antigen.’ ‘The levels of immune globulins and of certain antibodies in the blood may indicate a problem in the immune system.’

71. Despite the fact that the penal code clearly recognises Bullfights as “cruel acts and serious ill treatments towards animals” (article 521 -1), bullfighting is allowed to continue in this minority area as an ‘uninterrupted local tradition’.

72. Antipodes HSL power supply technology recognises that the perfect power supply for digital circuits has the speed of the fastest switched mode power supplies, and the low noise of the best linear power supplies

73. The Commission recognises the importance of maintaining a technological lead in the field of nuclear power and supports the further development of the most advanced framework for nuclear energy, including non-proliferation, waste management and decommissioning

74. The Commission recognises the importance of maintaining a technological lead in the field of nuclear power and supports the further development of the most advanced framework for nuclear energy, including non-proliferation, waste management and decommissioning.

75. ‘His Creativeness also extends into the literary field, with his poetry writings having been previously published as part of an anthology of local writers.’ ‘He appears not to know how to respond to Creativeness.’ ‘The editorial recognises that judicial Creativeness is …

76. Whilst the provision of Disability Equality Training (DET) within counselling courses would Amelioratethe problem, I believe that disabled people would be most empowered by a counselling approach which recognises the potential for oppression within the counsellor-client relationship.

77. The Vision 2030, Kenya’s development blueprint, recognises that no society can gain social cohesion if significant sections of it lives in abject poverty and has for this reason included equity as a recurrent principle in all its economic, social and political programmes.

78. He speaks to her with the intention of buying one of her flowers, but she recognises at once his potential and offers him five of the lotuses if he would promise that they would become husband and wife in all their next existences.

79. The International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Certification (IFABC) is a global federation of industry-sponsored organisations that recognises that in the fast-paced media landscape, advertisers and ad agencies need the certainty that comes from consistent and independently verified, readily accessible media data for advertising planning and investment.

80. The paper recognises the desire of many to limit the use of the criminal sanction and concludes by suggesting that unwarranted Criminalisation can only be avoided if legislatures proposing new offences clearly articulate their reasons for believing that the criminal law is the best mechanism for reducing or deterring the conduct at issue, and