Use "razing" in a sentence

1. Out of blind prejudice, the government is razing what's clearly a cultural citadel.

2. The country is accused of promoting agriculture by razing the Amazon forest.

3. Captains are unique, and they are necessary when buying/capturing/razing villages

4. Instead of razing it, commissioners asked for a closer look at its remodeling cost.

5. Synonyms for Annihilating include destroying, demolishing, wrecking, ruining, devastating, smashing, razing, shattering, decimating and totalling

6. Between 15% and 20% of global warming pollution is caused by the razing of forests.

7. As a serious effort to make standing forests more valuable than razing them for agriculture, it is unprecedented.

8. A massive Roman army besieged Jerusalem, utterly destroying the Temple and razing the city to the ground.

9. Razing of Abandoned Grain Elevators on Prairies-Loss of Storage Capacity-Effect on Rural Municipalities-Government Position

10. As your strike force grows you can split it into multiple groups to speed up the razing process.

11. A massive Roman army besieged Jerusalem,( utterly destroying the Temple and razing the city to the ground.

12. When Razing Snidd comes into play, return a black or red creature you control to its owner's hand.

13. His million-man host could ford the Han and the Great River simply by filling them in! How could razing one bridge stop him?

14. Also, it is difficult to get a court-ordered injunction against an otherwise legal action, like an election recount or razing a building when the owner agrees.

15. It was formed in 1967 as a result of the razing of the Moroccan Quarter neighborhood in the immediate aftermath of the Six-Day War.

16. Despite the abbacy's neutrality and the protection of the prince-abbots, the territory was invaded at least 50 times by troops passing through, whose depredations had disastrous consequences for the population, including the 4 October 1689 razing of both Stavelot and Malmedy on the orders of Nicolas Catinat, general to Louis XIV of France, during the Nine Years' War.