Use "rationally" in a sentence

1. I conclude that the Conceptualist argument may be rationally acceptable, but is not rationally compelling

2. Mr James rationally doling it out.

3. She argued her case calmly and rationally.

4. It is important collocate the wheat rationally.

5. Really she was too tired to think rationally.

6. We were too shocked to think rationally .

7. This chapter argues that epistemic Akrasia is rationally permissible

8. Principle means rationally understanding contradiction movement end its rule.

9. Everything that happened to you can be rationally explained.

10. He seemed to have lost the ability to think rationally.

11. Which is, of course, totally ridiculous, when you look at it rationally.

12. To start with you have to deal with every problem rationally.

13. Yet, viewing the Situation rationally, there are no old perpetrators of street crimes.

14. Just as selection criteria must be reasonable, so must they be rationally applied.

15. We were very adult about it. We discussed it rationally over a drink.

16. It's hard to keep sniping rationally when you throw a bomb like that in there.

17. Living with Someone Who Constantly Complains How to cope more rationally and less stressfully

18. In the end, however, the antagonism towards newcomers is not a rationally calculated response.

19. The mineral resources are the non-renewable resources, that It'should be used high efficiently and rationally.

20. Climbing in the rain makes you feel a lot more clever than it should rationally justify.

21. Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.

22. It is impossible to take a complex problem and rationally unravel the mess into logical interacting pieces.

23. The problem referred to is that of how to distribute resources rationally in an economy.

24. How do I decide rationally when I hear a thousand different voices screaming contradictory advice?

25. It can be very hard to think rationally when you're feeling so vulnerable and alone.

26. Applying pesticide rationally, improving the using rate of pesticide and strengthening the use of biological agent.

27. See also: Collect, thought Collect (one's) wits To try to calm oneself and think clearly and rationally

28. Many times you will find Ambiverts able to think both rationally and emotionally, therefore taking excellent decisions.

29. It emphasizes rationally structured systems, built on division of labor and job specialization in a functional structure.

30. Trying to look at the subject rationally, I think it was a difference between theory and practice.

31. Perhaps because it was being produced rationally, as if it were plastic, food gained magical or poisonous powers, or both.

32. In this view, decision makers lack the cognitive capacity and the comprehensive information that would enable them to calculate utilities rationally.

33. The controller can carry on the departure time and spacing interval of the arrangement vehicle rationally sequentially, and examine the bus driver.

34. 24 Improving the time and temperature of hot-working process rationally, the hot brittleness caused by residual copper is lightened.

35. There are two ways of disliking art. One is to dislike it. The other is to like it rationally. Oscar Wilde 

36. Because some designers misconceive Chinese characters, therefore we should use it sensitively and rationally to give the design more persuasion and inspiration.

37. Having done this coolly and rationally there is less chance of wasting time between each job on deciding which to do next.

38. But let's indulge the hopefulness for a moment and assume that we really are entering a golden age of rationally designed, targeted drugs.

39. As much as he admired Hofmannsthal, Rilke also distinguished between a poetic and metaphorical language of things and a language conceived abstractedly and rationally.

40. On the other hand, it is the minor premise of syllogism, the basis on which the parties can carry out their communication equally and rationally.

41. Civilize definition is - to cause to develop out of a primitive state; especially : to bring to a technically advanced and rationally ordered stage of cultural development

42. No wonder we can't think rationally about a simple health care plan, when we're all so Bollixed up with panic about ever being truly sick and helplness ourselves.

43. In this, as in all his work, he brought to an argument the cogency of the rationally convinced with the wisdom of one who could see the other side.

44. Recent research confirms that the quantity and tone of the words an infant hears affect its ability to think rationally, solve problems, and reason abstractly, reports The New York Times.

45. It would Behoove you to analyze, investigate, evaluate and try to explain your own family’s history and your own: you may find disturbing patterns that are not rationally explainable

46. The reason for the nonexistence of a tradition of Antitheism seems therefore to be that it is merely emotionally, not that it is rationally, less inviting than theism.

47. 14 The application of intelligent water-meter not only improves work efficiency of the department supplying water but also creates a condition for using water frugally and rationally.

48. By rationally tailoring the molecular structure of Azobenzene, the solubility is favorably improved from near zero to 2 M due to the highly charged asymmetric structure formed in

49. Caesar is still so a smiling face of glitter, but the celebration cared chilly Ling Feng then cut up rowdy and had no to rationally lambaste:"You this ......this shameless female!"

50. In Shanghai Fengxian High School planning, the campus sight view is regarded as key element of general layout and functional division of area is made rationally in light of existed river system.

51. If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 

52. (979) Alternatively, in view of the lack of resistance shown so far with respect to Fipronil and imidacloprid, the merged entity could rationally have the option of simply eliminating Bayer's current products.

53. Based on non-uniform gap and 2D axisymmetric results and taking the minimum gap as design gap, 2D axisymmetric model can rationally take the place of 3D model to analyze the seal performance.

54. Aleem Ahmed said that science enables people to Cerebrate and work rationally, which is necessary for common people to understand science as it is of fundamental value for a knowledge-based economy and a knowledge-driven progressive …

55. 20 Positive thoughts give birth to our good values and beliefs, and increase our thinking power positively. Negative thoughts impact our values and beliefs negatively, and reduce our abilities to think clearly, rationally and optimistically. Dr T.P.Chia 

56. Maimonides s writings reveal his preoccupation with approaching rationally a religion that was based largely on law and tradition: the study of Torah and its interpretation as formalized in the Talmud, the tradition of law, or halakah, and nonlegal matters, which form the Aggadah.The Commentary on the Mishneh, started in 1158 when Maimonides was only twenty-two years old, is a rabbinic