Use "quaternary period" in a sentence

1. The landform is a plain consisting of alluvial and diluvial deposits from the Quaternary period

2. The landform is a plain consisting of alluvial and diluvial deposits from the Quaternary period.

3. Cainozoic period a geological era that includes the QUATERNARY PERIOD and TERTIARY PERIOD, beginning some 65 million years ago and extending up to the present time.

4. Since the start of the Quaternary period about 2.6 million years ago, the eustatic sea level has fallen during each glacial period and then risen again.

5. The centre of the town, between Labbés, Genin, and Texier, is located on old alluvium from the Quaternary period.

6. If the Anthropocene is a period, then the Quaternary period, which began approximately 2.6 million years ago at a time of major glacial-interglacial fluctuation, has ended.

7. Alluvium dated from the Quaternary period cover the alluvial valleys of the Aume and Charente, the most recent being on the floodplain.

8. Quaternary ammonium compounds, trimethylsoya alkyl, chlorides

9. Albuminoids, nitrogenous, quaternary, and ternary substances

10. The Quaternary sediments are largely undeformed.

11. Cationics are usually quaternary ammomium salts.

12. Quaternary ammonium compounds, (hydrogenated tallow alkyl)trimethyl, chlorides

13. Quaternary overburden is completely developed with thick layer.

14. Quaternary System are not developed in eastern Liaonmg.

15. N-Alkyl C12-C14 dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride is a quaternary ammonium compound that demonstrates antimicrobial activity 1,5,4,6,7.In particular, a high degree of microbiocidal activity in hard water is obtained with a blend of two quaternary ammonium chlorides or bromides where the quaternary ammonium cation of each quaternary component is Alkyl dimethyl …

16. Compounds containing alkylene oxide units and quaternary ammonium groups

17. Quaternary ammonium compounds, C12-14-alkyl[(ethylphenyl)methyl]dimethyl, chlorides

18. Kazakhstania was too dry for extensive glaciation during the Quaternary.

19. Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids

20. The quaternary sector is based on knowledge and skill.

21. Process for the electrolytic production of quaternary ammonium hydroxides and alkoxides

22. The quaternary ammonium salt polymer PDA was applied on dye fixation process for pigskin suede leather on the basis of dye fixation principle of quaternary ammonium salts.

23. Tetrabutylammonium Bisulfate, a quaternary ammonium salt, is a phase-transfer reagent

24. During the Quaternary period, frost weathering of limestone played an important role in the Alpilles and resulted in the stony deposits or “grèzes”, which linger beneath the warp of recent colluvium or alluvium.

25. During the Quaternary period, frost weathering of limestone played an important role in the Alpilles and resulted in the stony deposits or “grèzes” which linger beneath the warp of recent colluvium or alluvium.

26. The city stretches out on an alluvial plain dating to the Quaternary era.

27. North of the moraine lies the greatest accumulation of Quaternary sediment in Ontario.

28. The geographical area has a typically Mediterranean climate and lies on alluvial terraces of the late Quaternary period; it has a permeable sub-soil and distinctive landscapes formed as a result of human activity.

29. The name is derived from the para positions of the quaternary nitrogens.

30. Betaine is a quaternary ammonium zwitterion, extensively present in animals, plants and microorganisms

31. The Quaternary ice ages had relatively little direct geologic influence on the Balkans.

32. metamorphites, Mesozoic igneous intrusive rocks, Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary breccias, and Quaternary alluvia.

33. cationic or ‘acidic’ emulsions based on an aliphatic amine or a quaternary ammonium ion.

34. Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids, whether or not chemically defined

35. It was found to be highly sensitive to those Algicides containing quaternary ammonium compounds

36. The coastal cities, major centers of demand, use in addition the local Quaternary sands.

37. 9 Those correspond to Quaternary , Pliocene , Upper Miocene, Lower Miocene and Eocene respectively.

38. terraces with stony impoverished soils, detrital molasse from the Pliocène period, covered or not by old alluvial deposits from the Quaternary period, modern alluvial soils which are all well-drained allowing water to flow and the texture of which limits the bacteria attacks to which these apricot trees are greatly susceptible;

39. The construction site consists of new and old alluvial (Quaternary) deposits in the study area.

40. Storage-stable organosilane quaternary compounds are provided in the form of adducts with urea (Clathrates)

41. 2923 || Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids, whether or not chemically defined ||

42. 2. cationic or ‘acidic’ emulsions based on an aliphatic amine or a quaternary ammonium ion.

43. Betaine is a zwitterionic quaternary ammonium compound that is also known as trimethylglycine, glycine Betaine, lycine, …

44. Analogous quaternary derivatives retain their Si-C-bonds in aqueous medium and form low molecular polysiloxanediols.

45. The last quaternary continental glacier created the clay, sand and gravel layer 30 - 100 m deep.

46. 21 There were mainly neritic shelf and bathyal filling sedimentation in the Pliocene and Quaternary.

47. Arthropodan and molluscan hemocyanins form high-molecular aggregates which are markedly different in size and quaternary structure

48. Maleic Anhydrides, Oleochemicals, PVC Resins (9002-86-2), Plasticizers, Quaternary Ammonium Compounds, Water Treatment Chemical Products, Waxes …

49. Arthropodan and molluscan hemocyanins form high-molecular aggregates which are markedly different in size and quaternary structure

50. Concavity's predictions of the ligand binding pockets and residues for structures from the Protein Quaternary Structure database

51. Didecyldimethylammonium chloride (mixture of alkyl-quaternary ammonium salts with alkyl chain lengths of C8, C10 and C12)

52. The present invention relates to a quaternary chrome series catalyst for ethylene trimerization to prepare 1-hexane.

53. Commonly used in antiseptic towels, a family of substances known as quaternary ammonium compounds are also considered Antiseptics

54. In the early Quaternary, medium, Populus gradually evolved into the most important building in desert riparian forest species.

55. The pentacyclic indole alkaloid Ambiguine P (3), isolated from the cultured cyanobacterium Fischerella ambigua, includes a cyclic quaternary …

56. Commonly used in Antiseptic towels, a family of substances known as quaternary ammonium compounds are also considered Antiseptics

57. The antimicrobial action of Acriflavine, a quaternary ammonium compound, on Staphylococcus aureus was studied by electron microscopic observation

58. Much of the progress achieved in studies of Quaternary environmental change has involved increasing amounts of interdisciplinary cooperation.

59. Acetylcholine Chloride is the chloride salt form of Acetylcholine, a synthetic, quaternary amino alcohol with cholinergic properties

60. The fossil record of the hoopoes is very incomplete, with the earliest fossil coming from the Quaternary.

61. Period is the amortizement period. # for the first and NPer for the last period

62. It is situated within a large quaternary valley or alluvial plain through which the Júcar and Magro rivers flow.

63. The geomorphologic characteristics are clay and sand soils, sometimes alternating, resulting from the lower Pliocene and present Quaternary periods.

64. Period.

65. Aepyornis: Aepyornis Temporal range: Quaternary World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the

66. Abstract Quaternary and bedrock geological mapping data are used to construct a composite geology for western southern Ontario.

67. Algae is controlled by washing and use of bleach, quaternary ammonium, or other disinfectants during sanitation between crops.

68. Along with most of the Pleistocene megafauna, Smilodon became extinct 10,000 years ago in the Quaternary extinction event.

69. The geomorphologic characteristics are clay and sand soils, sometimes alternating, resulting from the lower Pliocene and present Quaternary periods

70. It is situated within a large quaternary valley or alluvial plain through which the Júcar and Magro rivers flow.’.

71. The late-Quaternary Icelandic-type basaltic Bely shield volcano in the northern Sredinny Range is topped by a small stratovolcano

72. Betaine Aldehyde is a quaternary ammonium ion that is nitrogen substituted by three methyl groups and a 2-oxoethyl group


74. 27 NHPI combined with assistant catalyst such as azodiisobutyronitrile, quaternary ammonium bromide, anthraquinone, alcohol etc. can also catalyze aerobic oxidations.

75. A phyllosilicate clay that has been treated with a quaternary fatty acid amine may be used as the oleophilic rheology modifier.

76. 20 Then the period is ch... the period is changing.

77. The late-Quaternary Icelandic-type basaltic Bely shield volcano in the northern Sredinny Range is topped by a small stratovolcano

78. Amines can also form quaternary ammonium salts when the nitrogen is attached to four groups and thus become positively charged

79. The study area, which extends approximately 1036 km2, is mainly composed of quaternary alluvial deposits (clay, sandy clay, gravels, limestone).

80. Central volcanoes producing acid and intermediate lava and tephra have played a considerable role both in the Tertiary and Quaternary.