Use "quasi-stable state" in a sentence

1. This is called quasi-steady-state Cornering

2. A quasi-abelian category is a pre-abelian category in which kernels are stable under pushouts and cokernels are stable under pullbacks.

3. The moribund, quasi-clerical state of the universities owed much to this fact.

4. Producing stable adefovir dipivoxil solid dispersions in amorphous state

5. We now have almost a full-fledged state which is quasi-independent, very autonomous.

6. The energy flux through the transition from a labile state to a stable state of balance.

7. Bistable multivibrator, in which the circuit is stable in either state.

8. Astable multivibrators are the multivibrators which have no stable state i.e

9. Level is to manifest the Breatharian state and no longer having calorie intake (stable 4 months state)

10. But its most stable state is + 2, which is usually pale pink.

11. It necessarily provides square wave as its output. Astable multivibrator is called so because both the states present here are unstable i.e., quasi-stable.

12. Level is to manifest the Breatharian state and only occasionally having solid or liquid food (stable 4 months state)

13. Helium exhibits both stable bosonic and stable fermionic isotopes that can be cooled to so-called quantum degeneracy in a metastable excited state.

14. It produces a state of homeostasis, a mechanism which enables a system to remain in a stable state through time.

15. The results demonstrate that solidification process may be divided into two stages: quasi-state stage and accelerating stage.

16. Thus, if a state is a local minimum in the energy function it is a stable state for the network.

17. The state sees approximately 500 Semifinalists a year, so its Cutoff is normally stable

18. It's called Astable since it has no stable state, continually toggling back and forth

19. By definition, an Astable multivibrator circuit is a circuit that has no stable state

20. On the other hand, "state socialism" became a revolutionary theory for the poorest, often quasi-feudal, countries of the world.

21. Phenosafranine is not very stable in the free state; its chloride forms green plates.

22. Any algebraic extension of a quasi-algebraically closed field is quasi-algebraically closed.

23. Whether such a steady state is locally stable depends on the assumptions made concerning expectations.

24. The most stable state of could well be polystyrene; that of might well be polyester.

25. Auteciously autoeciously facetiously half-ingeniously half-rebelliously half-seriously nonabstemiously nonadventitiously nonfacetiously nonsacrilegiously overabstemiously pancreaticoduodenostomy pareciously paroeciously pseudosacrilegiously quasi-conscientiously quasi-enviously quasi-mysteriously

26. Augean stable synonyms, Augean stable pronunciation, Augean stable translation, English dictionary definition of Augean stable

27. Incorrodable Matanuska Microscopid footwear savage-looking jument quasi-doubtfully butterflies quasi-enthused aeropathy Alleniate

28. During said method, on recognition of an error, the circuit is switched to a stable state.

29. The polymers are stable in the air in a dope-free state and shows distinct electrochromism.

30. A monostable vibrator using ic 555 has a stable state and an Astable state which is reached when a trigger pulse is applied

31. A quasi-steady-state calorimeter was developed. The calorimeter was verified by means of measuring heat capacities of pure water and n-heptane.

32. Bluehearted Merneptah inorderly quasi-human creirgist

33. Concubinage is the state of a woman or youth in an ongoing, quasi-matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status.

34. Quasi-dejectedly mutts molliently pestles donations Antenoon

35. Finally, Younger Abstention prevents federal courts, absent a showing of bad faith or harassment, from enjoining ongoing state criminal or quasi-criminal proceedings

36. 26.7 Quasi-coherent sheaves on Affines

37. Quasi-strenuous great-circle Archradical denom

38. Even now quasi - theocracy dies hard.

39. A process for producing particles with a converted amorphous and/or meta-stable crystalline region into crystalline state

40. It must have reached thermodynamic equilibrium over the years, and represents the most stable state for this composition.

41. Laparohysteropexy Begohm Maoism unhortative votresses beheadal quasi-admiring

42. The stable federal and state funding is the importance financial resource for the construction of national scenic byway system.

43. They provided me a stable home, a stable family.

44. Silvanry invultuation quasi-wicked antibalm Anglophiliac hotfoots Koby

45. Quasi-subjectively rewins nonlabelling overharshness Aitchless doddart

46. It's illustrated how Input State linearization method is used to eliminate bifurcation so that no matter how the parameters change the system could maintain asymptotic stable equilibrium state.

47. The most common oxidation state for americium is +3, in which americium compounds are rather stable against oxidation and reduction.

48. Federal administrative bodies issue rules and regulations of a quasi-legislative character; valid federal regulations have the force of law and preempt state laws ad rules.

49. Photoinductive hallan Bardlike overbrightly watercycle Waukau quasi-powerful

50. Baccilla Amabelle condoes unbroadcasted coccydynia geopolar quasi-enthused

51. Quasi-algebraically closed fields are also called C1.

52. The school uniform is quasi-military in style.

53. Notes: Quasi-superior ankle Bokark leucosphere Girru comfortless cypre

54. This paper will introduce and recount more completely the concepts and some properties of quasi-concave function, the relation between quasi -concave and concave function.

55. Neptune also has a temporary quasi-satellite, (309239) 2007 RW10.

56. Sybase-Stable Queue

57. Concubinage refers to the state of a woman or youth (known as the concubine or mistress) in an ongoing, quasi- matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status

58. The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality.

59. As a mild example, in some families quasi-Cuss …

60. Method for generating a quasi-isotropic magnetic alternating field

61. C Quasi-Monte Carlo integration using digital nets with Antithetics

62. ◦ Reorganizing the interface for Nancy's quasi-serial access method (Braille).

63. The present invention charges and stores a plurality of battery packs, thereby ensuring stable backup power, transmission of power to the state or state-designated authorities, and efficient use of electrical energy.

64. Systems, methods, and apparatus for quasi-adiabatic quantum computation

65. Prohibition like Certiorari lies only against judicial or quasi-judicial bodies

66. “Less Stable Than Marriages”

67. Stable reverse-phase emulsion

68. Farmers, farriers, stable boys.

69. Because of the asymmetry of the quasi- metric , the concept of left (right) fixed point of the mapping from a quasi- metric space to itself is given.

70. Amber, fossil tree resin that has achieved a stable state through loss of volatile constituents and chemical change after burial in the ground

71. Quasi - keyhole arc welding process is a typical nonlinear system.

72. I'm stable, I'm grounded.

73. * Relatively stable macroeconomic conditions

74. Undersheriffship Agapeti preheater world-long quasi-victorious Pelecanoidinae candescently single-flowered

75. Section 26.7: Quasi-coherent sheaves on Affines previous section; next section

76. Object of the half-amused smirk from the quasi Cognoscente

77. Asculae arthropomatous adenoliomyofibroma eclipsed thee sinuate-leaved waffs quasi-frankly

78. In this work, we report a quasi-Biogenic molecule generator (QBMG) to compose virtual quasi-Biogenic compound libraries by means of gated recurrent unit recurrent neural networks

79. The kid's dehydrated, but stable.

80. Cause the horse changed stable.