Use "quanta" in a sentence

1. Abstractions is Reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine’s Abstractions blog.

2. Theγ-quanta falling into this angle are registered by a scintillation counter.

3. Expands the abbreviations. Abbreviations can be defined in the Settings Configure Quanta... dialog

4. Coot has some features that resemble those of Frodo, O, Quanta and XtalView's XFit

5. According to the first law of photochemistry (Grotthaus-Draper Law), photoreaction requires sufficient absorption of light quanta

6. When two quanta are absorbed the first overtone is excited, and so on to higher overtones.

7. Ordinarily, random thermal jigging of the molecules prevents sound waves from behaving Analogously to light quanta.

8. According to the first law of photochemistry (Grotthaus-Draper's Law) photoreaction requires sufficient absorption of light quanta.

9. Enimvero scias volo, neminem unquam tanta cupiditate honorem Appetisse, quanta ego cupiditate hoc ipsum munus evitare atque reiicere nixus sum

10. The threshold requires the absorption of 7000 quanta per second per square degree of the field by the scotopic pigment.

11. FREEDMAN SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 QUANTA MAGAZINE Her accomplishments are Astonishing, and we probably don’t know about most of the products she worked on.

12. It is shown that in this case the big rotating exchange quanta keep almost unaltered their “vorticity” (the vertical component of the “curl” of the absolute velocity).

13. Over the last few years, they’ve explored the use of neural networks — layers of Computations that help machines process information through a rough approximation of our brain’s neuronal activity. HOW CLOSE ARE COMPUTERS TO AUTOMATING MATHEMATICAL REASONING? STEPHEN ORNES AUGUST 27, 2020 QUANTA MAGAZINE

14. Annihilation and Creation of Particle-Antiparticle Pairs In physics, the term “annihilation” was adopted for the process in which a particle and its corresponding Antiparticle are converted into electromagnetic radiation (photons) or into other particles (quanta of a physical field of another nature).

15. Like Kurtz’s work, the UCSF paper turned heads by Ascribing memory-like properties to simple immune cells that lack the diverse antigen receptors of B and T cells. ‘TRAINED IMMUNITY’ OFFERS HOPE IN FIGHT AGAINST CORONAVIRUS ESTHER LANDHUIS SEPTEMBER 14, 2020 QUANTA MAGAZINE

16. ‘Chemical actinometry using the potassium ferrioxalate Actinometer gave an incident intensity 10 of about 2.8 X 10 + 16 quanta-s 1.’ ‘Porrino et al using an instrument designed at the NIMH called the Actinometer found that a 15 mg dose of DAS would produce a decrease in …

17. The best way to Conceptualize Wilson’s renormalization group, said Paul Fendley, a condensed matter theorist at the University of Oxford, is as a “theory of theories” connecting the microscopic with the macroscopic. HOW MATHEMATICAL ‘HOCUS-POCUS’ SAVED PARTICLE PHYSICS CHARLIE WOOD SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 QUANTA MAGAZINE

18. Inde cum perpopulato agro urbem oppugnare adortus esset, cum magna caede suorum repulsus, coniectans ex unius coloniae haud 1 prospere temptatae viribus quanta moles Romanae 3 urbis esset, in agrum Picenum avertit iter non copia solum omnis generis frugum Abundantem, sed refertum praeda, quam effuse avidi atque egentes rapiebant.

19. Verification of data using the techniques of calculating the [chi square]-criterion and contingency coefficient K allows to select the main meaning dominants, categorial units of the basis of its concept system from the set of fixed allochthons--conceptual variables presenting atypical knowledge quanta, regular Autochthons of LPD and SPD concept system--by determining the correspondences

20. Verification of data using the techniques of calculating the [chi square]-criterion and contingency coefficient K allows to select the main meaning dominants, categorial units of the basis of its concept system from the set of fixed allochthons--conceptual variables presenting atypical knowledge quanta, regular Autochthons of LPD and SPD concept system--by determining the correspondences